Nice to see all of this collected. First thing I did after I reinstalled was look this info up again, I silenced quite a few sounds in the past.
One quick fix, for the long individual sounds list I’d change “Folder” to “Category” and “Sub-folder” to “Folder” — it would be a lot less confusing.
ohai whats goin on here?
If I quote someone, in whole or in part, then it is because I want to respond to those remarks specifically..
This. I much prefer to see someone quote a specific thing which they are responding to. Much prefer it over the ones who quote someone who is quoting someone who is quoting someone.... In theory, we are reading the thread. There is no reason to quote half the thread in a post. Just highlight the main point you wish to discusss for clarity.
I'll admit to occasionally participating in a quote pyramid. Especially if it's an amusing one. But in general I can agree with you.
You can just control-click on a power to set it to loop as well, it gets a green ring when autofiring. You can only have one power running this way though, lots of people use it for Hasten, for example.
Who is the woman playing the wolf giving the tour? Her base (and many there) are a stunning example of creativity reshaping the original tools into something new and amazing.
Ok, I went and visited, which helped. It's a bunch of huge rooms with open ceilings, so not outside. With trees, rocks and grass clipped into the walls. Very cool, but I had wrongly thought you could set your base in an environment.
If I hit F3 it says room clipping enabled, but I'm still physically inside my base. If I move to outside the base it's just blank squares. I'm missing something here.
I’m sorry you are not satisfied with the new product. It is our intention to make items that make your life easier, not harder! I will pass along your feedback to our design team. I hope you’ll consider giving us another chance.
Maybe the supergroup list could show global handle as well as the toon name.
Along with that, the 150 supergroup limit should really apply to global handles, not to alts.
What's the difference in rolling with a Kin/Sonic defender vs Sonic/Kin corruptor? I assume the defender has stronger kinetics powers, while the corruptor has stronger sonic attacks, but anything else important?
There's plenty of people teaming for Task Forces, etc, as well as DfB. I've heard the non-Homecoming servers are sparsely populated, but not seeing an issue here.