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Posts posted by Troo

  1. On 9/5/2023 at 2:54 PM, drgantz said:

    Does anyone slot Hide?  I've never slotted Hide, but I was thinking that some sets have holes, such as EA's Psi and Toxic hole.  Since Hide protects all, I was thinking that it might be useful, even though the bonus is very small.


    Yes, especially earlier in the game.

    ..but not always, it really depends on the build.


    Often I have two Luck of the Gamblers and maybe another global. I've done just 3 globals. I have a couple Stalkers with 4 slots. Then some with just a regular Def enhancement.


    It's endurance free defense if we have the slots. If we are just shy of 45 def or 50, slotting Hide can get a build over the hump.


    It's better than slotting Brawl (but not always).

  2. So many characters and so little time.


    Some characters get too strong and become boring.

    • This happened on a Psi / Mental Blaster and an Shield / Energy Tanker

    Others just don't work out.

    • Ice / Time Corruptor made it to 50 and I just never liked Time as much as other sets.
    • A Dark / Electrical Defender Just wasn't as much fun as on a Corruptor.
    • These sit.. stripped of anything of value.
  3. On 8/11/2023 at 9:21 AM, Sou1catcher said:

    I seem to remember..




    Despite the rather misleading name, the Hidden status only means that the Stalker is poised to deliver stronger or more reliable critical hits. Hidden mode and Stealth aren't directly linked, although they often occur together. A Stalker can be Hidden even if an enemy has enough Perception to see him.

    Stalkers have two ways to become Hidden. The Hide power continually grants Hidden status, though that status suppresses for eight seconds each time the Stalker uses an attack power (except for missed Assassin's Strikes), suffers damage from an enemy (falling doesn't count), or clicks a mission object. Using the Placate power on any target also puts the Stalker in Hidden mode, no matter who he attacks, for a fixed period of ten seconds.



    Stalkers cause a great deal of additional damage through critical hits. The exact chances of a critical vary greatly with the situation and the power used. Stalker criticals do double damage except in one case which we'll get to in a moment.

    Most Stalker single-target attacks automatically critical against any target if the Stalker is Hidden. If the Stalker isn't Hidden and he's attacking a PvE enemy, his chance of critting is 10% + 3% per teammate within 30'. In PvP, most un-Hidden Stalker single-target attacks can only crit if the target is Held or Slept, and do so 20% of the time, but a few get criticals 10%-15% of the time regardless of whether the target is mezzed.

    Stalker AoE attacks work similarly, though the crit chances for Hidden AoEs and for un-Hidden PvP AoEs are half the typical single-target chances. Un-Hidden PvE AoEs use the full 10% + 3%/teammate formula without halving. Crits are checked separately for each target hit.




    • Thanks 1
  4. 10 minutes ago, Solarverse said:


    Hmmm, I really dig @Bopper's ideas on the first page of the first link. Whatever happened to Bopper, anyway? I would 100% welcome his input on this.


    They're around. Discord maybe more so.

    As long as low HP Stalkers are given consideration.. it seemed like a swell new powerset.

    • Like 1
  5. Improving but not revamping could include:

    • Recharge & Slow debuff resistance
    • Regen debuff resistance
      • recharge and regen are on theme and recharge at least will matter (regen debuff resist is overrated, there is very little -regen in the game and much of it is of a magnitude so high you'd need 99% resistance to not just be turned off) (credit Koopak for explanation)
    • Reduced Animation Time Before Effect especially in Moment of Glory
      • Shortened or removed 'animation time before effect'. (Note that's not cast time, that's just how long it takes to get the damn power to start working, you can lock me up all day in a fancy animation but if its a self heal to save my life, can it please take effect quickly? I'll do the dance after, just heal me NOW) (credit Koopak for explanation)

    I have no problem with a tweak or two.

    • Like 1
  6. Regeneration: I love the reactive nature which rewards situational awareness and experience with timing activations.


    That said:

    • Regen punishes players who prefer more passive mitigation. (it requires attention)
    • Regen punishes players that want to use long activation powers. (can't heal while in the middle of a 3.6s animation)
    • Tactics which enhance Regen survivablility are readily available for other sets. (but my not be as needed on the other sets).
    • Regen can suffer when recharge is debuffed significantly.
    • Regen can impact offensive effectiveness. (can impact tight or gapless attack chains.)(also has no +dam component)


    Regen is not for everyone. I like that.


    What could be achieved by level 25:



  7. 8 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    I am shocked they did not place some type of a priority on fixing this utterly useless set.


    image.png.73f17fadbe397d2da765a2eac3d09367.pnglol, necro thread away, there's no rule against it. There's no rule about poking fun at it either. 🙂


    Agreement on what a "fix" is verses breaking it or losing what the set is.. has been elusive.


    It is a popular set as is.

    While the why is debatable the fact remains.


    7 hours ago, Solarverse said:

    So tell me, if Regen is just so damn perfect,


    For me, it's not that it is perfect. It is that it is not same-same as many of the other sets.


    It also works fairly well.


    Folks that like Regeneration have offered simple suggestions (one or two tweaks) that could elevate it's performance or qol without diametrically destroying what is.

    This has been shouted down by numerous proposals which run the gamut of re-envisioning, revamping and recreating in a way that often tosses out the spirit of what it is.

    Too many proposals ignore the 1-49 part of the game. One could argue that Regeneration is very competitive with non-capped defense.


    @Solarverse I just wanted to chime in for other readers. You likely have seen plenty of my replies on this topic.



    • Like 1
  8. @Herotu and anyone else who worries about not having the best or most optimal "build".

    Your character is your character.

    This game was created as a journey of imperfection. (the game doesn't start at lvl 50)

    We were meant to learn and experiment. For many that is a lot of the fun and increases the replay-ability.

    Different people can have different play styles and/or different goals.


    Between the multiple builds per character and the readily available respecs, it is easy to tweak and try different things to find what works for us individually.


    There is nothing wrong with running an unslotted petless mastermind. Someone will love you.

    Vengeance takers love a reliable corpse. 🙂

  9. On 8/22/2023 at 1:09 PM, SeraphimKensai said:

    Personally I'd make them co-op zones, give the villains a means in, and then try to redesign the feel of the shard so it's like Lanaru is trying to invade the primal dimension and perhaps give them limited breeches. Also I'd make them incarnate level zones as well, and ramp up the story of the zone, while redesigning the TFs to make them narrative driven and not just time sinks.


    Some of the mini games are fun. Adding a Siren's Call style zone event to a non-pvp zone would be cool.



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