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Everything posted by Likara

  1. With all the code rearrangement and new libraries, any chance such work could make better multithreading a possibility in the future? Right now, it mainly hammers two cores, which results in my CPU being a bottleneck in this game.
  2. Import/Export -> Short Forum Export, check "Export Data Chunk if creating a Datalink isn't possible" and "Only export Data Chuck"
  3. Quick heads-up; When running the program for the first time, and it wants to associate build files with the program, it will fail unless you opened Mid's with admin privileges.
  4. Currently at work, so no screenshots, but last night I made Groggg (because Grogg was taken). A hulking brute of an orc. I plan on making a series of bind files that activate Placate and cycles through quotes like "YOU DON'T SEE ME!" "WHAT YOU LOOKING AT!" "YOU DON'T SEE GROGGG!" etc ;D
  5. Can you see what the title bar says on the app(maybe screenshot it)? and maybe the build Currently an incomplete build, but here it is; | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1049;514;1028;HEX;| |78DA65925B6B135110C7CF269BC64D52D334845ADB520D044A034B8BBE0B5E1F6CA| |0D8BC9735396D0E6CF62CD90D9847BF40A5543F82223EF801BCA19FC2BBBE7BED05| |517C59E7CC19D385B390FFECFE66CE7FE68469DDBA5C7A7CEDF605664D5DF2BD28D| |A6C7951CC077D11740B6DDEE905D297DBA32C63ACA43E053F735DC4F1280FE0F471| |E9E6C6B0DF97817B43DE94B1E8446753A98BC3AD2DB72DFA1CAC03110E7D2F16326| |0C575297DF7AA2FB67B7101DF3742CEBB657C5DE35E970FA29E08A7F1BBCD7D1ECA| |418C47E7AF84A2E3A63AB4BC0EA7B947A760B006FC9EE4183DD9FB36E803250F953| |C5292615F40576D96F94AF19B8EAF6BFFCF251996C0C326504FA0BE81AC45592BC5| |0BA86F219BA56C16899DD26730911E2AB1724DD5CD6113148BF07FE6758EE5B1FA1| |D7839E4E5A47A9C447D014645CCE60ED5758E94FC52F25BC91F257FF19EC57D7DAF| |D201C5431D1D6837491D27D1F33D742C132923A9434D854805C907A8A912A922998| |69A1A911A922A90192233485EC2B4B37ADA1D35D41D25BB4AF694DC537257099BC5| |FA8F6038470E73482AE0B9406401C92BF05C24B288E4139CAA13A923F95CD3BBA04| |803C95338B5446409C973204D224D240DE8E51271912849E6EDF16230BD18CB0659| |31C8AA41CE19E4BC41D60CD23A26C9BA3D5E42A697D0991A2F5EF2BD00592B9DFD6| |9901F06D937C83F32583E91| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
  6. It's either not saving my robots/time build right, or not loading it right. Every time I reload the build, Battle Drones, Protector Bots and Assault Bot are removed from the build and the enhancements placed into their slots are removed.
  7. Same here, got the power early on, just hit 50 during a Synapse TF. Flames of Prometheus still there. Trained up to 50, same deal, I even have my Alpha slot unlocked and still have the power, but no badge.
  8. It affects it as far as power sets and what kind of travel power I think the character should have. I don't RP specific powers within those sets, but rather what the set does for me. An example is Willpower - the vast majority of my Willpower characters are treated as if they're invulnerability, due to how durable a Willpower character can be. Another example is Weave; it -can- be actual weaving, in the case of Shield or SR, or the defense from it can simply be part of a character's armor or overall fortitude/toughness. Attack sets are the same; I'm not going to skip Greater Fire Sword, or Fire Sword Circle, just because I don't envision my character forming a blade of fire. Now, would I like an alternate gfx for those powers? Of course, but I'm not gonna gimp my character for the sake of RP. That's just not fun for me.
  9. Honestly, I'd like Tank/Brute/Scrapper SR to get the choice between Practiced Brawler or Master Brawler, like Sentinels have. Master Brawler, combined with Defensive Opportunity and Rebirth, has made my fire/SR Sentinel ridiculously survivable.
  10. Working as the old team intended. The new team isn't as much of a boy's club, as I understand it, so oversexed teen-boy fantasies like the kawaii sexy anime catgirl are less of what I imagine they'd be catering to, once they have the means and the modeling staff to add/alter models and such. This. My characters tend to not even be human in any way, and as such don't have human ears. Using animal ears costume parts does not automatically mean "catgirl" or similar
  11. One thing that's always bugged me is that, in the character creator/tailor, there's no option for hiding the human ears when taking animal ears. I would love such an option, as right now I have to choose hairstyles that cover up the human ears, and would like to be able to choose other hairstyles, or no hair at all.
  12. I have one more question, in regards to the client-side crashes that occur; given that CoH is 32-bit, is it possible that the game runs into an out of memory event from hitting the 32-bit memory cap? Is the executable Large Address Aware, and if not, could the crashes be alleviated, or even eliminated, by making it so?
  13. For future content, especially Incarnate content, what are your plans? How closely will you follow the "dev bible" or whatever it's called, how much will be Incarnate trials, and how much will be Incarnate zones and story arcs? Also, do you have plans for future Incarnate powers?
  14. Old global and characters: @Lynia, Ne'kata, Sherina/Shen'Rash, Streetkit New global and characters: @Li'kara, Li'kara, Se'nala I would really like to get back in touch with her and the Justice Girls, so if anyone can let her know, I'd greatly appreciate it
  15. Not effective. Most people don't have a static IP address. I can be assigned a new IP by Verizon simply by shutting off my modem and turning it back on. Not to mention VPNs. At best, you make them switch VPN servers, at worse you make life harder for those who have legitimate reasons to use a VPN, who happen to be using the same VPN server as the harrasser.
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