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Everything posted by megaericzero

  1. Of course, number tweaking would be involved. I did also recognize that Challenge used to be part of this pool, so if the changes are so substantial that it should be renamed/replaced back to that power, by all means. Definitely don't just remove the AOE component, nerfing it. I'll edit that into the OP. *shrug* Flip-flopping it is also possible, but I'm sure the same will be said about Provoke, or any power. I did say the same about Intimidate in a prior thread when someone presented Invoke Panic as the "superior" version that the other should be nixed for.
  2. Hello, everyone. Bit of a slow Saturday at work. I'll be honest: I didn't think about this idea more than a few minutes so I'm fully prepared to hear how half-baked / unworkable it is. The idea was twofold: 1) try and accommodate the people who want Presence reworked 2) integrate the use of IOs to help with the changes to Presence while also expanding the precedence of IOs giving options to slightly alter effects at the cost of a slot (eg: KB2KD) What I'm attempting to tackle: (these are not my feelings; rather, what I heard other people say in past threads about Presence) Pacify and Provoke are in direct opposition to each other, so there's never a time you'd want to take both Given the above, you have to take Intimidate to access its own AOE version (Invoke Panic) or Unrelenting The Presence pool should incorporate a confuse effect somewhere With that in mind... PRESENCE POOL CHANGES remove Pacify and Provoke turn Provoke into single-target and rework its numbers (rech, duration, etc.) add Challenge back to the pool at tier 1 shift Provoke, Intimidate and Invoke Panic up a tier each (Intimidate now no longer requires a prior power pick; Invoke Panic only requires one prior power pick) add Confuddle - a single-target confuse - at tier 4 (requiring two prior power picks; can be made partly AOE with Coercive Persuasion) For those better served with a visual aid, the power table would change to this: Challenge Intimidate Invoke Panic Confuddle Unrelenting NEW INVENTION ENHANCEMENTS Group Insult, a low-level set (10-20) whose final enhancement changes single-target taunt to AOE taunt with the tradeoff of applying a -recharge enhancement, causing the power it's slotted in to recharge slower (turns Challenge back into Provoke; can also be slotted by Scrappers to turn Confront into Provoke+) Failed Mockery, a mid-level set (25-40) whose final enhancement changes taunt into placate and is unique so only one can be slotted per build, and similar tradeoff of increasing its slotted power's recharge time (effectively turns Challenge or Confront into Pacify) Unforgivable Insolence, a high-level set (40+) whose final enhancement makes taunt/placate auto-hit and is unique so only one can be slotted per build (turns Provoke into Challenge; unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to get it to recognize the other two enhancements to make the other two PROC effects auto hit but that was originally the intent before further discussion on why that's bad anyway) (okay this one was a bad idea) Alternatively, we could change Intimidate to a single-target (brain fart) remove Intimidate and make Invoke Panic single-target with tweaked values (second brain fart) remove Invoke Panic instead of Pacify and Provoke, and add an IO that changes single-target fear to AOE. I figured tackling the taunt/placate dichotomy was less disruptive, since fear is more wide-spread which may cause horrible unexpected consequences. I haven't thought about things in-depth like how Confront recharging so quickly with the ST-to-AOE might let Scrappers accidentally step on Tankers'/Brutes' toes by rapid-stacking it. If it works out, this could be the precedence for more "sacrifice a slot for a unique/modified effect" type IOs. Anyway, that's the idea. Happy holidays, everyone.
  3. There's a breaking point (on certain resolutions?) where the game erroneously detects it no longer needs that scrollbar when it actually does. It removes it and then you have to use your enhancement tray slots as a holding area to access the last row or two of unassigned enhancements.
  4. What would be the reason/goal for the event?
  5. At least a handful of sets from the Eco-Friendly Powerset Recycling! thread have been added to the game in some capacity.
  6. Solid suggestion. By the way, there's a thread by alchemistic for power set suggestions that are theoretically easier to implement by reusing assets like this. Not that you have to post in it but it's worth checking out.
  7. Early Overwatch at that - 6v6, no role lock. Feels great after taking a year off from hero shooters in the wake of Gundam Evolution's end of service.
  8. Just for clarity: Is that an issue with the limited graphics or that it's beyond your suspension of disbelief? (Or something else?) The quoted part specifically.
  9. It's a funny punchline but not absurd. If you managed to wedge something that big into an object (or person), you've definitely done some structural damage. It/they could very well be one more stiff breeze away from crumbling; pushing it the rest of the way through is feasible.
  10. Don't forget that Blaters, Controllers/Dominators, Corruptors/Defenders, and Masterminds can all access Rise of the Phoenix through ancillary power pools. So...
  11. Couple thoughts. 1) This first one is mostly directed to Poptarts: is hitstop more exclusive to Japanese media? The majority of examples in the video linked were games originating in Japan - Street Fighter, Monster Hunter, Guilty Gear - and games that follow that media style like Skullgirls. They're also mostly fighting games. I'm used to it, personally, which is to say that I hadn't initially noticed. For people who don't consume that kind of media, it can be quite off-putting. There's always a question of how much to accommodate media tropes outside of western comic books since that's what the game is rooted in, even in the case of alternate options. 2) I know Poptarts established the suggestion is for the feel and to disregard realism but there's also looking at it as the weapon not cleaving in a single blow and the user continuing the swing to eventually cut through. Sure, that makes it weaker but trades raw power for showing the person's tenacity. Here's a couple gif examples; I don't think them being punches diminishes the point that the hits connect, visibly stop, and the user continues to apply force which could easily apply to a melee weapon swing. (There's also a good number of western videogame examples in Mortal Kombat's x-ray attacks but those are quite gory so I'll abstain from posting/linking and let those curious look them up.)
  12. TBH I haven't been reading every post in this thread diligently. I'd assume the hitstop was baked into the alternate animation, since I assume the engine isn't even capable of detecting the collision on top of the fact that it can't blend animations.
  13. As a power customization option, then, for those who want it? (As per the usual response.) -- Tangentially related, since Poptarts keeps mentioning perceived impact: I do think the power FX added later on live lack the same impact as early sets. For instance, all the later electrical and flame effects, such as Praetorian Clockwork. Electrical/Fire Blast and Melee sound way better with all the crackling, thuds, explosions, etc. Ion Judgment hits hard but it feels like a wet noodle because it's so soft.
  14. I believe - and it's just a guess - Katana, Broad Sword, etc. are meant to be assumed as making glancing blows or wedging in only partially and being yanked back out as opposed to Titan Weapons cleaving clean through. If the graphics weren't PG13, TW would be a very gory set. (I don't feel strongly about the suggestion for hitstop itself. I agree it "feels" better coming from Monster Hunter, unrealistic/wrong or not.)
  15. My two cents: I prefer having the red-white-and-blue boy scout (Superman, Captain America, Optimus Prime, All-Might, Statesman) and I think killing Statesman (and Sister Psyche) was a dumb stunt to drum-up interest from the shock factor which, sure, comics do all the time but that doesn't make it a good decision, but I wholly agree that death should mean something and the decision should be treated with finality in mind because flippant resurrections completely undermine the death and anything that stemmed from it in the first place. Like Photrius, I would prefer he didn't die in the first place but that bridge has already been crossed. Given the mentions of the dev AMA, it would be nice to have him return via Tyrant getting a redemption. It would, however, need to be a carefully planned road with him starting depowered from the Well and working his way back up from rock-bottom both in physical strength and in his character so that he deserves it by the end, and metered out in a way that he doesn't steal the spotlight from the player during or after. A very tight squeeze.
  16. On a different note: Sea Monsters (Mastermind primary) "You command a school of humanoid monstrosities from under the sea. These denizens of the deep are known to drag sailors and unwary landlubbers to their demise. These creatures are used to the frigid temperatures and crushing pressure of the deep ocean and, as such, are often resilient to cold and smashing damage." POWER TABLE Spiny Urchins (Ranged) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), -Defense Summon Fishmen (Location) Summon Henchman (Fishman ×3) Shark Attack (Ranged) Foe High Damage-over-Time (Lethal), Knockback Monstrous Growth (Ranged AOE) Henchman Equip Urchin Spray (Ranged Cone) Foe Moderate Damage (Lethal), Knockback Call Hunters (Location) Summon Henchman (Hunter ×2) Lurk (PBAOE) Henchman +Stealth, +Defense, +Special Swamp Creature (Location) Summon Henchman (Swamp Creature) Primal Evolution (Ranged AOE) Henchman Upgrade POWER DETAILS (wrapped in a spoiler tag so this post isn't gigantic) HENCHMEN DETAILS (also wrapped in a spoiler to save space)
  17. I've been meaning to level a concept build with similar effect. Martial Arts with PROCs loaded on top of the existing CC effects, cognitive interface, and control hybrid. The only thing lacking is the alcohol breath. Looking at the wiki, Scrappers' fire mastery copies the tanker/brute version, which has Fire Ball instead of Fire Breath.
  18. No problem. Let's run the tape forward a little in the context of this suggestion. It's free to make accounts, so people can just make infinite alt accounts, each locking in its "namesake." The name-release policy is now effectively null.
  19. According to the Paragon devs, Null was - for whatever reason - the only way they could code it in, along with anything else he offers. He's the MacGuyver fix to whatever the menus need to do but can't.
  20. Personally, I whole-heartedly agree with this sentiment. I'm sure it'll get hand-waived as free badge progress.
  21. The open beta forum says otherwise. There's been some harsh criticism but also genuine improvements to ideas specifically because of feedback.
  22. Unrelated but I'm gonna shout it into the void again: can we please fix power effect short-listings to distinguish protection when it's protection? (Not quoting to respond to you, Rudra; just to show the tangential relation.)
  23. I'd imagine it's on purpose, as others have touched on. Fiery Aura is fantastic at heat resistance; not so much cold. Vice-versa for Ice Armor. Invulnerability caps smashing/lethal easy but has a big psi hole. Willpower has great psionic mitigation and scaling regeneration but middling raw resist/defense numbers otherwise. And some sets have mez protection that others don't. The only catch-all for melee mez protection is disorient, hold, sleep, immobilize. It's important to keep in mind the whole armor set, as the ones that have less protections probably have higher raw numbers or some other tools that the sets with fear/KB/confuse protection don't. EDIT: If it's renewed mobs that this is coming up with, it could be the endless cat-and-mouse/arms-race of game development. One day, game devs wake up and go "hey, maybe some classes shouldn't be able to shrug off mez completely. Add more of the ones they don't always have protection to!" Then the meta shifts to incorporate fear protection and they go "okay make the knockback so high it's effectively unresistible." Then the community builds around capped defenses and the devs go "make auto-hit attacks." And we go in circles. (I don't know that that's necessarily the case here but figured it was worth bringing up.)
  24. I think you missed my point. I was saying we still have an available niche in having a defensive arsenal which could be made into a thematically-generic armor set that covers both that type of power armor as well as other, non-tech concepts. Other [power] armors could create/use fire, ice, energy, darkness, etc. or even just be durable while this hypothetical would be a swiss army knife of gadgets. To assert that we'd have to cover all conceivable gadgets is like saying we'd have to cover all conceivable uses for a given element. We would never have any power sets to begin with if that were the case. The number of uses for fire, or ice, or electricity, or darkness that aren't explored in existing sets are just as numerous.
  25. To purposely undersell it, the HEV suit is an armor-plated hazmat suit with a built-in fitbit that's allowed to administer morphine. It gets its own health bar but I don't think the games ever explain why since it doesn't appear to have an energy barrier yet it recharges its protection. (Black Mesa has a suit-up sequence that mentions barriers but that game's a fan remake so it may not be canon.) Funny enough, Half-Life 2's anniversary is in two days so the internet is abuzz with chatter about the game right now. Not to sound like a broken record but I think we could focus on the fact that power armor usually has built-in tools and contingencies (separate from their actual weapons). Mechanically, it would look like the original Stalker version of Ninjitsu - some base protections and the rest being active defenses. Thematically, of course, we'd make it more generic where it could also be used for things like an artificer with enchanted equipment, a wizard with self-protection spells, a soldier who brought the whole arsenal, etc. Basically the armor-cousin to Traps and Devices.
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