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Everything posted by ed_anger

  1. Tentacles is your immobilize, both do damage and debuff. Theyre more useful when used together, I usually cast TT and then NF in a row.
  2. Whooosh.
  3. You can also mute specific sounds by replacing their files with a muted/silent ogg file, the demon screaming is the first one I muted. https://forums.homecomingservers.com/index.php/topic,3642.0.html
  4. yes to all of this.
  5. You can test this. Try not using Hasten, and see how things go. Then don’t turn on the leadership toggles, and compare. I have the same question.
  6. I had vaguely remembered how terrible the shadow shard was from 10 years ago, only took a couple hours of slogging through it to reinoculate myself again.
  7. Technically it's not overwriting files, it's simply calling new files if they exist instead of the default ones. You can do the same thing with sounds, textures, icons etc
  8. You know where most of the villains are, right? Blueside.
  9. This TF involves flying around endlessly in the shadow shard, and a bunch of kill 50 missions between the touch glowie missions. Pretty terrible overall.
  10. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Handkerchief_code
  11. It won't stiil work in 10.15 btw. So don't upgrade in the fall (unless they figure something out).
  12. being able to easily find teams > any 6 minute cooldown power
  13. 1. there should be two different channels, not one mixed channel. 2. sort of. blueside is a set of content that was connected to heroes originally, now there's no limit on who can access it. same for redside. 1/2 my characters are villain ATs, most play blueside most of the time (but can switch to redside content in seconds by talking to one npc). specific example: my brute has never been redside. my defender has done considerable redside content.
  14. You know villains =/= redside, yes? Villains are playing blueside, and heroes redside. Though, since LFG only applies to a side, those channels should be separate. Why they're not I have no idea.
  15. I think it's obvious that the unofficial RP server would also be the unofficial Pride server, duh
  16. this reddit discussion might help:
  17. I'd like to be able to change any player on the map to a different color, as it might not be the team leader who engages first (if someone else is the tank, for example).
  18. I agree with this, as it will get confusing when people discuss the difference between i24 and i25 servers if we can't even agree on a name for any of them.
  19. I don’t understand what me being a doctor for animals has anything to do with CoH
  20. you might want to say what version you are using, and where it’s from, as there’s different versions out there
  21. Incorrect. Many play blueside as villain archtypes. And considering it's extremely trivial to switch sides, if you're not finding groups redside, switch to blue, and then switch back when done.
  22. Most people are really only concerned with post-50 IO-ed builds, when they're posting those. Sure, what you do while leveling is often different. But we get a million respecs, so easy to change after you hit 50.
  23. Every 10 levels you gain an auto power, perhaps.
  24. Yeah, it would be great if we could post in a Archtypes/Power Sets section, with questions about pool powers, or comparisons between archtypes, etc.
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