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Chronicler J

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Everything posted by Chronicler J

  1. I like to watch these people cast Ageless Core. It fills me with joy to know they need it.
  2. People like to argue this is do-able/fine. It's a joke. Play a Scrapper, save me the headache.
  3. If the game requires Healing, the content is turned up just right.
  4. One the strongest powers in the set that scales upward like no tomorrow.
  5. HM/Advanced Mode is what I would call "Moderate" or "Mild" content. After Aeon they never turned the spice back up. I still have to use the AE to get the really juicy content.
  6. Thankfully I don't have to deal with this, but I get why people are scared to take it. It's mainly funny to me.
  7. Nah. I'll Triage with it happily.
  8. Hello. Someone that has done ample "end game" content here. Not even close. What does Nature do after it uses Regrowth when Tank has pressure, and all of your buffs are out? This assuming the Tank isn't a wet paper sack (plenty of Tankers can't take an actual hit when streakbreaker/debuffs set in.) Empathy, and to a much lesser extent Pain, can cycle AP/HO without the need to waste resources. It also has stable single target Regeneration in AB, and can be stacked with RA assuming Tank is good and keeps pressure. If the Tank has any form of Regeneration Resistance (imagine taking Ageless Radial in this day and age) that will saturate the time between cycling AP/HO, and will also hard float in the event you have to Triage. This is all assuming the Nature is allowed to maintain proximity based on the situation. I can happily just fly out of range of everything and continuously provide strong ST healing to the Tank. Also, I wish more people would actually play Nature. Too many lazy Healing Aura/Soft Cap/Fighting Pool clowns pick up the set and play like trash. No CM rotation, no Fort rotation, skipping Absorb Pain, skipping Adrenaline Boost; the marks of nearly every PuG/Roleplayer Empath. Hell, I've played with some that have skipped CM, for god's sake. Nature is thankfully a lazy set that encourages you to spam Regrowth and blow your massive PBAOE load. Bonus points if you beg with "Gather for X." I'm not even saying that to be discouraging. The lazier the set, the more reliably I can assume my teammate is going to take advantage of their tools. Nice guide, but it lacks experience behind the wheel. I'd get your hours up in more difficult content, then maybe do a rewrite.
  9. Not many left.
  10. I've asked for this throughout the years. Usually results in the casual community making a mess of their Depends, even with private stats as the main idea. In all honesty, I don't need your stat readout to tell if you're dead weight. Half the time I can peek the power window and get a good laugh. Is it about time we had stats? Yes. Will this community approve it? No. We still have Beanbag.
  11. iTrials as "high level" content. My sides. But I sympathize with low competency. It's rampant.
  12. Challenge Settings, same as TFs/SFs, along with 1-4star settings.
  13. If Force Field needs a guide we're doomed.
  14. The bar is set low enough that Little Timmy can feel Super.
  15. They buffed Battle Axe but left KM to rot. Tragic.
  16. Did this months ago with only 4 people and challenge settings.
  17. Really speaks volumes to how pathetic the content is.
  18. This mentality is what allowed Sentinels to exist.
  19. Most Tankers should just play a Scrapper, because their aggro management is atrocious. We need a Tanker Aptitude Test that immediately re-rolls someone as Scrapper if they fail it.
  20. This game's level of difficulty is roughly Weenie Hut Junior. Little Timmy gets a dopamine rush when he crushes the paltry minions with his mighty Foot Stomp. Meanwhile, aggro is all over the place while Little Timmy is pretending to be a Scrapper.
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