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Everything posted by ed_anger

  1. And anyone who thinks everyone has to consider min/max when RPing is probably an uncreative person
  2. I'm confused, does the beta server auto-maxlevel your character or something? Otherwise I don't see a difference between servers. Create a toon, run around the map, delete if you want and start over. OR don't delete, you has as much space as you could ever need.
  3. Did not know this, thanks.
  4. Sorry, I agree more with Red on this. That's the great thing about CoH, many paths are viable and the game is about more than min/maxing. Min/max culture can be incredibly toxic and often ends up forcing players into the same cookie-cutter builds. That said, knowing the comparative facts is useful, as long as that's not the only factor.
  5. There's patch notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11cLJiSYlfueJheOumRywG8Evip2Mjmu_30Y6ePaetqY/edit
  6. Thanks, there’s way too many tabs to look through.
  7. So how do you get storage for enhancements, etc? All of the base items I can place seem to be just cosmetic.
  8. you do have slots for 1000 different characters, zero reason to not try out on live
  9. Thanks for posting that. It's actually what I have as well, and it keeps asking me for mfc71.dll and msvcr71.dll.
  10. interesting, i’ll have to try moonbeam again then.
  11. Try hovering in place and looking around with a jet pack and let me know how that goes.
  12. Not only are travel powers useful, they’re some of the most fun powers in the game. Nothing makes you feel more super than flying, leaping buildings or running faster than a car.
  13. it’s just going to be painful, and gets even more painful at higher levels with larger, more broken up zones.
  14. Do you have a link to a pigg viewer that works in windows 10? The old one I’m finding wants some 2003 virtual windows install I can’t seem to get working.
  15. read: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,2659.0.html (and it’s i24 that everyone else is on, i25 for homecoming. Theres no i26)
  16. Knockback may be useful for solo toons, but it’s one of the most irritating powers in groups. If you’re trying to AOE or melee mobs and someone keeps scattering them then knockback is increasing your time to kill.
  17. People talk a lot of minmax talk around slotting, but really, in how much content does maxed sets really matter if you’re teamed and exemplared down to run missions? On any decent team I’ve been on we plow through content easily, only occasionally do we have to stop and rethink an approach to a fight.
  18. i was 27/29 when i went to get on tonight. didn’t take long.
  19. that would belong in the server specific forums, not in general discussion
  20. eh, there's plenty of em: https://www.amazon.com/s?k=bluetooth+keyboard+with+numberpad
  21. Yeah, though I like having people to play with, and other people to fix bugs and maintain servers etc.
  22. Supposedly the next ios version will have mouse support, might be a bit painful before that.
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