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Posts posted by Wavicle

  1. I'm really just looking for SOME way to make Confront a desirable choice.

    I ABSOLUTELY disagree with the suggestion that it's good some powers are worthless for the sake of people making builds where they don't have to make any sacrifices. EVERY power should be desirable.

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  2. 22 minutes ago, Luminara said:



    You're asking for the addition of a status effect to a power with a base recharge time of 3s, no endurance cost and no hit check.  In order for that status effect to function in the way you describe, it would require a variable duration based on distance (possible, but it would require extra work), from 1s to 7s (presuming the target was moved at a rate of 10'/s), and the magnitude would have to be no lower than 3.1 in order to affect bosses.


    This is a legit point, for sure.

    However, I did specify it would NOT work on bosses, so the mag would be lower than that.

    I would also be happy to include an internal timer, so the Pull aspect could only be used every, say, 20 seconds. But maybe that's too finicky, I could see people feeling that way.

  3. 1 hour ago, Luminara said:

    Didn't we do this already with the "Confront should be replaced with Combat Teleport" thread?  Dig that up, find the arguments against it, apply here.

    I didn’t agree with any of those arguments there either.

  4. I have been playing a Mind Control/Electrical Affinity Controller, and I was teaming up with a friend playing his Storm Blast/Electric Armor Sentinel.

    Reliably, every time, whenever my Galvanic Sentinel was within the AoE of his Category Five, my GS would immediately fly far out of the C5.


    I can't tell if my pet is being Knocked by the C5 or if it just doesn't like sitting in it, but it is clearly a bug, as there is no reason my pet should have any interaction with his C5 at all.

    I haven't tested this with a Storm Blast/Electrical Affinity Corruptor to see if it happens with ones own pets.

  5. Ambushing a "patrol" group of mobs (both within an instanced mission and also on some world maps, such as Arachnos in the tunnels in Faultline) will often cause them to draw invisible weapons. They have to be a group that is wandering around on a route, not just an individual wandering near its spawn. Seems to apply to many different enemy groups, if not all.

  6. There are a lot of different things that can trigger "panic" AI.

    One of them is DoTs. Another is taking damage when the target cannot be hit, so if the Sentinel at the top of the aggro list was Defense based that can have an impact.

    The thing with Vulnerability is confusing...the ability is tagged Enemes Will Not Notice This Attack, but I don't know how the various effects play with AI...

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