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Everything posted by Wavicle

  1. When I flush the john, now when I flush the john... It turns the shower on! (Roto-Rooter 6-5000) Ba ba-ba-ba, baby, Better call my plumber! He'll know what to do!
  2. Pretty sure even the Melee attacks in Sonic Manipulation use screaming/shouting animations.
  3. The melee attacks in Sonic Manipulation don't do -Res. They have a Chance to Hold. The ranged attacks have -Res.
  4. Hoarfrost and Chilling Embrace should be helping with that.
  5. Dominators have barely any AoE, and Sentinels have no taunts, having armor is not something you do for the team. Damage, control, buff/debuff, and taunt are. And the numbers in the character creation screen are a loose guide, not an exacting ratings system.
  6. Dominators don't have armor. Sentinels don't do anything besides damage. Kheldians are armored and have AoE Taunts while also having ranged abilities. Why should they do as much damage as ATs with fewer options?
  7. correction: it only makes a difference if you have your difficulty at x3 or higher.
  8. Brutes were nerfed because they were too good relative to Other ATs, not just Tankers or Scrappers. They don’t really need a buff, but that Fury IO could be looked at. Maybe instead of a flat gain it could be additional Fury gained on every attack for the next 10 seconds? However, if the ultimate solution was to reduce Tanker AoE Damage while simultaneously increasing Brute Armor Base values to between Scrappers and Tankers for all attributes, not just HP, I wouldn’t complain.
  9. The radius and target increase was intended to make them better at tanking. It’s more likely they’ll keep those but reduce the damage.
  10. in actual play this is a non issue. Fury spikes so quickly you’ll barely notice a difference.
  11. Then you should try it again. Thunderstrike was recently buffed such that the set is better than it used to be.
  12. I assume procs are going to get changed a lot eventually, so I'm not really considering them at this point, to be honest.
  13. Well, check my follow up posts, I don't actually want Tanker AoEs reduced in size.
  14. I would say, keep big AoEs, nerf the AoE damage numbers, but NOT the single target attacks.
  15. Actually what I'd prefer is for Tankers to KEEP the larger AoEs, but have the actual damage reduced.
  16. I think that applies to MOST of the ATs. Tankers should probably have similar target caps to Sentinels, not Blasters. Just SLIGHTLY better than Brutes, instead VASTLY better.
  17. The "nerf" to Fury barely made any difference at all in the vast majority of cases. The logic is that if you have to nerf something you should nerf it a lot, so that you don't have to nerf it again, but maybe can buff it back up a little, later. However, that same logic SHOULD have dictated that if you're going to buff something (Tankers), you should only buff it a little, and you can buff it more later. That part of the logic got forgotten, unfortunately.
  18. Tanks are going to get their aoe damage nerfed, almost certainly. Brutes ARE tougher than Scrappers, no matter how much you poo poo the difference. That will put Brutes where they belong, tougher than Scrappers, not as tough as Tanks, more damaging than Tanks, not as damaging as Scrappers. The problem is not Brutes, the problem is Tankers.
  19. Brutes are fine, they need no buffs, though I admit that one ATO is not very good. tanks need a bit of a nerf, and they will probably get it.
  20. I’m sorry but the idea that BRUTES, the number one most popular AT in the game, with the very best combination of damage and survivability of any class, would still be balanced giving team +Dam is laughable at best. Does the concept of game balance mean nothing to you at all?
  21. It’s not inherently unfair. On a team, the controller offers the blaster safety and speed they cannot match solo. The fundamental design of the game is that some archetypes are better at soloing than others, and those that are not as good as soloing almost all offer more to a team than those that are. now there can be a legitimate debate on whether that is good design or not, but it’s definitely the case.
  22. That isn’t true at all.
  23. People who want to solo maps made for teams. It SHOULD be a slog. For EVERY AT.
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