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Everything posted by Dynamo-Joe

  1. This one is kinda obscure... But then - I guess that's why it's in NERD HUMOR. 😁 The cringe... it is real...
  2. My take on an "Adeptus Sororitas" AKA "Sister of Battle" from Warhammer 40K (Original Source Art example)
  3. Wow... just... wow.
  4. So a friend posted this image on another forum. And the overall reaction was something along the lines of "GOOD LORD!! What happened here? Did you set your difficulty to APOCALYPTIC???" Poster was unsure of the origin of the image. Said they'd forgotten exactly when/where it was taken. To which our resident pun mistress and Queen of the GIFS, Healix responded: Those are just Riktis on Black Friday when the stores opened..... To which I responded: "I can just see it now..." HEADLINE: RIKTI INVASION ON BLACK FRIDAY BEATEN BACK BY FLASH MOB SHOPPERS!! "The Ships appeared over our store!" Said store manager Hopkins. He continued, "... But assistant manager Jenkins had a genius idea! He quickly got online and announced 75% off on all Gucci items while supplies lasted! The flash mob that appeared steamrolled those Rikti right out the back of the store!" When asked about the post battle cleanup and how it compared to regular Black Friday events, Hopkins said, "Eh... about the same."
  5. Subtle. Nicely subtle.
  6. HAHA!!! About as close to the original source as you're ever going to get in this game! 🤣
  7. I'm not sure why, but I immediately thought of this other character from an old 1980s Cyberpunk TV show - Max Headroom - Blank Reg! "Remember when we said there was no future? Well - this is it! Next up - more of the same!"
  8. First rule of asymmetric warfare. If you find yourself in a fair fight - then you're not doing it right.
  9. Thank you SO MUCH for re-introducing me to that film! I hadn't even THOUGHT of it in a couple of decades! It may be cheese - but if it's cheese, it's HIGHEST QUALITY cheese! *chef's kiss* And it just so happens to be FREE to view on Youtube currently! AND AND... I just thought that for a sci-fi "bad but fun" movie double-feature for a themed party night, you can't get much better than pairing Battle Beyond the Stars with FLASH GORDAN!!! I mean seriously! Same year, similar themes. The only way it could possibly have gotten any better would've been for BRIAN BLESSED to be in both films! LMAO!!!
  10. Don't know about the latter. But Xanadu has been a guilty pleasure of mine ever since it came out. And totally agreed on ELO and Olivia. Not to mention Gene Kelly and... The TUBES???? (James Burke amused bemusement) "I mean... what??"
  11. Dude. I've been a fan of Star Blazers (Space Battleship Yamato) since 1979. When people ask me "how old are you?" I tell them that I am EXACTLY as old as the Star Trek franchise and that they can do their own damn math. I'm not just a dinosaur. I'm not just JURASSIC... I'm one of THE GREAT OLD ONES. IA IA SHUB RODDENBERRYAAH!!!
  12. Also - the REST of the series was frankly execrable. But the FIRST live-action Transformers film in 2007 actually had some decent chops. And the soundtrack just KICKS. And of course - how could I mention THAT one - without mentioning the 1986 Version? Of COURSE it's a STUPID movie... But sometimes... you have to... DARE TO BE STUPID. :D
  13. Speaking of AC/DC - I know, I know... I KNOW this is objectively a TERRIBLE movie. But I swear by the almighty Wave-Motion Gun of Space Battleship Yamato that it damn well works FOR ME! BATTLESHIP - With AC/DC coming in along with the USS Missouri in the clutch!
  14. Welp! Time to find a new free image hosting platform. Imgur has decided to kill itself in a fit of political correctness and money grubbing. https://techcrunch.com/2023/04/20/imgur-will-ban-explicit-images-on-its-platform-this-month/ Imgur is now to go the way of Photobucket, Tumbler and MySpace. Bon Voyage Imgur. It was a good run while it lasted. EDIT: Oh - and they've started blocking VPN access as well. They really DO want to commit self-minecrafting! Will be looking around for another free image hosting site. I'll post here when I find a good one. (Feel free to post your own as well, by all means.)
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