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  1. Oh! My turn your character into a printable file services? Hmm. Send me PM. I’ll do one of yours for no compensation to make sure I have my workflow right.
  2. Sally is 5 inches tall and cost me $77 USD, not including shipping.
  3. Tried a 3D print of Sally from https://makeprintable.com/ Real photo of reults:
  4. I have a Mind Control / Dark Assault Dominator that's a succubus., based on the CoT version.
  5. Same. My wife started playing earlier and is fine!
  6. Do we still have a commitment from Homecoming leadership that there is still absolutely zero chance that this will be for-profit?
  7. Nice! Have any other sculpts, prints or paints to show off?
  8. My wife and I did conversions of character screengrabs into 3D prints. One of the big issues is that a detailed print isn't in full color, and a full color print doesn't have a lot of detail. We used to post them at-cost, but they were still expensive. Someone tipped off the 3D print shop and they made me take down the derivatives of copywritten work. Found some of the old 3D files yesterday.
  9. Which 3D print provider did you use? Did you paint the figure yourself?
  10. Does anyone have the robot meshes and textures (normal, emission, etc.)? I'd like to make some variants and see how they look.
  11. Here's a CoH 3D Print HowTo I put together: https://corps.ouro-comdev.com/index.php?title=3DPrint
  12. I'm curious as to what legal legitimacy would get Homecoming - is there more to it than reducing the risk of being sued or facing theft charges? There's not much of an argument that Homecoming is diverting revenue from NCSoft. Part of me wonders if it's best to just stay under the radar and occasionally placate NCSoft so they don't interfere.
  13. Large mug - 900x900
  14. Could I get a science and super huge Immortal? Results of using automatic upscaling have been... mixed. Do you have these in vector format?
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