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Posts posted by CrudeVileTerror

  1. Reminder:  It doesn't matter where you actually log off for Day Jobs.   It matters where you log back in.  Logging out in a Base will be meaningless if your last public zone location was in the middle of the ocean.

    But, yes, @Freakenstein:   You -should- get charges for both a Day Job Power and Day Job Accolade Power if they require the same location for charging.  If you aren't, then that's a bug worth reporting.

  2. I brought it up before, but it doesn't seem to get discussed much, so I'll post it again:


    How about meeting halfway?

    Clickable Base Decouration Unlocks


    They look exactly the same as existing Base Decourations, but they are unlocked along with Souvenirs and/or Badges.  When any player clicks of them, they get to read the Souvenirs with the name of the player-character who unlocked them.


    Would this satiate the grindy crowd?

    Would this be acceptable to the rest of us?

  3. Seems the optics on this are still going to be quite a pain for the Team, even after all the improvements, hmm . . . 

    Overall, from a sheer mathematic standpoint, this whole shee-bang is moving things in a positive and progressive direction for the majority of players, within the confines of removing the /enterbase command from general circulation.  (Although there might be more changes to come in that department when the exploit-related changes hit.  My nose-analogue-tentacles are twitching that there's something in the pipeline that the Devs aren't publicly addressing due to the reported exploits.)


    So, perhaps some mollifying is in order?

    Would the Devs be willing to throw some token bones to players who have a long history of having used the Pocket D VIP Teleporter?  Are there any records of how frequently specific players have made use of the Power, and a way to perhaps refund them 1,000,000 Inf (even if they had earnt it by spending the one hour in Pocket D).

    I know the Homecoming Team don't like the idea of Inf floating around, so maybe some Merits instead?  Whatever.  Something to say:  "We are doing our best.  We need to move forward.  We've done our best to meet many different people's needs, but this issue is extremely far-reaching.  Here's something for your trouble."

    • Like 1
  4. Thanks for keeping things pretty well split between Red and Blue, @GM Arcanum.

    I may not find a chance to participate in this, especially given how fast some of these images are getting posted, but it's definitely appreciated to see some attention given to Redside.  Even some Yellowside, impressively enough.

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  5. I don't believe that's the case, @honoroit.

    The Contacts and mission doors just aren't positioned with that level of care or foresight, near as I can tell.  Never really have been.

    Maybe the Homecoming Devs -want- players to cross paths in the public zones, but they would need to actively start changing the positions of Contacts and mission doors themselves to force that to begin happening.  And considering the ability to call a Contact is -still- one of the most often appreciated quality of life aspects of this game, I don't think it's a particularly wise way to go either.

    The best place to create environments where players socialize is with social spaces.  The Contact/door mission format we have currently just isn't ideal for that.

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