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Chronicler J

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Everything posted by Chronicler J

  1. Most of them can't clear +0 Prog. Huge disappointment.
  2. Good work. Glad you understand how Incarnates are much stronger than set bonuses; the right setup is unstoppable.
  3. Great Astral farm. I skip trials now because of it.
  4. There is a purpose: you can jump off of the ground and avoid the proc. It helps to preserve stacks for the useful abilities.
  5. There's no denying it's an extremely weak mechanic outside of the fringe cases where you just turn off enhancements or something. It could've been more useful, I agree.
  6. This post is an advertisement for Burnout.
  7. Whoa. Brawlin. The Legend. If they do Grandmaster, they need to incorporate mechanics into the fight itself. Killing a member of the Vanguard team needs to apply a buff to the group, an ambush, granting them more abilities, etc. It doesn't have to be text-based stuff. Hero 1 is a great example of how to do it right, despite the fact that I don't like spike damage. Gaussian, for example, could teleport in HVAS EBs upon death to add stress mid-fight.
  8. Only during the Master Of run, which was the very first run we did. After that, it was whatever. Can't Touch This is annoying. Also, don't care about PuGs. I care about the challenge side of this, which you pointed out. Hopefully Devs continue to push past the Architect with this sutff. My dream is to get those challenge settings for the AE.
  9. It was similar to stuff we'd already done in the Architect. I was hoping for something snazzier that would force us to go get a full team, not half the suggested size.
  10. Did it with 4. Was pretty casual. Just had to pay attention.
  11. Wasn't as spicy as I was hoping for, but it also didn't have annoying nonsense, so that's a plus. Just waiting on challenge settings and Vicious/Malicious/Relentless for the Architect.
  12. Pretty casual, overall. Farmed the hell out of Astral merits on Relentless. Easiest 2 reward merits per AV in my life. Was hoping Bonus Boss would be harder; main disappointment besides King Midas being a meme of a fight.
  13. I'd be nice if they performed a role first. Right now, why take a Sentinel when you can have a Blaster, or a Scrapper, or a Stalker, or a Brute?
  14. I see no issue with making the functionality proper.
  15. It's a good thing I stopped letting others dictate or influence the way I play/playstyles a long time ago. To each their own.
  16. I'll take sitting in animations for a payoff over Rage Crash any day. No 10s diaper for me.
  17. Did this with a Bubbler Defender back on live ages ago. Super useful toon, honestly, but the stigma against not using personal attacks was always odd (drove me away from playing him, too.) Back then having to re-shield individual targets was almost a full time job on large teams if you accounted for any other support powers taking up animation budget.
  18. I mean that's the thread right there. /jranger
  19. Just waiting for farmers to switch over to Tanks. RIP Brutes. I guess someone really wanted Tanks to be the new farming meta.
  20. Please see Biosphere's post where he explicitly shows the inconsistency in design choice for certain abilities. Certain sets are being favored over others based on benchmarks that aren't visible to us. it would be nice to actually see these benchmarks, how they were performed, and what the philosophy is behind each benchmark.
  21. It's 90. Even in a Fire Farm it was barely hitting 11 or 12.
  22. Then why specifically target powers for their performance when you are sticking to a "design practice" that blankets everything, but then not really? Battle Axe Cleave can now hit 16 targets. In 10 ft radius. In a 20 degree cone. Are you kidding me? If Titan Weapons can be singled out and denied the cone treatment to Defensive Sweep and Titan Sweep, powers like Frost and Quills, which cannot realistically hit their new target caps, could also go unchanged to be consistent. "Good design practice."
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