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Posts posted by CrudeVileTerror

  1. I'm still plugging through the arc, @Piecemealbut I wanted to follow up regarding:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/23876-something-to-play-towards-or-un-necessary-forced-time-sink/page/6/?tab=comments#comment-290528


    First off:  Yes.  Absolutely the Legacy Devs made mistakes too, including issues with various enemies dropping dialogue which contradicts their in-game description or the lore/canon established from secondary and tertiary sources.  I don't mean to single you out in this regard.  It's just that your arcs are still in beta, so now was the time to sink our teeth in to them.

    Sorry if I'm being to harsh in my criticisms.  I don't mean to demoralize or attack.


    In the second mission briefing (I think, I need to reply it), there's a reference to a Cadaver being torn apart by a pack of other Cadavers, and then "growling in pain" or something to that effect.

    That's the example which I was referencing in the other thread.


    There's also the timeline shenanigans related to Dr. Vahzilok's arrest and incarceration.   The bit reads a bit messily to my eye, but that could just be the circumstance of the introduction code misbehaving.

    I'm not sure if that's bugged or not, but the intro dialogue (at least the last time I read it, not sure if it's been revised since then) implies the player-character was responsible for that.  Is the Contact meant to be locked behind the Positron 1 & 2 Task Force Badges?  

  2. Did my best to collect all the votes so far.

    I tried to avoid double-counting any Sets which a single user may have posted on more than once in the thread, but I may have made a mistake here or there.


    16    Assault Rifle
    15    Mercenaries
    8    Stone Armour
    7    Regeneration
    7    Kinetic Melee
    7    Sonic Blast
    6    Sonic Resonance
    5    Force Fields
    4    Ninjas
    4    Ice Armour
    4    Broadsword
    3    Peacebringer/Warshade
    3    Sentinel Archetype
    3    Mind Control
    3    Electric Blast (specifically Endurance Drain versus Recovery Debuff)
    3    Mastermind Primaries (with request for the whole Archetype to get another week under the magnifying glass)
    3    Beasts
    3    Fire Melee
    2    Bane Spider
    2    Willpower
    2    Pain Domination
    2    Archery
    2    Traps
    2    Street Justice
    2    Munitions Mastery
    1    Staff Melee
    1    Dual Pistols
    1    Battle Axe
    1    Ice Melee
    1    Empathy
    1    Ninjitsu
    1    Robotics
    1    Dark Melee
    1    Medicine Pool
    1    Force of Will Pool
    1    Martial Combat

    I honestly don't agree with some of these, but I can't argue with the top 5!

    • Thanks 3
  3. @Piecemeal:  Gonna guess it's the stuff related to the Cadavers/Abominations not being adequately demonstrated to be robots made of cybernetic replacement limbs covered in dead flesh, in the early missions of your hero arc.

    Specifically:   The Cadavers/Abominations are not undead.  They shouldn't be able to communicate or articulate feelings like pain.  That sort of thing.

    I know it's a bit of a sticking point for me, at least, but I tried to articulate that in the appropriate feedback thread(s).


    Which, by the way, to circle back from this off-topic tangent; if people want to see the work @Piecemeal is doing on the Beta server, and then provide feedback, please go here:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/23361-focused-feedback-the-graveyard-shift-hero-story-arc-level-20-29/ and here:  https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/23362-focused-feedback-the-freakish-lab-of-dr-vahzilok-villain-story-arc-level-30-39/

    (and just tangenting for a moment longer to say:  Yes!  The work you've done on visual assets so far is pretty awesome, Piecemeal.  You definitely deserve praise for that!)



    Back on topic for this thread . . . 

    There seems to be some contention over what to even DEFINE "grind" as between some folks here.

    I would like to propose the following visual metaphor for gameplay grind:


    (courtesy of @Healix)


    If something in the game makes you feel like the Lead Shocker there, then -that- is grind.

    Gameplay with long-term goals and payoff isn't (in my view, at least) the same thing as grind.

    Grind is a non-consensual and unpleasant pain.

    Gameplay is enjoyable.

    And, yes, both are completely subjective.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  4. Adamastor?

    Did someone say Adamastor?!




    Also, I'm quite embarrassed that I misspelt Adamastor's name throughout that thread.



    Granted, with the final suggestion being that Adamastor becomes host to various Banished Deities, I supposed Ada-Master  does -sort- of work.




    Back on your points, though, @SeraphimKensai; I'm not sure Caleb would need to grow in size.  Something about a nigh-intangible ghost getting bigger just seems . . . meh to me.

    Mutant Kraken, however, I can support 100%!

    Amped Up Deathsurge also sounds interesting.  Perhaps it can blue shift.

  5. For clarity's sake:  None of the City of Heroes servers currently in operation are (again, to the best of my knowledge) legitimate or (strictly speaking) legal.

    But international law, intellectual property law, and not-for-profit/charity status laws make for an interesting conflux of unprecedented territory when it comes to video games like this, and we haven't been shut down yet.


    Worst case scenario, an indisputable Cease and Desist hits Homecoming, and they have to shut down.  That would suck something fierce, but while all us players would very likely lose everything we've contributed to the servers here in terms of characters, content, and gameplay progress, it's very unlikely that any kind of legal backlash would reach us personally. 

    Additionally, the game is "out in the wild" since the leak last year, so . . . 


  6. You know, I've always kinda considered it this horrible personal irony that red is my least favourite colour, but I absolutely adore playing villain content in this game.

    And yet?   I've never really had a problem with calling it "Redside" before.

    And after a thread like this?   Well, I guess I'm just going to have to double-down on Redside, Redside, Redside.

  7. I'm surprised anyone did more development on anything Sonic-related without first adding in musical instruments as alternative Power Activation animations.

    I mean, at -least- an electric guitar.

    At LEAST at least variations of the ;airguitar emote or various drum emotes.


    (I know.   I know.   New 3D assets and animations aren't really on the docket right now.  Just . . . wishful thinking.)

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