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Posts posted by CrudeVileTerror

  1. I haven't deep-dived on this topic yet, but seeing where things are circling at this moment on this latest page . . . 

    I sense an opportunity to pose a question for the lot of you that's been on my mind for over a decade!


    Would the development of new forms of gameplay be something you would appreciate, be indifferent to, or feel negatively toward?

    Let's say . . . the addition of City Sim gameplay, such as buying property, starting businesses (or magical cults), and hiring and managing staff (cultists)?

    Or perhaps a civilian gameplay mode?

    The sort of things which lean in to the "City" part of the title, rather than the "Hero/Villain" part.


    I mean, I'm quite certain some of you would immediately baulk at this, but overall . . . assuming it doesn't take away any development time or energy from the existing Devs and an entirely new team worked in tandem to provide it.


    Or, hell!   Any other types of varied gameplay.  Whether it be choose your own adventure stuff.  Dating sims.  Platforming.  Puzzle gameplay.

    Would you be alright with that?  Would you be happy if we expanded the fundamental types of gameplay available in City of Heroes/Villains?

    • Like 2
  2. We're no more required to get Badges than we are to play any other part of the game or required to experience any other piece of content.

    Badges are a part of the game.

    Suggesting that people disregard them or choose not to provide critical feedback when there's something fundamentally flawed in their implementation is akin to saying that people disregard level 50.  After all, no one is required to play at level 50.  People are just compelled to.


    Anything that is a part of the game is -a part of the game.-  It's all valid, and it's all subject to criticism for its flaws.

  3. With the direction that Popmenus are going, we might get the opportunity to just make our own Trays some time soon.   I really do hope the Devs prioritize that quality of life feature.  From what I see of it, it's just missing the new'ish cooldown timers, and it'll be golden!

  4. Kneel next to one and have someone nudge you in to range.


    But in any event; having to farm these Badges just feels terribly contrary to using the Badges as positive reinforcement for acceptable gameplay.  I do hope the Devs take a look at this and recontextualize Badge requirements with the modern understanding that this game doesn't need to be a time sink.

    • Like 3
  5. If the hospital / in-mission respawn point is an issue that either requires handwaving or complicated programming solutions, what about a third option?

    Grant players a temporary Awaken-strength Respawn-on-the-spot Power, with a minor Invulnerability period, and name it something like "Determination" for the duration of the time when it doesn't make sense to leave the mission to hit the hospital.

  6. The only problem with that, frustratingly, is that Christmas/Winter Holiday is also absolute hell for me with my job and family responsibilities.  With how little personal time I had during Hallowe'en, I'll have even less during Christmas.

    But . . . if someone else wants to run something?  I'll pass this stockpile of goodies over to them!  These goodies were donated and bought for the whole community (GMs and Devs included).  How they ultimately get in to their hands isn't something I'm too fussed about.

  7. Nah, @Luminara.  I tried to stay awake, but ended up passing out at my keyboard.

    I kind of knew I was going to wind up being ludicrously busy these past few days (granted, I didn't really know just -how- "ludicrously busy" that would actually be).  I really should have organized a meet-up time last weekend with the volunteers.

    All the same, there's still a stockpile of goodies, most of which is stored on Everlasting.  I'd be happy to exchange a load of it to you, so that you can distribute it to the community.  I handed a pile of stuff to @DawL last night on Torchbearer, so if there's another Shard you want to choose between Excelsior, Indomitable, and Reunion, I'll put the goodies on a mule and transfer them over.

  8. My deepest and sincerest apologies to everyone for falling apart on my organizing.  I accept full responsibility for any failures in the event, and will do what I can to repay those who lost out due to my failures.  I will refund any donated Inf to any donor who requests it, but my spouse's contributions are still on the table for handing out goodies by any other means.


    Special thanks to @Dacy for pulling things together on Everlasting.  Dacy ended up with over 200 ATOs as well, and we'll see how many she has left over by the end of tonight.


    Extra thanks to @DawL for the amazing base which sadly didn't see any visitors, and to all the other contributors who offered up their bases and free time for this.



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