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Everything posted by megaericzero

  1. Sorry. That was more meant to re-rail the thread in general since we were circling the invulnerability and costume bullet points. -- Continuing with weapons and non-weapons: Fire/Ice/Stone Melee (and Manipulation, etc.) alternates for no-sword/mallet and all-sword/mallet.
  2. I think a better example of alternate stone armor would be the time Tony fashioned a makeshift Iron Man suit out of literal rocks and rope. Jumping back to the thread topic: my pie-in-the-sky wish is for non-weapon sets to be able to incorporate weapons and their associated animations. For example, Fire Blast but all my attacks are flaming arrows or Electrical Melee striking through a [legally-distinct medieval weapon].
  3. I'd like Energy Blast to get alternate FX options to use Force Field's bubbles or kinetic/gravity's visuals in place of the existing molecule design. Can't speak for the others but it would be nice if stone - outside of granite - to have options that look more... consciously-designed? Sculpted? More intentional than the wild asymmetry rock armor currently has, at least.
  4. Well that and they weren't story arcs or badge missions.
  5. Galaxy City always felt like more of a home to me than Atlas Park. It would be nice to have it restored as a starting zone, though that's probably more involved than we know, depending on how much of its information was removed from the game files when the zone was cleared-out.
  6. Sorry, the thread's a bit TLDR for me but have you considered factors like Arsenal's shield being passive but less potent or Dark's resisting heat/cold/energy/negative but NOT the standard smashing/lethal?
  7. Given the game's backend hijinks, would it surprise anyone if the cape was created by an auto-power? 😛 (I mean... the Freakshow disguise exists so...)
  8. Devil's advocate: * anything can be written to fit anything - it's just how much your suspension of disbelief can tolerate * The flavor text says "Your training has allowed you to become a Practiced Brawler, turning you into a perfect fighting machine." It's not just about being evasive; your character is seasoned in close combat.
  9. Okay, cool, so I did understand correctly. I asked because it's self-defeating for normal content. For instance: You wouldn't want Banes and Tarantula Mistresses to spawn in Mercy or Port Oakes; they're unfairly tough for characters with such few tools. Conversely, you wouldn't want Wolf Spiders to spawn in Grandville because they'd be too easy; we know from Nu Council that the HC devs are not keen on making mobs easier to plow through at the higher levels for the same reward. What if the lower-level mobs gave less XP at the higher levels? Well now no one wants to fight them because they're not worth the lower reward, and content involving those factions is actively avoided. Alternatively, what if we make them only spawn in their appropriate level range or made versions of them with more/less powers at certain level brackets so they're an appropriate challenge? Well now there's no reason for them to be level-less.
  10. It is certainly a set of powers...
  11. I kind of get where you're coming from but why ugly and inelegant? The animations - including the drawing - seem to be exactly the same; none of axe's animations seem to have clipping issues when swinging a sword - at least when testing with Titan Icon. Also doesn't seem all that different from Dual Pistols already having crossbow options.
  12. Am I misunderstanding your suggestion? The original post sounds like you want levelless enemies added for the suggested factions wholesale - in all zones, missions, etc involving those groups - but your supporting examples are all very specific, tailored encounters isolated from everyday content.
  13. They need to gain new powers as you rise in level so that they stay a challenge and are thus worthy of giving a reward. It's not just about doing even-level damage. That's why the Council got buffed; it wasn't because they were conning grey to the teams running radios in PI. As far as I'm aware (insert SCR here), the game can't spawn an entity and say "only use certain powers at this level range." It has to list each power spread as its own version. AE shows each bracket of Nullifier gets its own entry. (There's two of each because it also has separate listings for male and female models too.)
  14. I think a lunge attack fits more thematically with Katana than Broad Sword, personally. I agree on the whole that the sets could be updated to be more different from one another, though.
  15. Demonstrably false, though? Sergeants only exist at 1-9, Chasers at 20+, and Menders at 30+. Even Nullifiers gain new powers as you rise in level, in spite of how ubiquitous they are.
  16. It's a bit moot for factions that already span from low levels to endgame like Arachnos, Longbow, and Circle because their mobs change out at level milestones anyway - mobs gain new attacks, new ones are introduced, existing ones drop down a tier or are phased out. Even if you scaled Wolf Spiders so they spawn in Grandville, for instance, you'd either be watering-down the difficulty of Arachnos spawns or you'd have to make a new, endgame-viable version of them anyway, which defeats the purpose of making them scale up.
  17. Villains would be unable to participate if you move them to PI.
  18. @Rudra: Right. The context wasn't divorced from the original suggestion, though. In fact, it's a pretty direct progression. If I had to guess - and this is a really presumptive guess - it probably shoves you towards the nearest NPC pathing node.
  19. So? Nerio's request is trying to address a concrete bug. That shouldn't require a player to adjust their build. I do agree with others that the proposed solution has too much room for explotation, though, so best to use the existing solutions (including your suggestion to take Teleport Target).
  20. Slight semantic rebuttal: people can most certainly feel cheated for that. Whether they actually were is different, and I agree that they won't have been. My point is that people will feel slighted about changing the powers in Utility Belt, which have been listed on ParagonWiki for 12 years and two siblings of whose were added to Homecoming without their powers being changed, as opposed to making a new pool for your suggested powers. There's no shortage of recurring suggestions for side arm, nonlethal armament, and improvised weapon pools.
  21. You would need to, yes, rename Web Grenade here. Multiple archetypes can get it which, AFAIK, the game goes to lengths to make sure you can never have two of the same power by name on one build, even if their effects are virtually identical. Overall, I don't think the remaining origin pools are where you want to make large paradigm shifts because either side will have people who feel robbed - people who wanted the travel power but like natural origin or utility belt theme, and people who like a different origin but would want more utility instead of the travel power they got. Especially since this one and Gadgetry are already fleshed-out and Experimentation and Force of Will were added to HC with the powers they had listed on Paragonwiki.
  22. Physics Mastery To cover gravity, kinetics, and energy to a degree (since a lot of the masteries that pull from Energy Blast were made before Energy Aura existed to match up for the armor portions). BLASTER Crushing Field Gravity Distortion Kinetic Shield Siphon Speed Overload MASTERMIND Propel Kinetic Shield Gravity Distortion Overload Wormhole CONTROLLER Focused Burst Repulsing Torrent Kinetic Shield Energize Burst DOMINATOR Power Crash Repulsing Torrent Kinetic Shield Energize Burst DEFENDER & CORRUPTOR Gravity Distortion Repulsing Torrent Kinetic Shield Crushing Field Energy Drain SCRAPPER & STALKER Crush Gravity Distortion Lift Siphon Power Explosive Blast TANKER & BRUTE Crush Gravity Distortion Propel Siphon Power Explosive Blast
  23. Perhaps Waylay or Lariat, given SS' other attacks are named Jab, Punch, Haymaker, etc?
  24. In a world where we're all chipped with emergency teleporters that put us into miraculous healing devices that repair our bodies completely and instantaneously - mechanical, biological, or otherwise. The writing can be whatever it needs - more important is getting the mechanics down as a foundation.
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