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Posts posted by Herotu

  1. 3 hours ago, tidge said:



    Stop the presses! New Headline!


    CoX gamer wants specific change for narrow class of enemies without taking advantage of in-game preventive measures!

    Very droll, I'm sure.  :)


    I guess back in the olden days the players just got countered, with no choice in the matter. I think that for the most part this thinking is gone now, isn't it? PLayers have active counters and such ..



    ... actually, now I think about it... 


    ... I can sort-of-remember ... we used to scout ahead and stuff. 

    • Haha 1
  2. 2 hours ago, tidge said:

    It is possible to 'buy' (create with salvage) two different buffs from a SG Base Empowerment Station:

    • Endurance Drain Resistance
    • Increase Recovery

    How effective is Endurance Drain Resistance? I only need it to the degree that a malta sapper won't turn off my toggles. 

    OR is it resistance % CHANCE to the whole effect? That's good but not as good as I'd like. 

    So to clarify, I'd like it so that when a malta sapper zaps my tanker's endurance, it doesn't go to 0. I want it to go down to .. say... 5% - enough to stop me taking actions for fear of losing toggles. 

    At the moment it's a 2 minute job to toggle everything back on and by then all my allies have run off with no tanker. Which is, admittedly, kinda fun to watch.

  3. 25 minutes ago, seresibyl2 said:

    WoW learned this lesson (even if still not corrected) -- leveling without acquiring cool new things = not fun. If you don't have any cool new things to look forward to, people lose motivation.


    Levels are all in the type of progression game you want to build. CoH has a much larger leveling game than a lot of other games (I'd argue FF11 was the only one that was more focused on it than CoH back in the day, since leveling WAS the game 😛 and I was in the LS(guild) that spent 18 hours killing a boss in 11 😞 ). 


    That could be why I tend to abandon my characters when they hit 50.

    • Like 1
  4. 17 minutes ago, seresibyl2 said:

    No Thanks.


    I'll use Arachnos WIdow to explain.


    I have a 50 widow. I plvled her to 50 - love her, shes great. Suppper fun.


    But before I plvled one, I played one till level 28 and felt I had nothing "cool" to look forward to. No aspiration. No like 'can't wait till I get X power.' 


    NOPE. There are several other sets that I don't play because I have nothing "to look forward to" -- Ice controller for example. After you get slick/confuse fog... you got nothing. You got a weird blue block guy and that's it. Nahhh...



    So yah, firm no from me on starting with stronger powers sooner.

    I thought of this while writing the OP and the counter to it was, "What am I looking forward to? Acquiring the power or USING the power?" 

    I guess I'm coming back to the old question, "What's the point in levels?"

  5. 14 hours ago, Blastit said:

    This would make for potentially funny challenge scenarios, though.



    I would like it if this idea could be implemented on the test servers for a month just to fool around. It'd be great to sometimes have a league-style thing with weird stipulations. Spaghetti code willing, anyway.

    Quite. It's not a serious suggestion (hence it's in general discussion), it's a thought experiment.  I think it's a fun idea.


    15 hours ago, Chance Jackson said:

    In accordance with the laws of creation


    This just reminds me of The SHonen Knife...


    • Like 1
  6. No. Not regression.


    Reverse Progression. It's a bad name for what I'm suggesting but it's clickbait and I thank you for your attention.


    What if you got your best powers first, and then fill out with less powerful ones as you went along, instead of grinding away to get the best powers to eventually get an idea of whether or not you'll enjoy the class at higher level?



    • You get to know if you love the character almost straight away. No grinding. Big, impactful gameplay that draws you in and then holds on to you as you fill out your arsenal with less and less impactful, but still important and varied powers.


    Other PROs:

    • You won't play the character beyond the first few levels to know if you love it or not. Some will see this as a CON, I don't understand why.



    • The devs would have work to do on this.
    • There may be issues with the super-crap powers that you currently get at the start of the game - people would probably pick pool powers instead (which ISN'T in itself a bad thing). This may provide scope for improving those powers in some way, perhaps making them do different things.
    • Like 1
  7. In a game where an entire class is dedicated to utterly preventing enemies from doing anything harmful (we love you, controllers, but ye ... OPAF and then some), you're going to have this problem. If controllers did damage, they'd be unstoppable! Hello Dominators.


    I wonder what it'd be like without all the CC? I think I'd look at CC then decide whether defenses are too high.


    So for me the question is ... are Dominators OP or not? If not, then there's no problem.

    • Like 1
  8. On 5/10/2020 at 4:40 AM, Zombie Hustler said:

    To the best of my recollection, yes.

    Whatever happened to Matt Miller. I can't find him anywhere ... I'm going to presume he's lazing in the sunny tropics eating bananas and pineapples as they fall from convenient trees. Looking good, Billy Ray!

    • A make-your-own-origin story system. It needs to be flexible enough to incorporate abstract hokum like people popping into existence from another person's dream or being drawn into substance from a pencil sketch or whatnot. I could bang on about this idea, but I think you get it.
    • Some way to tie in your choices at character creation to the game you're playing - not just combat-mechanic-wise, but in story terms. Perhaps people you care about are part of the origin, and they are always a great weakness for baddies to exploit! Players need some emotional tie-in, despite always crying that they want to be the avenging angel of death who's family were wiped out in the origin story so now they have no weakness... convenient, that. Also... massive cliché.
    • No traditional experience/levels. Progress is great and it's important to learn your way into the powers slowly, but I hate the way modern games are Korean-style grindfests. I think that's the worst thing any game can be - why be human if you're going to act like a machine?
    • Minigames. Minigames everywhere. I'm a massive Sid Meyer fan and the key to a great game is to secretly make it a lot of smaller games under one roof!

    I will stop with those.


  9. 13 hours ago, Frostweaver said:

    ahh, fpr seedster theme I went savage melee.... I know that the clawing things are not quite right, but the attacks (and teleport attack!) feel faster than just about anything else.

    Oh ye... I remember now, the first draught of that character was a savage/electric, it was kinda fun but it got a bit boring having to wait for cooldowns to do combos. That's no fun at all imho.

  10. 3 hours ago, Frostweaver said:

    My husband is really loving his staff/elec

    I was quite enjoying this combo, too, then someone told me to go Street Justice instead and it's not as much fun imho. For context, I wanted it to be a Speedster type build so the staff whirling around fits the theme and the punching and kicking doesn't.

  11. On 4/28/2020 at 12:59 AM, MTeague said:

    You can totally do that.  From when you make the character until the first GM sees you and says "Really? Don't you know better?"

    I think that'd be an interesting character concept. A video game player's avatar "xx_VV0lv3r1n3_420-69_ROFL_xx" was hit by gamma rays while on a visit to a laboratory, because all laboratories have open days, as Peter Parker knows all too well. Now the avatar plays the player. Inside-out meta. Classy.

  12. 23 minutes ago, Redlynne said:


    Anything is possible ... with enough Time, Tools and Tech Manuals.


    What you're completely ignoring at every opportunity is whether what you're trying to do or propose is in any meaningful way PRACTICAL ... to which the answer has been a resounding, emphatic and repeated NO ... and yet you continue to cling to your belief in magical thinking while playing the victim card as flagrantly as possible.



    You're not getting a rise out of me. I still think you're a nice person.

    • Haha 2
  13. On 4/25/2020 at 10:12 AM, Lines said:

    Vectored knockback could give Gale the chance to knock-towards. If you can use your own character as a positional anchor, crowd control with Gale would be amazing.


    You mean, for example, teleport and then gale... so Storm Summoning/Martial Combat? What archetype can do that?

  14. 3 minutes ago, srmalloy said:

    They're not left and right halves; they're one half, which is mirrored on the other side. That's why asymmetrical chest and leg pieces don't work -- the costume models only have data for one side of the chest/legs; there's no place in the database to store the information for the other side of the body. It would take a character database redesign to add the 'other half' fields to do this -- and then all of the UI changes to handle it.

    THIS is how to do a great reply. Thanks a lot, @srmalloy.

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