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  1. Two aura options sounds good to me. Being able to pick one eye option and a separate body option would be huge.
  2. If I had one selfish wish for Empathy it would be to make the two RA powers into toggles. I don't know if this would solve anything or be enough or whatever but I would like it.
  3. I would love a system for creating two-letter chest emblems. Just adding a list of every single two-letter combo is possibly the simplest way but seems like it'd be clumsy to use. Maybe a system for defining the right and the left letter?
  4. It did remind me that I do have a stone/ice stalker gathering dust somewhere. Maybe it's high time I went and took Mountain Man for a spin again...
  5. This is a really "might as well" issue. Might as well bring it up, it would be more elegant and convenient for toggles to suppress rather than drop. If it's easy, might as well do it.
  6. Stone Armour already has very nice minimal effects options. Sure, the rocky shoulderpads cover some shoulder costume choices, but plenty of Fiery Aura overpowers aura options. Options are great but sometimes things get very -"I want Broadsword but not a sword" -"Battle Axe is fun" -"No, it must be Broadsword but not a sword"
  7. Obviously because resistance is also defence, if you have enough of it.
  8. Sure, it's simple to implement, but it's Stone Armour for a reason. You defend yourself by using armour made from minerals. Flavour is a big part of why sets exist as they do. Personally I prefer the minimal crystal themes for the set and like to tweak my concepts to match that.
  9. I kinda would like to see CoH April's Fools Edition where character sliders, costume options, auras and power set choices all modify your base stats. I'm not convinced it would have longevity as a game but it could get pretty funny.
  10. It's a great idea for a very different game.
  11. I don't think the FX for melee sets is "magical" so much as it's, well, comic-book effects. Have options to turn them off for stylistic reasons, by all means, but it's not actually magic.
  12. The regular ATs are supposed to be flexible and allow for a wide range of explanations as to what the powersets actually are. A fire set can be recoloured to represent any odd chemical or mystical reaction, for example. An AT is supposed to express a particular playstyle or small range of playstyles and as long as a set accomplishes that you're good. That's why having options between eyebeams or no eyebeams is just fine, some wiggle room is necessary to allow for a large range of non-playstyle concepts of how the powers even work. The EATs, by contrast, were designed with a singular explanation for what their powers are and what they fundamentally do. The idea was that if you were more specific you could create powers that simply wouldn't fit into most concepts. Shapeshifting to alien hover-squids and lobster-ogres is about as specific as it gets and therefore are some of the most unique powers in the game. Putting in wiggle-room here just waters down the vision and that's what annoys people. They want the integrity of artistic and design vision to be preserved. So if you like Kheldian stuff but don't want to do shapeshifting? Let's add Peacebringer and Warshade ancillary pools to the normal ATs that you can unlock via a trial or storyline. That'd be pretty cool.
  13. Maybe they can add a run and jump speed reduction enhancement to the game?
  14. Fire armour with very faint graphics kinda works. It burns, it burns!!
  15. Some people just have that dog in them.
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