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Everything posted by Obsinious

  1. This reflects the experience on my claws/rad scrapper exactly, I just don't see runners unless they get moved away. Meanwhile, I'm constantly chasing on my stalkers.
  2. I haven't tried it, but my suspicion is that Stone is sturdy enough to not need the extra mitigation from the KD and adding a proc to a set with awful damage will still result in awful damage.
  3. I thought brutes and tankers couldn't run Claws with stone. Was this changed?
  4. I'm not saying they're unplayable, I do have stalkers after all. I'm more saying it's an advantage that isn't worth giving up. Especially since the other tauntless armors give you so little in return. Stone looks like maybe it could be the first exception to that, but I'm still not sure it's worth it over the top armors with taunt. What I'm really saying is Energy, Bio, Shield, and Rad are better than everything else anyway. And the absence of a taunt aura has me much more likely to play stone on the other melee. Edit: I understand there's tons of people who choose power sets purely for role play or character theme. I'm speaking only from an optimization standpoint.
  5. 6 out of 14, that's almost half. It's mostly the best armors that have it as well. So from my point of view it feels less like "scrappers only have 6 armors with taunt auras" and more like "scrappers only have 6 armors worth using".
  6. 4 perf shifters definitely seems overkill. Especially in a world with infinite recovery serums.
  7. Here's a thread where Yomo made over 800 Million in 24 hours with zero startup cash on a brand new character. I hope this accentuates how easy it is to make enough influence to equip characters.
  8. Or play the convert and resell lotto. Or equip a cheap fire farmer and AFK farm on another account while you play. Or just buy stuff cheap and immediately relist it higher and wait. Patience alone will make you money.
  9. If you're using just basic IOs it's possible that EA isn't that good, I'd have no idea. No one else evaluates the game based on basic IOs. Now if that's how you enjoy playing the game that's fine, but you should realize when you're making generalized statements (about EA being awful) that the rest of the community doesn't make this same choice. Which it is, a choice I mean. There's vast amounts of information on this forum about making billions of influence with very minimal effort. Radiation is better Elec and generally more highly regarded. It's basically the resist version of EA. It's a very good armor, especially on brutes and tankers with a 90% resist cap. Being a defense set, EA is usually seen as better on scrappers and stalkers.
  10. Energy aura is probably the best all around scrapper armor.
  11. I think the set needs a heavy rework before they even bother with proliferation. EA on the other hand, yes please.
  12. I think this right here is kind of the whole point. Brutes have the potential to do significantly more damage, but in practice a lot of that potential instead sees them 5 and 6 slotting set bonuses that the tanker gets to ignore in favor of 4 procs and a hami-o. An ideal solution would be to provide the Brute some additional assistance in shoring up his toughness. That's what I was aiming to do with my 85% suggestion without over complicating it.
  13. I don't think a change like I suggested would over balance it the other way. Tankers are still going to be tougher and the amazing resist ATO goes a long way to that. Tankers are still going to keep the better AOEs and the better gauntlet. I think that's plenty of reason to still pick a Tank. I also think the addition of the new difficulties adds reason to be that tough. A lot of the problem before the tanker patch was that there wasn't much need for the added toughness.
  14. No they don't. Brutes have a 90% resist cap, the same as tankers but that isn't what I said. Brute's only receive 75% of the tanker's defense or resist value from any given power. I.E. Alpha Barrier gives a Rad/ tank 30% base S/L resist. But it only gives a /Rad Brute or Scrapper 22.5%.
  15. I think it would be easier to just bump brutes up to 85% effectiveness on all of the defense/resist values instead of having them share scrappers' 75% value. 87.5% would be fine too.
  16. If you're committed to elec/elec on a melee archtype, Tanker would be my first choice. As has already been said, Elec melee is a heavy aoe set with weaker single target. Tanker will lean into the aoe theme making your aoe's bigger and hitting more targets. As a resist set with good endurance fixing, elec armor is solid on a tank (all tank armors are pretty solid).
  17. Rad armor is well regarded for its toughness and quality of life. Sup Reflex for how far you can push it with tank scaling. Stone looks very promising all-around with the changes. Fire is well regarded for it's offensive capabilities, Bio too. Primaries I'd say Mace and Claws for good damage both ST and AOE. Rad and Shadow for increased survivability through built in heal. SS can do fun things with Rage, but I'd hesitate to call it an all-rounder due to the crash. EDIT: This is in addition to the ones we've already mentioned, Inv or shield, and energy melee.
  18. Of the three you list, Inv/NRG for sure. Dark/dark is fun but you may have some end issues when you exemp. Shield/elec is just fine, but shield is generally considered a later blooming set, and elec is kind of a mediocre secondary. Inv/NRG is a bit back loaded on its attacks but you'll still be unkillable at 18+, Inv and energy are both top 3 in their class.
  19. Obsinious

    S&L Farm Build

    Because of the existence of set bonuses and Tough, it's going to be trivial to build any armor to survive an S/L farm. This means the best SL farm build is going to be the one that contributes the most to AOE damage, and that's still Rad/Fire. Followed by the usual suspects of (insert good aoe primary)/Fire. Burn is still king. If you simply have to get away from burn, then /Bio is going to be next on the list with the same primaries you'd consider for a fire brute. After that I'd probably say /Rad, or /Shield. Shield has the charge and AAO, but Brute's don't get nearly as much out of AAO as other ATs. Rad has procced out AOE's plus the recharge. Again, same primaries.
  20. Wait, are you telling me there's a more efficient way to grant the enhancement than what I've been doing? EDIT: I Googled it and figured it out, can't believe I've been granting them manually all this time, but I'd never heard anyone mention exporting to test before.
  21. Here's mine, got it from someone else on these forums.
  22. Dead mobs don't hurt you. Roll a burn tanker, probably Fire/Ice. Check out Sovera's Brunker build thread.
  23. I had forgotten the build skipped FS and I hadn't fixed it yet. Though I'm not sure it's fair to say the bio build needs to spam all 4 of those skills to stay alive in most situations. I do get your point that EA has the flexibility to bring in more damage, though I hadn't really seen examples of people heavily proc slotting on a Katana build. EA likely fits my theme a little better, so in light of the aforementioned flexibility it does seem like the better choice. I agree that weapon mastery also offers more flexibility, but it does not fit the theme I'm going for, only Mu or Blaze will work. I had originally discounted Inv because it doesn't offer any endurance fixing, and I don't intend to take Physical Perfection in this build. I suppose that it can be fixed at 50 with Ageless, but it seems like it would be sucking wind while leveling and exemp.
  24. Hey all, I'm looking for feedback on a Kat/EnA vs a Kat/Bio scrapper. I'm expecting the /en version will be more survivable and the /bio version will do more damage. My question is how big the difference will be both ways. Also I'm curious on conventional wisdom for Critical Strikes slotting on Katana. I also have a build for both that I'm seeking feedback on, if you see any improvements please let me know. The requirements are Mystic Flight for the travel power, and either Ball Lightning or Fireball out of the Epic Pool. Here's the Kat/EnA first. This is heavily based off of a Brute build by Linea from before the RoP changes, but I kept it since i was already in sorcery and it was a decent mule. Next here's the Kat/Bio. I don't remember where I got it, but it was probably these forums. So if it looks like yours, thanks.
  25. Anything is usable, easy game. If it looks fun and it fits your theme then try it out. But no, it's not good on a scrapper. Elec melee is a set with a lot of AOE attacks, but it has a very lacking single target rotation. Stalker fixes this by bringing assassins strike into the rotation. Additionally elec armor is not especially great on a scrapper. It's a resist set and scrappers tend to prefer defense, being that their resist cap is 75%. Additionally it doesn't have a taunt aura on scrappers, and this makes a big difference IMO. If you want to play elec/shield, I'd go stalker. If you want to play elec/elec go brute or tanker, but know your single target rotation will suffer.
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