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Sylvar Panda

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About Sylvar Panda

  • Birthday May 30

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  1. That's the update that turned Siren's Call 90degress off. I'm looking for the correction.
  2. So has anyone got the fix for Siren's Call being 90degrees off? or is it all still testing? This all seems confusing trying to just hunt down the one map that is wrong while I'm exploring.
  3. To Start with, I've got Murphy (yes, That Murphy...according to family legend) in my family tree, so my whole life is a cold streak. I've had more DnD characters die from random encounters and nat 1's than anyone I know. But... I'm actually making my luck worse by continuing to use Brawl and beginner ranged attacks. Might explain why 9 times out of 10, the first attack after popping a yellow is a miss. My natural bad luck, plus nerfing the streakbreaker by using Brawl (with just 1 Acc in the native slot) in my attack chain. I usually take Boxing, Tough, and Weave on my melee toons, but not until the 30's when I can put 4 slots in to use 2 End Red along with Acc, Dmg Res, or Def (respectively). Might have to grab Boxing earlier just to slot it with Acc and drop Brawl from my chain sooner. Thanks Fiddleback for a very useful link. In all these years I never thought to actually look up how the mechanics work. Now I can return to collecting Debt Badges knowing it's just my bad luck and not poor attack chain choices. :-D
  4. I usually don't take the buff from my tanker melee sets. Build Up was also so short that I'd only get one rotation if I was lucky, and Rage always had that drop to mitigate at the end. Instead, I just carry Red and Yellow "skittles". If they were to make a change, I like to see a more normalized buff effect. Like 30 sec duration for 20% Acc/to hit buff and 40% dmg buff, with a 3 min recharge/cool down for all AT's (including blasters etc.). But, I also realize this would remove some of the "flavor" of the different attack sets. So, somebody will be unhappy no matter what is done or not done. Me? I'm just happy as a cat in a meat-house just to be playing CoH at all.
  5. I am not criticizing a very interesting idea, but I do have 2 questions/reservations after reading this. 1) Would the AT be significantly different from dual-boxing a melee (tanker/scrapper/brute) and a defender/corruptor? 2) What about the communal impact on gameplay? (Since, right now, I can solo as a melee or defender and need to actually team up, and therefore socialize to some extent, if I want support for my usual tank, or a tank for my usual defender. In other words, would this cause the pool of available tankers and healers for grouping to shrink because they'll all be soloing as a dynamic duo? Likewise, would it effect the pool of SK's/Exemplars available for similar reasons?) I would like to see a melee + support AT, much like the Paladin of other games. Currently, I need to use pools for this effect. Usually to the detriment of my AT power choices and slotting. Which is not to different an experience since most Paladin-type classes are off-tank + off-healer specs in other MMO's. I always wanted to see a bubbler tank or martial artist with the shield generator like the Sky Raider Engineers. Your Duo AT is an interesting solution with the singular more powerful "pet".
  6. I believe you meant to say....
  7. Just wanted to pop in and say thank you. The Vidiot Maps crew have been doing a great service for the CoH/V community. With Homecoming, they (assuming Blondeshell isn't doing this solo.) continue their service. It is greatly appreciated, Thank you. Just some background on me. I'm a mostly casual player who considers himself a badge hunter. But, I'm also a "purist" in that I play games without any add-ons. Until now. I've looked at the posted Vidiot Map images for years. Flipping back and forth between windows, and reading the hints from the Wiki. Even after shutdown, I'd go look for old times sake. But, Today I've downloaded and installed Vidiot Maps and the More Maps update. I reread the direction like 20 times to make sure I did it right. All went well. Logged onto a toon in Perez Park and.. Voila! All the badges and plaques are right there. Awesome!
  8. Just wanted to say "Thank you" to SeraphimKensai, Eiko-chan, and Kheprera. I didn't know there was a slash command for inviting alts to a solo SG. I have always had variable play schedule and used to have to wait for a friend to log in to get my alts into my solo SG. /altinvite is going to save me so much time. (There is so much to re-learn and new stuff to learn too.) As for everything Homecoming related, I am grateful just to be able to play and reconnect with folks and meet new people who missed and enjoyed this game as much as I did. as far as naming rules or whatever else: Homecoming is like getting invited over to play in a friend's pool... Their pool, their rules. It was that way with servers from the original makers and we paid them and they got paychecks. Homecoming is a free and they're essentially volunteering for our benefit. So yeah, all I got is Gratitude.
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