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malonkey1 last won the day on August 6 2019

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About malonkey1

  • Birthday 01/01/1004

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  1. Yeah conceptually it's not a bad, and I like the idea of a Mastermind counterpart that's a little more actively participating in combat, with an Archetype inherent to match. It also seems that making a pet class that has Assault secondaries is a popular idea, as I had the same idea for the Synergist. Personally, though, I think it might be more interesting to do away with the traditional "pet and upgrade" paradigm that the Mastermind uses. Instead of needing to buy explicit upgrade powers to enhance your pets, it might be neat if your pets' powers grew organically as you picked primary and secondary powers, passively enhancing and modifying them based on which powers you pick. So hypothetically if you're a Wizards/Ice Squad Leader, then your Acolytes and Initiates would get more spells as you take more powers from the Wizards powerset, but they would also receive Ice-based powers as you take more Ice Assault powers.
  2. Once again I have been summoned Yeah the Synergist actually got implemented on a couple other servers, people seem to like it.
  3. If a "completionist" badge were implemented, I feel it would have to be "completed all launch content" with separate badges for "completed all content for this update" added with each content update.
  4. That would almost definitely require some code alteration, or some extremely clever manipulation of the existing power systems. The way the game's powers work, under normal circumstances powers are pre-built before you even open the client, so having any kind of dynamic power system would require a lot of chicanery with the systems as-is. I could imagine a few possible ways it could be implemented, but my understanding of the game's nuts and bolts is limited, and based upon i24 stuff that may not be true for HC/i26+.
  5. Hey, that's Homecoming's policy and that's all there really is to it in the end. If they want the Synergist, it's available to them as with every other server, but it doesn't seem that the HC dev team is interested, and that's fine.
  6. Yeah, it's available on some other servers (I don't think I'm supposed to promote them here?). If you look around, you'll find it.
  7. Well, I've been meaning to learn Rust anyway.
  8. Hey, @RubyRed do you think it would be difficult to adapt this to read Parse6 Bins? It would be really helpful for retrieving power data and the like for build planning tools on various servers.
  9. Oh, yeah, it's available on the We Have Cake server, and it's coming to Sanctuary.
  10. Actually it just directly grants the powers, much like how MM upgrades grant powers.
  11. Approximately, I'll have to double check later on specifics.
  12. It does, the name changed during development to "Synergist".
  13. I suppose I could also host it on my own personal gitlab. Here's the publicly available git for it. It's mirrored to the original, so it's going to be the same as the one available on Ourodev, but you will need to follow the instructions for "IF YOU DO NOT USE MY BRANCH". I also updated the def files so Mental Projection is more easily usable without my code alterations, but it will still take a small alteration to the power definitions. I would still recommend joining the Ourodev discord, as they have a lot of helpful people with valuable information on how everything works. EDIT: It is important to mention that this is based off the i24 data, and so if you're not running off that, you may run into compatibility issues.
  14. They have two sets: Synergist's Coordination and Shared Victory. They're both Damage sets that can be slotted into Assault or Pri/Sec Pet powers. Synergist's Coordination's sixth enhancement applies a Build Up Proc to the user (the player if slotted in an attack power, the pet(s) if slotted in a pet power) Shared Victory's sixth enhancement applies a Level Shift proc to your pets, regardless of if it's set in your assault power or pet power. Otherwise, they resemble the Mastermind ATO sets.
  15. Alright, so I know I've been basically totally absent for months, but I wanted to let you guys know that I actually have the Archetype (including ATO enhancements) working and playable. It's going to be on the Sanctuary server in a future update, but it's also publicly available for use by any server, including Homecoming on the Ourodev Gitlab, so you can find it there. Fair warning, it does require a minor server/client code alteration to fully work, so if anyone running a server wants to run it, they'll either need to incorporate that change or slightly alter the data files. The git is here: https://git.ourodev.com/mods/synergist-at In order to access it to use on your server, you will need to join the Ourodev discord and request access: https://www.ourodev.com/
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