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Enabling Shenanigans

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About Enabling Shenanigans

  • Birthday 02/07/1972

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  1. Came here to say all of this. I'm trying to build a replica of the Rammstein concert stage for a friend and my gods, this is a mess. I can mock up a drum set but there's nothing else I can really mock up as far as instruments go; it's just too tedious to make such small (comparatively) items. Something else that would help is to have the spotlights actually work like spotlights. The just don't put off enough light to live up to the name. I've got the large hanging shoji lamps sunk into the floor everywhere to light up a stage already "lit" by spotlights. The Large Light Panels need the same treatment. Candles are brighter than those things! LOL
  2. Aw... Sadness. Looks like I'll be face first in the base editor for a good long while. lol Thanks for the quick response, Dacy! <3
  3. Hi, all! It's been a minute. Is it possible to duplicate a base on the same server? I have one that I've poured countless hours into on Everlasting and I'm starting up a new SG and would like to use the same base build without actually using the other base, if that makes sense. Like, can I demorecord it and have it loaded into my new, very empty, SG base?
  4. o.O Huh... That's one I haven't seen before... Weird is right!
  5. Heraclea, those effigies are genius in their simplicity! Beautiful work! -yoinks the idea and dives into the editor-
  6. The entrance room doesn't have to be where everyone comes in. You can move the entrance portal above base and that's where people will load in. This is where people will enter Atlantis (just off the island in Talos with the cove). This is above the base level. The glowy on the left in the "whirlpool" is how people get down to Atlantis proper. When I type /editbase 1 I'm still dumped in the actual entrance room, but with an open sky on the high ceiling, I can just fly right out of the lower part of the base for building purposes. Also, if you need to get back to the entrance portal, /stuck takes you to the portal, not the entrance room.
  7. There are quite a few costume pieces (weapons, shields, and backpacks at the least) that I'd love to see added to the base editor.
  8. Using ambient lighting is my absolute favorite way to light a base! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ And you've done an awesome job! I'd love to see how other folks use lighting for dramatic effect. Here are a few of mine.
  9. Here are a couple of ideas: The chateau roof can be flipped over for a wood grain: And the docks can be tilted.
  10. As a work-around until something like this is made available: Try flipping a white floor surface upside-down to act as a ceiling where you want the ceiling thing to attach. Also, if you aren't already doing it: You can put one of those white tile surfaces up near your desired location for a flip and short SHIFT lift.
  11. My bad. Carry on.
  12. /e worship You are an artist! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
  13. Gorgeous art-deco look! Now I have to dress up my bookshelves... >.>
  14. Well lookie there! It is a sticky. Nearly all of the information you folks are asking about is here: Dacy did a fantastic job of making what amounts to our Base Builder's Bible in video form. 😄 Impish Kat put together a list of key's and functions. I know it's a lot to take in but it's well organized. You'll find your answers there with a quick CTRL F way quicker than someone who knows can respond in a thread.
  15. I got the transported-across-the-base issue today. Me and my rock ended up in a room with no doors. A solid ceiling. All the floor. Thank the server deities for /stuck!!
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