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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe
Okay - this is stretching the theme a bit. But it's superheroes and it's dialogue. And it's FUN. So... Lex Luthor and Superman - From Elliot S! Maggin's Novel "Last Son of Krypton" (Obviously the classic silver-age versions of these characters - Lex is NOT a corporate tycoon - he's in his original full mad-scientist mode, and his relationship with Superman is on-again, off-again hatred/respect. Heh. )
I HAVE NO NOSE!!! AND I MUST SNEEZE!!!!! ( Sorry. I just had to. 🤣 )
The pics get better through this sequence. First couple are good. But the last pair - especially the last image - are PERFECTION in terms of the "bad-ass anime superhero" vibe. Got any images of him in "powered down" mode so we can see the eyes proper?
Can I just say right now that I am jealous that I didn't think of something like this first? I mean... DANG..!
AHA!!! Found this classic again!
As promised, the topic has a new page, and here's more of the "Faces" project. This time, let's take a look at the first 6 Male faces. Face #1 Face #2 Face #3 Face#4 Face#5 Face#6
Here's a new project of sorts - totally focussed on Krea Enhancement. But I wanted to go through all the normal faces and see what Krea does to them and share it with you all. (BTW - "Normal" excludes Robotic, Masked, Bio etc. Basically I'm talking about all the regular human faces. If it's not a human face, I'm not posting it in this series of posts. SOME bleedover might included scarred faces and "supernatural" and the like.) All the faces have the same hairstyle and precisely the same amount of zoom-in. And exactly the same angle. I have 16 female faces done so far. When I begin again, the angle might wind up being SLIGHTLY different. But I'll get it as close as I can. FACE 01 and FACE 01 ENHANCED: FACE 02 and FACE 02 ENHANCED: FACE 03 and FACE 03 ENHANCED: FACE 04 and FACE 04 ENHANCED: FACE 05 and FACE 05 ENHANCED: FACE 06 and FACE 06 ENHANCED: So as not to burn too much bandwidth on a single page at once, I'll stop there for now and post again when we roll around to the top of a new page in this topic.
Sometimes the right lighting is EVERYTHING.
At first I was just glad that a full-body shot actually came across with minimal distortion (though it did seem to break her shoulderpad). The face is good, the costume is (Mostly) excellent. But then I noticed what the AI had done with the Storm Palace in the background - the added detail up on the top half that makes it look much more like an actual flying dark CASTLE is actually very cool! Zoom in on that and you'll see what I mean!
Kara Skye is far more on point here than in the earlier attempt I made.
My Fair World Asian Undersea Kingdom Princess Umi No Hayabusa. You may have seen her some time back in the "best costumes" thread. Now letting Krea take a crack at her. For the most part I'm REALLY liking this! (Just don't focus too closely on her hands. Krea sometimes does VERY strange things with hands. I think part of it might be the "Mitten Hands" of the default COH creator giving Krea trouble) (BTW - if you're wondering about this "Fair World" reference - ever read the late great Aaron Allston's Doc Sidhe duology? Yeah - imagine she's from THERE - and is merely from a part of that world that Aaron didn't cover in great detail - the far east. ) EDIT: One more to throw in the mix:
Oh... my... god... You are so right. There NEEDS TO BE A MODEL of this! Maybe somehow translate it into various pieces that can be 3D printed separately and make the statue that way? Or is it even possible to print the entire thing in one go? Then you have to figure out how to PAINT the thing... That would be an amazing project if it could be done!
Remember my Space Pirate from earlier? Captain Azure Dupree? Well I had a version of her over in Champions Online. Krea actually brings the CO version more in-line with the COH version and gets rid of the more "cartoony" aspects of the art! (And yes - she has a cybernetic right arm. So does the COH version, though it's less obvious in the main costume. She also has one near fully cybernetic leg and the other is augmented heavily to keep up with the other and to balance her properly. She nearly died in the attack on her ship that caused her to go Pirate. She's about 40% Cyborg.)
So - back to Cyberman 8. I decided to let Krea work on a larger "portrait" style and see what happens. Which at first glance didn't seem to really DO very much - until I looked more closely at the face. I LIKE what Krea did with the face! His eyes were in fact always supposed to be colorless in the irises. It was supposed to be one of the tiny little bits of "Uncanny valley" that set C8 apart in his default form. But at the same time - this face is in some ways kinda warm, Despite the lack of color. Well done! At this point I decided to let Krea do some 'Interpretive" work out of curiosity. So I changed settings to "re-interpretative" and ramped the "resemblance back from about 40% down to 30%. Hmm... O... kay. It put color BACK in the eyes, but made his face MORE artificial looking. I don't know why the AI wants to make the EYEBROWS RED of all things. And I don't know why the background color is bleeding into the left chest area. But it's interesting. Let's ramp the resemblance down to 20% More of the same - the face is both MORE and LESS artificial looking and the eyes are glowing blue now. But WHAT THE HECK is going on with the V ornament on the helmet in the back there!? Let's try it at 10% resemblance... Okay - more weirdness with the helmet - the face is DEFINITELY a plastic mask now. And that bleed-through on the left chest is still ongoing. I do like what it's been doing with the arms being more obviously mechanical looking on all iterations including this one. Well... Let's go ALL the way - Resemblance factor... ZERO PERCENTAGE. Krea... All I can say is... WHISKEY TANGO FOXTROT??? 😱
Okay - so close-ups work. Full body... hit or miss. The SWEET SPOT seems to be zoomed in to a 3/4 shot. Now... how CONSISTANT can Krea be given a single character with multiple variations? Let's find out. Here's Sirene Sieben (Siren 7) a female android with a human "ghost" inside rather than a machine AI like Cyberman 8. Yes - there's some backstory there - but it's fairly straightforward. She's number 7 and he's number 8. (WHO IS NUMBER ONE? You are, Number Six!) Ahem... sorry. Referential nerd humor aside there. 😏 Sirene's Base costume Same costume as above, but with tactical visor in place. (And it actually rendered it PROPERLY! Nice!) Sirene herself would fully admit that the goggles and scarf are COMPLETELY accessories and affectations. Reconfigured as a Vanguard operative. This is something Sirene wears in Pocket D. Inspired by the style seen in Tron: Legacy.
I did a Krea enhancement of my Space Pirate Azure Dupree. And I FINALLY got it to acknowledge the cyber-eye! The first version (not shown here) looked like the Terminator "open wound" showing metal underneath flesh.. Ick. But This one - not bad. I'm okay with this. Still... Krea really... REALLY... Likes wrinkles. And when it gets a costume that already HAS them. Wow. I've noticed though - that Krea does MUCH better with close up portraits than full body action. With that in mind, I tried the following. And... WOW... NIce!
And here's something completely different. This is from the game Elite Dangerous. And this is Commander Logan Darklighter. This is actually based off a relatively small pic that pops up on a display when you're checking the menu for gear, ship upgrades, suit and weapon upgrades and the like. But Krea did a LOT - and the detail really does look like it came out of the Elite Dangerous game - just with ALL the graphics sliders to MAXIMUM!!
Dynamo Banshee - ready for action!
Ronin Barbatos (with a few unauthorized upgrades courtesy of the NPC Icon character generator) enhanced by Krea.
I was satisfied with this Krea enhancement of my bounty hunter character Hunter Rose - except that it doesn't seem to know what to do with eye coverings. I tried several times with various text mods to have "right cyber-eye" "Cyber-replacement right eye" and various iterations. Nope. Can't do it. Everything ELSE is great though!
Interesting what it does with the Cel Shading mods - including the outlining!
The incredible amount and style of detail the AI added to the helmet visor is quite impressive! Beautiful!
Holy... I did NOT expect Sister Argenta to wind up looking THAT GOOD!!! WOW!!! 😍