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Everything posted by QuiJon

  1. The thing to me is that Mind/psi feels a bit boring. That is not to say it cant work well. As someone mentioned due to the kind of glitch in AVs having that perma confuse is a great tool and well, Psi damage. But lets face it both sets have some of the most boring animations to watch. And i know for some that doesnt matter, but to me is does. I cant stand the boring assault rifle animations or the archery ones. My biggest complaint on Mind is its lack of a AOE medium control. Yes it has a sleep that spawns up quickly, but most sets have more of a disorient power that spawns up quickly for use. Even after perma, i find having to wait for that AOE hold to get recharged. And with a set like Psi that has the PBAOE shreeky power, if you use it, you are basically just walking up all the targets you just slept. If you are really looking for an AV killer, i kind of suggest either energy or earth. More siding with energy. It has higher single target damage with the melee attacks without having to have a pbaoe or something that wakes up your crowds from the sleep.
  2. So by merit farmer you mean farming TFs? Or just running Orro arcs? I personally have not been to big of a fan of throns as a secondary. Its ok, and i get if a theme is important. But i have a Plant/earth Domintor. Obviously is a perma-dom and he can solo just about anything i have put him up against in the past. I have never really pushed him against AVs and such solo in TFs, but i can mostly solo +4/8 mission content with him pretty easily.
  3. I am not looking for another PVP zone. Far as I am oncerned this game has no PVP and it is a waste of limited development time to do anything to enhance that. And i am also not looking to change what it can be used for now so far as teaming for events, co-op between factions, or even costume contests and such. I am simply stating it would maybe be nice to add in 5 or 10 contacts like the other zones have that have their own missions arcs they offer and progress through that maybe culminates into a themed Task force for the zone beyond the market crash trial that already is kind of the only thing there. And in doing so was thinking perhaps it would save some time from the development side to let it be a contest of using the AE to create those story arcs and use the best ones in the game as those contact missions.
  4. But already no one goes there. It basically is a pvp zone with no work.
  5. So just a thought here. But i notice that the devs are putting alot of effort into new power sets some players like some we dont, making changes to current powers, some changes we like and others we dont etc. But lets face it, finding some new content is a universal good for everyone. This zone has been sitting there empty since the game came back. But what if we could finish it in such a way it benefits evreyone. Like one common complaint is that playing with all the xp buffs you finish the game without playing all the stuffs. Maybe make this zone like a giant monster. You face enemies that will react to you as if they are your level. Maybe come up with one good arc that leads to the story line for a task force for the center, but maybe employ the help of the server to round out other contact arcs. Like hold a contest on AE for people to make mission content and the best ones could become the missions that the three or four contacts in the zone will feed you. This would give something for the AE to do plus make life a bit easier on the dev by letting others come up with the new content. Just a thought. It just feels like the zone is going to waste other then for costume contests.
  6. I did and see no problem with it. The first year I bought a ton. I opened them all and stored the ios. Gave me a ton to use, some I gave to friends that needed them, some I sold to people that needed them at cost. And then about a month before the next Christmas event started I sold all I had left at the 25m market rate which replaced my original investment and then bought a bunch of packs again. Then they announced no more sales. So I kept my 180 or so ios in storage now only for me and my use. I dont mind helping people when I know I can keep myself fed, but if people get whiny and ruin that ability, well now you all can just spend 25m to get on.
  7. I was on the same level 50 in both situations. I dont know how many where in the league but even if the xp was better also soloing the eb, which I have done in other times though not these ebs, it's the time difference that was the concern I am getting at. I am capable of soloing more xp per hour in an ae mission the on a tot league. And if not mistaken both league and ae were spawning 54s. Not trying to argue, iui am just saying a tot league is only faster leveling if you dont have the means to otherwise level yourself. Killing a mob of things that die easier is just better xp then 1 thing that takes longer. In the ae at level 54 I can kill 2 to 3 mobs of enemies also made to barely damage me in the time it takes to solo 1 eb on my own which I dont get to chose the powers if. The only reason I did tot leagues this year was for the prismatic salvage. So about 20 minutes a toon. Last couple years I skipped it completely cause all the toons I badge had them all. As an event these repetitive tasks do not get the population really playing like a double xp weekend used to. Both ae and the contact mission were solo, I was using a sentinel at the time but normally farm with a spines fire brute. But when I farm it is normally just my farm toon and whatever I am leveling so though xp might change slightly kill times would be the same.
  8. Sorry it took me a while to respond to this one because i wanted to see numbers to make sure. First off again for me it is not about power leveling or getting the xp fast, it is about the fun of taking part in playing a game i enjoy with alot of other people. That doesnt mean i dont power level, i do. But the TOT event as it is, is really a horrible way to do it. And the fact that you keep coming back to the rewards of it show me your missing my point. The event basically locks you into one of a few activities, doing the HH, TOT, or killing monsters. The double xp weekends allowed for people to marathon run through TFs of every type and trials etc. But just for kicks to show you its not a numbers game for me. During yesterdays last day TOT on the PI league my level 50 was getting 29k xp per EB boss kill. That same toon can go into a AE mission on a map loaded with 3-4 bosses per mob (BOSSES NOT EBs, so easier kills really) and make 38k per boss in xp. If i use one of my maps in the 'real world" i have that is suitable for farming, same toon make 78k per boss kill. So yes even at 5x the XP ToT is not an efficient means of power leveling unless you are a player that has no choice because you cant figure out how to dual box, or are just lazy and figure you will stand around and let others do the work. The double xp weekends, though sure allow people to PL and farm, also allow players that want to actually play, do even level appropriate missions and TFs to get the better rewards rather then just coasting on a mob. That mob will always be there, looking for a way to boost a lowbie toon or get those last few levels as you put it. We shouldnt not hold events that would be fun for others because people will farm. If that was the case then you are arguing against events like the halloween event since you admit it is farmable. What i am looking for is putting back in events that at least give you freedom of game play for the reward it offers. And the structured events dont allow for that. And the thing is i heard from people this year that even with the new badges were on the fence about coming back into the game for the halloween event because they had done it so many times. The new badges were just MORE ToTing. All i am saying is give the bonus or event over to something that provides variety. Someone mentioned other options, well sure. Like how about during the christmas even purple drop rates were doubled or trippled, incarnate salvage rewards were doubled from trials, every TF or Trial completed granted a winter IO. etc. I mean it doesnt have to be xp and influence. Just something that gets people playing doing more then just farming snap tooth for a few days and then after badging all their toons being done with the event.
  9. The real benefit of that system would be the influence gain more then the xp, since it's a minor bump to over all xp levels that p2w vendors allow already 24/7. But the main thing is that even with level 50s we could play content and earn vet levels and rewards faster, earn money while getting to level at double xp. Yes everything you could do is gonna be farmed in some way. But granting the benefits at the base earning level allows for the greatest variance of available activities to take part in all while earning the benefits.
  10. How about a weekend where you can naturally just do double xp and influence in everything, and if you would like the p2w bonus could kick xp up to 225 percent but knock influence down to just normal influence at all times. So essentially you can get double double in all cases or double and a quarter xp and standard influence in all instances. So the bonus is that no matter how much extra xp you choose to take, you can also make at minimum full influence up to double influence for lower xp.
  11. You would be surprised i was 34 when the game came out and was doing 16 hours days during the double xp weekend.
  12. The thing is i am not talking about just wanting to level a toon. I am talking bout having a fun weekend with lots of different activities happening because the populations on the server are generally higher. I frankly hate the idea that people come to PI and join a TOT league to let the crowd PL their new characters. To me this is the draw back of the TOT events not a feature. I can level a character to 50 on my own within a couple hours even with no event running. The XP and Influence bonus is NOT the event its the basis of why you get more people back on the servers for the weekend to play with people.
  13. And require you to do one event with a crowd if people that all share that xp across a league and in about 20 minutes you have maxed the salvage reward cause you have gotten all the badges. Then what just keep ringing doorbells the rest of the month? The double weekend's allowed for continual bonus reward no matter level, team make up, or activity. And over all were just fun.
  14. I mean yes i get it, we can have double xp anytime we want with no influence gain and that is all fine and good. But i mean over all the "anticipation" of that weekend coming up where you knew the servers would be crowded and players would make a point of getting back into the game and playing because the weekend was special. I really dont see why we cant still have some of this. I get doing more then the double xp we can already earn might seem excessive, but i feel like maybe doing a 3x XP with Double Influence weekend, or even just a normal 2x xp and influence weekend would be fun to have again. Maybe get some people back playing and earning some good xp and influence at the same time for a special occasion. And i could not think of a better time to do it then maybe with the LONG weekend we have coming up in Novemeber for the American Holiday of Thanksgiving. Have it start on Black Friday and end either Sunday at midnight or just when the servers reset on Tuesday even.
  15. Well there is no reason. Cim by it's own standards shouldnt be accessible by simple transporter technology. And by theme the midnighters club requires earning access already. And teleporters can take you to the zone their buildings are in at the base portal like every other zone.
  16. Yeah that is the route i have gone also. But Doms are such low HPs that it only takes one or two hits by a Lt or Boss in the +4 game to put you on your ass. So having that slip in control to me is just much more dangerous, much more then it is worth. And IMO the invisibility is only good for cheating through levels and skipping playable content, and i would much rather push myself to make a toon that can play through the content then take one power that allows me to take the easy way out.
  17. The thing for me is that the immb aoe prevents the knockback. If the set had one then having to sacrifice slotting in the pets would be avoided. But IMO in its current state it is quite a bit more lacking for a melee - ish approach then other sets. Both Psi and Dark kind of live around the PBAOE attacks. And i have a Fire/Dark that plays just like butter. My AOE immb is slotted up with procs, it keeps the mobs tight even when stunned and the PBAOE attack keeps the mobs at a tohit disadvantage even if they live long enough to wake up. But i just dont feel that illusion/dark would even be able to do this all that well. I really just feel that over all the invisibility is not good for anything in combat just sneaking missions really. So i feel like it is a waste of a power choice for the most part. Where as in playing the aoe immb is definately missed.
  18. I did ill/psi. Frankly I am finding illusion to be lacking without an AOE immb. I would much rather the set had lost the invisibility power and given us a aoe immb. Gonna try the anti knock back ios but frankly even just stunned large mobs are wandering all over and just making the set feel messy. Might retry with fire or some thing and just stay ranged.
  19. Is that new?(or newer) Cause the IOs used to not help the effect at all. Even when they fixed knockback with Immb powers locking mobs down against it, it seems like wormhole was the acception. It was originally described that it was a function of the power and couldnt be undone. But even if it could, it still would seem to me that the usefulness of wormhole is reduced by requiring you to use an odd ball IO in the power rather then 6 slotting it for a worthwhile bonus. See i guess that is the thing, Domintors are a low HP AT. And yes i get the idea that you can boost your regen. However my opinion is the best reduction of incoming damage is 0. And most of the other dom sets give me the ability to lock a mob down completely and really not take any damage, meaning who cares if my regen isnt boosted. For instance, with a Fire/psi i can lock down mobs with flashfire and fire cages alone perma. And this leaves you flashfire to slot up with damage procs. on top of having Hotfeet running,, and fire imps, and then just standing in the middle of the mob and spamming scream and taking some single target shots while it recharges. I mean sure, i know gravity, works. But to say it is a "crowd control" power set compared to other much better dom sets is a bit much. And the OP said he wanted a crowd controller. But to each their own, everyone has their favorite sets and i in no way hate gravity. But it is not a set i would go out and run +4/8 on or solo AVs like i have on others. I just didnt have that much fun with it after the thrill of throwing a forklift at someone wore off.
  20. If you have dont it before why do it again if you are doing "new powers we've not sued before." However, any combo can work, but frankly Gravity is the least crowd control of any set so far for dominators. And it IMO wont pair well with Psi. Gravity does that wormhole thing which can actually spread enemies around either through knockback or just missing enemies in the group you use it on. And PSIs end regen power is a PBAOE as well as it has a good Damage PBAOE both of which obviously are better the more enemies you can keep in a group. If i recall also Gravity ends up giving you two damage powers vs anything that really provides decent control. My suggestions would be to maybe do a different combo. Like if you are sold on Psi obviously fire is good one, nice control, good damage, another might be Plant, the aoe confuse should keep mobs in a pile attacking themselves and then you can unleash your pBAOE on them plus you got some carion creepers to throw into the mix also. But frankly off the top of my head i can not think of a build that i would truly be happy with using gravity considering how well i knew the other sets do.
  21. I mean ultimately i have only one character that i really badge on. So outside of eventually getting the badges for that toon i have little to no interest in the things these salvage will buy me. I ignore most of the hallow costumes as well when i get those every year i dont see how this is any different. However even on that one toon i can wait. So if i can make a good bank on them right now, i am totally putting them on the market and i will worry about getting the badges at a later point.
  22. I got into doms because it was the first toon i made when COV released. I never cared for controllers in COH because they were so reliant on having a team for those first 32 levels. So my first COH toon was a Blaster. When i looked at the choices for COV, it seemed either i had a choice of a pet intensive AT that would have little of his own powers and would be support to a team, or a blastery AT that would also be looked at by a team as support (and i dont realy ever cared to be a support toon and be johnny on the spot with heals and such) or i could do a control set with a blasterish/melee combo secondary. Well that third option spoke to me because it felt the most independent of the 3. I knew what the ranged blaster sets could do, and figured with controls that provided me some protection i never got as a blaster. My first was a Grav/nrgy dom. And that was kind of an ouch. I managed it ok, but i didnt feel that strong or that controlling. But after i made a Fire/Earth dom. And that one was great, even better when perma dom (that was my first perma) And now i have like 12 doms i think. They are by far my most used AT, probably even over my blaster now.
  23. The last few dominators i have really had fun with were doms that locked down everything and then did AOE damage. So like my Plant/earth, Plant/Psi, and the one i really liked was Fire/dark. It was so fun that by the time even if my holds slipped with dark they were so debuffed on accuracy that even against non-capped defense they really couldnt hit anything. So right now i am leaning to dark or Psi honestly. My main issue is until i play it, i am not sure how the knock about crap in the pets is going to effect my ability to maintain a control and have enemies stay within range of the PBAOEs in the sets. But i guess dont be surprised if one of those two are not my starting point but i might pivot when i play it more.
  24. But actually the three armor sets you mention actually are more susceptible to knockdown because a decent part of their mitigation is based on clicking a self heal. Something that being knocked down prevents you from doing.
  25. Yeah if it is perfectly acceptable level of protection then why are all the sets at mag 8 that have protection? Seems like if you want to patch that hole then minimum would be mag 4 and then we can easily hit an 8 with an IO if we want to.
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