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Everything posted by cranebump

  1. NOTE: This is a resubmitted view of the longer one I put here before. (Never post when you're pissed off). Anyway, this one's more even-handed and in the spirit of what these reviews are intended to promote. Sorry for the initial display of douche baggery. Galaxy Schmalaxy:Constellation Row (Arc ID: 65609) by @Forager This new, lowbie (L10-20) arc sends us back to Galaxy City, offering some ancillary support to whatever the heck is going on there. Officer Daniels warns us not to go underground. So, of course, we do that first. We’re told we’ll get some help from Forager, who promptly runs outside when we free him from some nasty Shivans (thanks, Forager). Too bad. We coulda used him against the mother of all ambushes that followed. Same thing happens when we rescue Blue Spectrum, who’s digging for something while telling us we should not be there (ambush follows). NOTE: Blue Spectrum has default descriptive text. Forager’s text is…well, it’s unique, let’s say. At least BS is helpful as an ally. We follow up with Mish 2, where we’re supposed to meet up with Daniels at the PPD. This is actually a clever little interlude, but ultimately could’ve been handled with text, as all you’re doing is clicking a couple glowies. The last mish has multiple objectives, ambuishes and a 15-minute timer. The arc is presented as a “challenge” arc, the challenges being baked in mainly as ambushes (early on espeically), and a very short timer (the finale). The author has presented advice on these boards about how you can avoid such some of the major challenges in M1 by beelining to the objective and skipping fights. The same is true of the finale, as well (though I don’t recall that being advertised or advised elsewhere). After dealing with a rather HUGE ambish in M1, then getting mapserved, I beelined to the end, skipping most of the other content on the 2nd run. Unfortunately, I did not beeline the finale mish, and was unable to complete the objective that spawned off the rescue due to the timer running out (so I don’t know what comes after that). Pretty sure I’d have been fine if I had gone to the objective first. But that would’ve involved skipping 3 other floors of content, to include some optional allies. I chose not to skip, and was penalized for it. I also feel the mish is penalized for it, as well, since any player running through it is going to be way too under the gun time-wise to enjoy any details the other floors present. Unless they go straight to the end, complete everything to shut off the timer, then decide to go back through anything they skipped. Doable, I suppose. But I don’t believe most players like to play that way. Extending the timer to even 30 mins would enhance this mish by allowing the player more latitude to explore. Or, you know – go to the bathroom, if need be. This mish would also work well as the first mission in the arc, since it presents a stronger framework for the entire "rescue people" premise, imho. OVERALL: Design chops are plenty good. I’d say 5/5, since everything works the way it’s supposed to (especially ambushes, including some friendlies). It’s cleanly written. Now, narratively? Hm. I had problems there. I felt confused as to why my hero was there in the first place (subsequent reviews indicate I must've missed something, but I'm not typically that oblivious, so... Even if I did miss something I also wondered why, after receiving a warning not to do certain things (“don’t go underground”), I did them anyway, without any sort of narrative reason that I could see [ex: “Screw orders! I’m saving my friends!”]). Maybe all this was implied, but, this being my 3rd edit of this review, I no longer remember. Anyhoo, we get into M2, which, while an interesting change of pace, felt like a wasted mish slot for such a short arc (I think this mish would’ve benefitted by having me talk to NPCs to get those clues, putting a face on the situation -- that said the PPD map has very few usable objectives). And then you have the very short timer in M3, which means I didn't finish the misssion as intended. And since I’m much more of a “story over design” AE player, and since I ended up failing due to said design element, it colored my overall experience. I felt rushed through, in some cases pounded on, and then didn't even succeed (even though I didn't lose any actual battles in M3). I know some stories have you fail and your hero learns a character lesson and such. But I failed after I saved Daniels, so it was pretty disappointing. All this said, the arc itself is plenty playable, and has some design elements that others who don't swell on the things I do might enjoy (noted below). PLAY IF: (1) You want to take on some tough (albeit optional) encounters in the L20 range; (2) if you want to beat a short timer on a fairly long map; and (3) you’re more about getting right to the action, rather than delving deeply into story and/or character details. It’s a pretty straightforward hack-n-slash. If that’s up your alley, this is a rather quick diversion into it.
  2. Well, guess I can post that review now.
  3. That was likely me. I had some issues with the "challenge" aspect" being unfair in M3 due to the timer, and the fact that, even if you beeline to Daniels, you just get another rescue objective. The timer is so short, you can't really enjoy the full 4 levels of design. Some context: I initially ran this with an eye toward putting it in my short reviews. By the time I was done, I ended up with a really long review that I decided not to post because, despite some design strengths in the arc, there's one major issue I just can't get around (and is the main reason for the low rating). It's subjective, of course, but here's the tl;dr version of that review, for what it's worth. Outside that I wouldn't bother with responding to poor reviews. We've all gotten them. Taste is subjective. Keep writing, Crane
  4. It's entirely subjective, but I'd go mainly with: an interesting story and characters, well-edited, designed and constructed with care. That said, I find myself admiring all sorts of arcs for different reasons.
  5. Trying to find time and inspiration will be my biggest goal.:-)
  6. The Bounce House (ID: 65600) L21-26 The enigmatic Agent Crimson calls upon on a "temporary asset" (you) to look into a glitzing surveillance system, pulling you into a desperate gamble involving a hand full of wild cards held close to the vest. Notes: Nothing fancy. Just a bit of espionage. Allusions/references are pretty obvious. Ran with a L29 AR/TA that's not kitted out. There are 2 potentially touch encounters, depending on how you approach them. I made one of them WAAAAAAY worse by going full auto and dragging a certain summoning boss into the fray, going from attacking the standard mob of 3, to, oh, 9 I think it was. Other than that, I'd say this is pretty easy, esp. if you're a non-squish. And maybe I found all the typos...maybe...:-) Happy New Year, Crane
  7. Vahzilok. Organized serial killers.
  8. Consideration of Knowledge [Arc ID: 65341] by @ZamuelNow This brilliantly-executed idea is a training arc for AE creators, in which you gain helpful hints and tips while you play through the arc. Zammie provides info through various means, including helpful read-throughs in the clickable enemy text. The main thing is, you experience the effects of said tips & tricks as you go. Again, brilliant. As for the deets,you can find the author's own presentation right here: Since Zam has explained this one already, there's no need for me to get into the particulars. Rather, I'll just grant a special, glimmering, holographic Seal of Approval for yet another idea I wish I'd thought of. Just a really cool way to learn about the oftentimes wonky engine of which so many have (like the author of this piece) have made such creative use (sheesh...is that even a sentence? I tried.).:-) PLAY IF: I'd play it just for the experience (even if you're a vet AE author). BUT: if you're thinking of stepping into the clay pit of mission authoring, this gem is a must. Very well done!
  9. Considering you ran the first things I ever wrote, I'm happy they were playable at all.:-) As far as criticism goes, a thick skin and the ability to use anything actionable is worthwhile. I appreciate the "squishy" perspective, as I tend to run exemplared chars on my own and others' mishes. Nice to see how things would actually work in game.
  10. Allegedly Your Death (ID: 65297) by @First of Equals (boardsig: @sponazgul) This recent (Dec 5th of this year),* well-regarded arc casts you in the role of Batm-, errrrrr, a vigilante type hero who takes on threats like Puffin, and the Confounder. Thankfully, you have your faithful butler, Alfred Pen-, um…Browith Wingstringham to help you out as you unravel a nefarious, transdimensonal plot leading to...YOUR DEATH (I'm serious here [you'll see]). Since I am, indeed, running a toon named Devil Bat, whose bio reads, in part, Orphaned when his parents were slain in a senseless robbery, I feel, em, uniquely suited to the task.:-) No (more) spoilers here. Just know that it’s a humdinger of an arc that plays on the Chiroptera’s detective side while being firmly connected to our own City of Heroes (and to vigilante playboys everywhere). VERY enjoyable. A shining Seal of Approval floating in the passing clouds of the night sky, hovering like a crusading spectre over the gloom below. PLAY IF: You enjoy a fast-paced, well-written, tongue-in-cheek homage to dark knights and their faithful butlers (also play for a really great [and playful] poke at AE itself). Oh, and you should also play just to hear Manticore being called a chode (g**damn is THAT on point).:-) Worth your time, people! Suit up! *which just happens to be mine and Walt Disney’s birthday (and we know who, among the two of us, has made greater contributions to mankind, don't we? [frantically points to self, while vigorously shaking head in an imploring manner]).:-)
  11. Whoever runs Saturday Night Synapse on Torch (the fact I can never remember the names surely must mean something).:-) @LordRassilon streams various CoH runs on his Twitch channel.
  12. Writing what the character thinks or says. EX: Instead of "Accept the mission," the choice is "I'll be glad to do your bidding, my master." (okay, that's an extreme example, but, you get the idea).:-)
  13. Many people say I taught them how to survive. They also say other people are incredibly dumb about slotting, and I'm very, very smart about it. They even say I invented it. I dunno, maybe it's true. I think it's true because, well... (thunder; lightning; a transformative flash) I AM THAT I AM! THOU SHALT BRING NO OTHER SLOTS BEFORE ME! ALSO (insert other stuff you're doing wrong)! THANK YOU! NOW GO FORTH IN ORTHODOXY!
  14. It has a second name, but I cannot recall. M-A-Y something.
  15. Haven’t done what the OP mentioned, but I could see myself running every variation of Archery on different toons (and putting them all in the same SG-Bowhaven).
  16. I think it’s correctly pronounced, “Oh those f***ers again.”
  17. Because saying Get off mah lawn! 10 different ways doesn't require 10,000 words to get your gist (each time). We usually pick up on it by reading the thread title.
  18. I'd much rather have Statesman standing where Miss Liberty is, but I guess them's the breaks. That said, if I were to approach a way of returning him to the game, the depowered option would be the way I'd go. Make him a Longbow Coordinator or something. Maybe he's over there in the Isles, butting heads with Manticore and his Wyvern faction (and trying to redeem Recluse).
  19. I did my own particular spin on Statesman at the end of the Mobius epic, so…NOT IT!:-)
  20. I should be able to join, Z. Btw this is a GREAT idea.
  21. It puts the lotion on its skin. Nearby lotion. Not that faraway, stupid lotion.
  22. Some really good ideas there. Mish 4 does need some work (starting with making getaway vehicles optional, since that’s easy). My recent issue with fixing any of my older stories was crashing during edits (due to file size, I guess). Putting willie rescue active upon M4 entry is a good idea, though I’d have to tweak the confession and a couple other things. There IS a callback to Willies death in the capstone arc, so the downer ending is entirely intentional, and meant as motivation during the last arc of the story. Really good feedback. I am not sure when I’ll get around to employing any of it, but I’ve put a pin in it for future reference. Thanks again!
  23. I played CoL a bit a long time ago, using the swing line power. It was weird to swing around with nothing to grapnel, but I just didn’t care. If my “natural” toon can run at a speed of 60 MPH (or more), then hooking to a cloud works, too. SWIIIINNNNNNG!
  24. Still waiting for swingline.
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