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The General

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Everything posted by The General

  1. That would be helpful! I just don't think we should need binds for what seems simple "keep long-term buffs going" functionality.
  2. Two attacks isn't much a chain, and you wouldn't even be able to have them benefit from Hasten.
  3. I can't be the first person to suggest this, but try as I might my searching turned up nothing. Many players have Hasten on auto, but other builds benefit from having other non-toggle powers activated as soon as they become available (such as most any Dominator that has Dominate on perma). I don't know if this is hardcoded into the game, but I thought I'd ask.
  4. This topic came up when looking for builds for my own merc/FF, did you ever reach this milestone?
  5. Hilariously, much of WoW's massive popularity compared to its predecessors came from it's accessibility in that it was one of the first MMOs where teaming wasn't practically mandated to progress in the game. Soloing was completely viable all the way to level cap. WoW is a perfect example of how an MMO not only doesn't need to force people to team, but shouldn't.
  6. The good news is that seems to have happened! Veteran experience rewards have been returned to AE for Level 50's.
  7. Can you post a link to the changes they made to the update?
  8. Wait. Wait wait wait. Are you freaking telling me we could legit have an ability called "World of Cardboard"? FUND. IT.
  9. Of all the MMOs out there designed and themed around being srs bsns...this one is the least. OP is talking about having to spend an extra...20 minutes? 30? To help out a lowbie. The horror, the horror, he must have ptsd now, etc etc. If you wanna be a raging tryhard shouting at your teammates for not being good enough, go play a MOBA. This game ain't it for you, chief.
  10. If you meet nothing but jerks for 4 years straight...maybe you're the jerk.
  11. There is absolutely no need to go for set I/Os. The game is just plain not balanced around them, a simple SO build will do everything you need. Add Incarnate stuff on top of that and you're golden. Don't worry about I/O sets if it's not gonna be fun for you.
  12. It was written in 2003, my dude. What did you expect? That you could just snap several core game mechanics and balancing factors over your knee like a cheap twig and the game code would just be totally cool with it?
  13. The reason for that is likely because there's not an actual problem, at least with the game itself. It's your own skewed perception that's giving you an issue, and the developers can't fix that for you.
  14. Me? I mean, if we were to translate this to the DC universe, Phipps is the Joker and the player is one of those big beefy dudes in white face paint that does the actual grunt work. No one ever said you couldn't do anything evil on redside. You just do it at the behest of better, smarter villains. You're a flunky the vast majority of the time.
  15. In a lot of cases just their presence is the damage. People can disrupt RP pretty easily by running around in circles and abusing broadcast and emotes, so I'm looking for a way to get them gone entirely.
  16. Getting ready to start my own supergroup, but one thing I had a hard time finding was how I would boot someone from the SG base if they started being toxic after getting invited. It's not too hard to just /gkick, but what if they're on a team with someone in the base or entered via using the base code? How do you eject those people from the base without having to change a setting that could kick anyone else?
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