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Posts posted by Troo

  1. Logitech G502 Proteus Core Gaming Mouse Review at Tomsguide https://www.tomsguide.com/us/logitech-g502-proteus-core,review-2138.html  wired with 11 programmable buttons $40-50


    I have tried to find a decent 'silent' mouse. Most are wireless though and not idea. I like the Logitech M330 Silent Plus but would like it better if it was wired.


    Since some mentioned keypads.. if you can find one. The over sized movement keys are pretty awesome.


    Image Description



    • Thanks 1
  2. Mine:  Awful custom power color choices. It's only a matter of time before my graphics cards screams "I QUIT" or someone finds me on the floor having an epileptic seizure.


    Your theme is blood.. I get it, it's everywhere.

    I see you rainbow warrior, how can I not see you? I can't see anything else!

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  3. See something that needs 'adjustment'. Post it here.


    Changes are coming to a number of things - Some for the better some for the worse. Opinions vary. 

    • AE Farms (alphabetically first)
    • Brutes
    • Energey Melee (Again! What the hell?!) just kidding
    • Laziness
    • Procs
    • Runaway Survive-ability


    No need to argue or debate. Simply looking for topics to examine and then debate.. elsewhere. No opinion is a bad one here.

    • Thanks 1
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    • Banjo 1
  4. 10 hours ago, macskull said:

    How exactly are player-to-player transactions open to exploit?

    Gimme 50M and I'll level you up. Then walking away.

    Level me up and I'll give you 50M. Then walking away.

    Giving someone your login so they can level you up while you're doing something else. Coming back to a cleaned out account.


    If it can't be done in a trade window or the auction house it's exploitable and is done at a players own risk.

    Unwanted player behaviors unfortunately gobble up way too much of a dev/support team's time. Even it happening just once or twice is an issue and gobbles up time.

    • Thanks 1
  5. For folks new to crafting and converting: Travel sets


    How it works:

    Step 1) Buy uncommon travel recipes and craft them. (These can be easily had, are pretty inexpensive and require only cheap salvage)

    Step 2) Use two Enhancement Converters to change the crafted travel enhancement to one in the same travel category. This will change the uncommon to a rare.

    Step 3) Sell what you made OR use one enhancement converter to change that enhancement to a different category.


    Why travels sets? Because there are only 2 sets per travel category. This guarantees changing the uncommon to a rare.




    For this scenario, my preference would be to use running. Quickfoot -> Celerity. The process gives a 1 in 3 chance to convert straight to a Celerity: Stealth (currently selling for 2M +/-)


    Create new character, do the tutorial and sell the reward at the Black Market or Auction House. (That's a little extra starting capital for just a couple minutes) 

    Do a couple low level arcs, get the exploration badges for Atlas Park and that will get enough merits to trade for Enhancement Converters at the Merit Vendor. (I only do this once. Then hording merits)

    Buy some recipes, craft, convert and sell = some millions.

    Repeat while now buying converters instead of using merits. This will get someone over 10 million fairly easily with minimal risk.



    Remember, that first 10 million is about the same difficulty as the first 100 million. From there it's all up to you.


  6. @Corruption Thanks for answering.


    I think you'd be surprised how many agree that 'charging for power-leveling' is lame and similarly that broadcasting it on global channels is not okay. Reasons and justifications for those opinions vary.

    My reason is my own, which I shared. It is not intended to 'convince anyone'. It is merely presented to spark discussion and clarify the basis of my opinion. 



  7. On 1/8/2020 at 9:13 AM, First Player said:

    Oh man am I gonna have fun with these new illusion changes...



    On 1/14/2020 at 11:49 AM, The Curator said:

    Phantom Army

    • Added new customisation options for Phantom Army
      • Mirror (copy of current character costume)
      • Phantom Mirror (copy of current character costume with Phantom Army VFX)
    • Like 3
  8. On 1/11/2020 at 12:50 PM, Chronicler J said:

    Would love to see an option to turn on end of mission statistics that tracks damage dealt, damage received, healing, threat maintained, damage mitigated, etc. etc.

    Would this be burdensome on the system?

    If not, I like the idea.

    I wouldn't be a fan of comparing players.


    Looks like something may be in the works, or at least the data may be more available for a tool.

    On 1/14/2020 at 11:49 AM, The Curator said:

    Combat Log

    • Combat log output has been standardized. Many powers used to report the wrong damage type and effects in the combat log, this process has fixed that, in addition to making the combat log a lot easier to parse.
  9. Some lively discussion today and a bit of shuffling in the poll.

    My hope was to get some numbers/votes and maybe some stated an opinions. (note: participants may vote on more than one option).

    No need to try and win an argument in the comments. The votes are painting a picture:


    Love (Keep it as is) = 24 votes
    Love (Tweaks would be okay) = 19 votes
    Players should be able to toggle it as wanted/needed. = 16 votes
    Wish it was knockdown instead = 12 votes
    Hate (Tweaks would be okay) = 4 votes
    Hate (Get rid of it) = 0 votes

    • Like 1
  10. There are rules that are adhered to, folks don't actually get to do whatever they want. 


    @Corruption You could answer the direct question asked. 'Are you okay with exchanging real money for powerleveling?'

    I can answer that question. For some, it may be a bit of a Kobayashi Maru were one is easily stuck between hypocrisy and violating the code of conduct. (metaphor attempt)


    @ShardWarrior I simply thought it was what you did. Including something inflammatory in comments appears to be your shtick. By the way - the in game commerce seems just fine without charging for power-leveling.


    @DR_Mechano maybe I am the troll. I'm not familiar with WoW but appreciate your take. I have no problem with power-leveling. A middle-of-the-road opinion versus one extreme or another.  

    Charging for power-leveling in global channels.. that, I disagree with. It seems a slippery slope towards violating the code of conduct and other nefarious activities such as exploitation.

  11. On 1/12/2020 at 8:27 AM, parabola said:

    Is anyone else finding this?

    I'm the exact opposite preferring Corruptors over Defenders, Blasters, etc. Just play style, maybe.


    I agree with:

    8 hours ago, Call Me Awesome said:

    The main advantage of higher damage on a Corruptor is largely nullified by the better buff/debuff values of a Defender.


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