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Everything posted by Meknomancer

  1. 1 slotted hasten at 50, its not the recovery its ageless' recharge bonus too. No temps cover lack of recharge. But yes its easily modified, thats what 2nd and 3rd builds are for, i just don't recommend these builds in here because this is where players are asking for build help. If they need to ask then giving them an incarnate t4 pylon dps build doesnt seem the way to go.
  2. Yup i saw this when it was posted. I never recommend players use these builds for general content/team play. Rikti pylons don't move. All builds are made for specific targets while running t4 incarnates/offensive amplifier/temp powers. Take 1 into a taskforce and see how it fares. Try exempting down a few levels and not having incarnates.
  3. Running the new dark epic on an mm and when i hit shadowy binds i get an instant disconcerting camera shift instead of the usual spin towards the target. Its an instant shift that leaves you wondering which direction your facing. Its not happening every time though, i only noticed it when on a tf team and the action got busy and it repeated 3-4 times in a row. And now its happening in single player missions too. Definitely something wrong with this, i thought maybe it was the server / my connection but i tried other alts and had no problems and now testing it again on a different day and its still occurring. I have no idea whats causing it. Ok 2 days of this is too much. Its definitely the /dark epics on mm's. respec time they have to go.
  4. Smite/Touch of fear/Midnight grasp just have random enhances and tossed in cross punch for shadow maul (cos i prefer it, i like a power with a force feedback in to get soul drain up more often) Its just a randomly thrown together build to show how you'd get 45% e/ne/f/c def and 90% s/l res and slow res close to 100%. Definitely can be improved on recharge wise and numbers wise and not a build to be played:
  5. Love illusion primary. Don't think much of martial. If your wanting to play in melee and the only decent attack it has is the tier 2 Thunder Kick you may want to pick a more melee centric secondary. Like any other secondary except martial. Seriously every other secondary is way better in melee. Earth/psi/elec/dark/energy/ice/rad/savage/sonic/thorns. Even fire or arsenal. On the other hand it does have some fun stuff, trick shot, envenomed, dragons tail...caltrops. You can make it work, you can make anything work in this game. Type martial into the search bar in the domi section of this forum to check out any builds posted with this secondary. Or to read comments on how other players view it.
  6. Snipe is great and psi damage can be useful. Harmonic does what it says on the tin and gets a PS+end/PT+heal tossed in. All i wanted was to try the pet. It dies. A lot. And it kb's. Thats a definite no no for my melee alts.
  7. First off, turn off barrier. Now you'll see the numbers for defence and resistance. Stuff that makes no sense to me is the full set of Opportunity Strikes, the 5 pieces for the recharge bonus makes sense but the 6th bit giving ranged defence seems like a waste. Putting recharge pieces in charge up makes sense til you see the gaussian proc, the recharge pieces lower the chances of the gaussian firing off. Still looks like fun, hard to go wrong with /rad armr, got some nice procs in GZ and the nuke and that all important slow res. I went a different route, i love sentinel epics i think they are the best for any AT so i try to squeeze them in wherever i can even if it means skimping on primary powers and in this case its for theme. I treat my sents like i treat my scraps, melee all the way, kill stuff before it kills you. Your a scrapper who happens to run ranged attacks instead of melee ones. Not sure i can export this but it may work:
  8. In mids hit build sharing-import via data chunk, its the latest version of mids, you should be able to copy and paste. I still can't figure out how to export any other way. sorry, useless with computers. OK looks like thats the best i can manage is to export plain text.
  9. Just from a very fleeting glance i'd bet every single one of these requires incarnates to run, cardiac .vigor, ageless or some combo of the 3. Been playing one of these for a long time and they are endurance heavy in long fights/solo av/gm when darkest night is running/tar patch gets spammed/cycling attacks. No way your running all those toggles sub 45 and not needing a recovery serum. Common mistake i see all the time. Tossing 3 luck of the gambler pieces in a toggle and the shield wall separately in a different toggle. 7.5% recharge piece and 3 shield wall gets you more hp. Same number of slots. Same regen bonus. What @Snarkysaid about the eradication bits. What @Uunsaid about everything. Except tar patch if your chasing rech bonuses. Otherwise i always recommend 2 boosted end/rech/slow pieces. That eats endurance. Especially with those toggles. I see torrent just gets skipped by a massive number of players. Its soft control, slotted with a force feedback and overwhelming kb/kd its massive recharge as it'll hit everything, with that range it'll hit the 2nd mob standing 40 foot behind the first and the ff proc is almost guaranteed to fire off. And your already running a cone toon why skip one.
  10. I have one, have to say i'm not a fan of psy/kin but i see a lot that are. Threw some stuff in mids. Not particularly tough or defensively slotted but it does look fun.
  11. @Frozen Burnhave you tried running inner will on auto? it works wonders 🙂
  12. Numbers look good. Not sure you need that 6th slot from AA in Heart of Darkness, or the 4th pieces of luck of the gambler in maouvres/weave. If you 2 slot hasten with lvl 50 rech io's and boost them you'll get max recharge, the only reason to 3 slot it is for exempting purposes and then (i think) your better off with 3 lvl 30 boosted io's. Click slots/enhancements, set all relative levels, +5 levels. I love Darkest Night, i'll use it to herd mobs nice and tightly packed dragging them to doorways/corners or into another mob but i run with living shadows and sometimes shadow field although thats mostly a solo experience. There's not much time for that on teams unless you hop over the first mob and drag the second mob back to the team with it. Curious how your endurance is even with soul absorb on it looks pretty heavy, i understand why players throw in the preventetive set for the bonuses and regen but i usually just 2-3 slot it with a couple end mod/rech and heal/rech pieces. Having twilight to top up hp it feels like the regen is unnecessary.
  13. My choice combo too, my favourite control primary with my favourite blast set and now i get my favourite debuffs to go along with it with darkest night and tar patch. Been playing it non stop (like vet lvl 40+ already) I went a completely different route. I love having spectral wall, mostly for the animation but stacking immob and hold for ignite is fantastic when enemy is stuck in tar patch. I originally rolled an arsex2 with mace epics but i'm seeing a totally different game lately. Smashing and lethal defence and resists don't seem to cut it anymore, more than once last week when MC was the WST i was getting faceplanted repeatedly by fire damage from the skyraiders and that was with 40% s/l def and a barrier. Same went for the new *lgtf, mace was irrelevant when all that toxic gas was flying from the rikti monkeys and there wasn't a safe spot to stand in the entire room. I love that you got the recharge so high for perma PA and powerboosted gleam and fit in so many attacks. My experiences so far, trip mine is hit and miss and the damage is almost non existent. Sometimes it'll hit the whole mob, sometimes it just hits the 1 target and theres times i've seen it completely miss after firing off. Phantasm, if your running him for the whole 2 seconds he'll survive, for those 2 seconds he will kb your mobs all over, basically going into melee range to torrent them (40 foot range-it may as well be a melee attack) , he needs a kb/kd. I see you slotted trip mine and buckshot with them but not sniper rifle or phanty. I didn't bother with any, with this secondary i just live with the knocks as i would with nrg. I'm running the same amount of toggles, sometimes more when i have DN running (i like to hop ahead and toss it on stuff to herd mobs into tar patch and the controls) and i have an extra end mod in stamina. And i've still had toggles drop and run out of endurance. With the extra numi in health too. Once you start spamming controls and PA and attacks that blue bar gets eaten faster than domi will be up. Its a better build than mine thats for sure if you got perma serum and can afford cardiac. My damage is so bad i crafted musc and intuition. Hope you have fun with it. I sure am.
  14. I'm after something much simpler, Crey Vigilants as a cossie alternative for mercs.
  15. Simplest thing to do (because this happens a lot) is stay with the team mates that need you the most. The tank and aoe merchants rushing ahead and firing off aoe's into a mob then leaving half of it (the half that takes too long for them to kill, usually all the bosses and eb's) will get further and further ahead. Do not buff them when they are out of range-definitely do not follow them to buff them. You'll just get annoyed and frustrated hopping backwards and forwards and watching the players who need the most help faceplanting. Either the rushers buffs will drop off and they'll realise when they start taking damage or die or they'll finish the mission. Carnies, MI bosses can be a phase shifting pain forcing you to hang about and wait before you can dps them, impatient players won't wait and just think 'someone else will pick them off' There's a lot of old returning players and a lot of new players and your mixing that with players who've been steamrolling the game for years/decades. Your going to get speedrunners who can finish a map in 2 minutes with other players on their first time seeing the content with unfinished/underlevelled builds who would take 30 minutes to do the same thing. You'll quickly learn to recognise who's who. I'm not seeing any difference between HC now and OG on live, its just different players with different playstyles, in the same way you get a different 'feel' for the game depending on what server you play on. The difference between old Virtue and Freedom, the difference between Everlasting and Excelsior. Players don't change.
  16. Draeadful Discord is hit and miss, sometimes its a mini nuke and sometimes it isn't but it recharges so fast its a good source of mob dps, cycling that with enfeebling lullaby and aria of stasis, i'd like to proc out the aoe immob too but the AT set has to go somewhere and i don't want to toss it in the single target hold i prefer the proc damage from that. Thats not my build, i didn't take sorcery on mine i don't mind no flight, i prefer superspeed with combat jumping.
  17. I have this combo and really enjoy it, its one of my favourites. Slowed Response-Hymn of Dissodance-Time crawl-Time Stop-Hymn of Dissodance will stack holds and debuffs on hard targets making them very easy to take down. With the last issues bump to GM's i'm finding more use for time crawl than ever. I also love the pet it does some useful attacks and takes interesting enhances. If you thought your original build was endurance heavy wait til you try that planned build, it'll leave you sucking wind within 20 seconds, Chrono Shift is not the endurance tool it appears to be and when you have the flight pool its very easy to leave fly+evasive running and not realise it. Big point. Theres something called the 'rule of five' As in 5 set bonuses from enhances will stack but if you stick the same bonus in- as in the planned build where there's 6 luck of the gambler 7.5% recharge in the 5th piece/set bonus is wasted (there's a few ways round this but when i see a build with 6 luck of the gamblers in and that many end heavy toggles running i start to wonder if the discord was giving you some bad advice or intending you to run ageless destiny for end game and recovery serums for low lvl content) I still can't export mids and i lost my build, with the game on maintenance i can't check what i run. I do know that i don't take sorcery pool often, i prefer psi mastery for indom will. I skip a lot of defence on /time toons, Times Juncture makes up for that. I might run something like this if i wanted sorcery. Something to look at, its easy to shuffle in levi mastery if you want that water spout. You get so much recharge from /time and hasten you can toss in a lot of chance for damage pieces in the cones, so i treat the fear and sleep cones differently than with other secondaries and use them for damage instead of control.
  18. Your doing better than me if you know how to share builds i still can't figure out the new mids export. If your only taking 1 power from the epic pools and want a res shield i think you'd be better off with soul/mu, not sure how i feel about dark's not giving any s/l res yet unless thats just a mistake with mids numbers. If you head up the page you'll see an earlier post for the same topic
  19. Power sink can be amusing in that combo but i slot the combo for quite a bit of end drain, usually at least 5 synapses in chain fences and conductive. I think conductive gets under rated, if you toss in some acc/end mods and some heal io's its surprising how much regen you can get from standing in a mob, although thats totally unnecessary with /dark secondary. Recharge is everything, you want fade and soul absorb as close to perma as possible. Hasten, force feedbacks+rech in jolting and arcane bolt and just run the acc/dmg, dmg/end, acc/dmg,end from thunderstrikes if you don't wanna spend inf. For more aoe damage, procs in howling twilight. I also tend to skip the aoe holds on trollers and domis, the huge recharge does mean its good for procs though. I started tossing the full AT set in static field, i use it so often, it tends to be my opener with Synaptic and i like the bonuses. If you run enflame just toss it on a target, running it on pets makes the damage hit and miss depending on how/when/if they ever decide to melee. If you want to see a great elec/dark build look up @Sir Myshkin proc monsters, pretty sure there's one in there somewhere. Have you considered the new dark mastery epic? Midnight Grasp with a Dark Blast filler can bump your single target damage a lot and opening up on mobs with Umbral slotted with a force feedback is a lot of fun.
  20. Slotting Liquid Nitrogen is worthless, i've tried all procs/ragnarok set/artillery set on domi and troller and end up with the assumption thats its good for a boosted rech io and thats all. Doesn't fire procs, barely does any knockdown, you won't even notice if the damage component fires off. Think OG ice slick from ice control but with less knockdown. Possibly the most skippable power in the set (although i skip trang too) My domi ended up with a single slot and the last power pick and i haven't missed it low levels and forget its there most of the time, my troller uses it as a set mule for a ragnarok recharge bonus and just tosses it in with all the other patch controls. It might be doing something.
  21. You say your a domi with dark? Are you running it with illusion primary or do you have the stealth pool? Or maybe sprint slotted with a celerity proc. When i read an army of minons i assume illusion and therefore your running superior invis. Turn that off.
  22. You picked a top combo, took other players a while to convince me on /elec but with mercs i'm sold. Its an awesome pairing. Which surprised me tbh. Not sure how to export stuff to here with new mids or i'd just show you what my bog standard slotting for all my /elec toons which is pretty much identical secondary wise. Rejuvenating Circuit. Yes. Thats my slotting too. Energizing Circuit gets 6 pre-emptive optimisation. Empowering Circuit gets a single boosted end red. Gaussian only fires off on you and your not doing any damage. The small defence bonuses aren't worth the slots. Faraday Cage gets 4-5 aegis or 4 Unbreakable pieces depending on primary mm set. I skip amp up. I skip defibrilate. I'm an mm not a fender, i tank and buff and dps, dead people are for vengeance to keep pets up not for me to help out. I take a 3 slotted shock and skip discharge (for soloing av/gm's) slotted with 3 boosted pre-emptive bits for acc/end red. Any - regen on single hard targets is a plus. Mob -regen is irrelevant. Insulating Circuit gets 5 panacea and pretty much renders Rejuvenating Circuit obsolete at that point. I run 5 /elec mm's with that set up. I skipped beast mastery i still dislike it. Mercs side. You picked the best primary (at least my favourite anyway and i'd argue the best/tied with necro/demons especially for this secondary) I try to slot at least 1 lady grey chance for damage piece in each merc pet, its not easy when i also try to hit as much resists+defence as possible, as well as every unique pet piece. Usually means 4 Command of the mastermind in t1 pets and 4 Mark of supremacy in t3. Spec Ops gets the acc/dmg and dmg/end from Mark of supremacy and a boosted acc/dmg piece, they are your controllers in the set. Things to change. Fly is pretty poor without evasive manoeuvres. Evasive prevents you getting immob'd and speeds up your flight a lot. Serum only needs 2 boosted recharge io's. Slot lvl 50's. Use boosters. I don't skip acc/dmg/end red in personal attacks like burst/m30 nade. I definitely don't skip accuracy. The proc in burst will only help you hit with m30 nade if burst hits and the proc procs so i'd drop that. I do love burst it takes a ton of good enhances. Same with m30 nade, you want that ff+recharge firing off to keep serum on pets perma. Kismet+acc wants to be slotted in a toggle you are running, not vengeance. Try to squeeze the fighting pool in, it lets you tank, just by running into mobs and popping faraday cage and m30 nade til pets arrive and you can pop insulating to buff yourself. It will really boost your survivability, do not 6 slot powers for the sake of 6 slotting powers. Often the 6th bonus is junk (like the unbreakable guard set-i'm looking at both our builds and i have 0 toxic/psi bonuses but i'm only 1% lower than yours numberswise, no idea how, but i do have 45% smashing/lethal def with 55%+ s/l resists) If you 6 slot sets for fire/cold/toxic/psi but don't have any other sets stacking with them its generally a waste of slots. Power boost doesn't need 3 slots, you can boost io's with boosters. 2 of those in power boost will max recharge, same for hasten/serum/any power you 2 slot with io's. Drop the impervium in equip merc for an impervious skin+regen piece. If you drop 2 bits of steadfast and 2 slot blessing of the zephyr in fly you'd have kb protection and ranged def vs tiny hp bump and minimal recovery. And slots to play with. Regen tissue in circuit. Haven't tried that but i'd assume low chance to fire on self when you click power and 0 for pets. Looks like a slot to move elsewhere. Put a 3rd slot in health. Miracle +recovery is better than numi piece if you only have 2 slots there. 3rd boosted end mod piece in stamina if your worried about the blue bar, which you shouldn't be- you have energizing circuit.
  23. The freaklok isn't an ally. Its an unkillable enemy. Targetable and can be end drained but its hp can't be touched (i tried pew pewing it with pets to no avail) . Bile should not have attached himself to an enemy, especially an unkillable one. I wasn't moving that fast but i did lose him once which is when he attached himself to the freaklok. I aggroed it and pulled it towards exit and Bile followed til the Freaklok met that mob of friendlies you see in pic and got surrounded and drained and that was it. Bugged and stuck.
  24. Been offline a while but appreciate the post. i had to reset the mish to complete. Bile was attached to an invincible freaklok and it was surrounded by friendlies and couldn't move so there was no way to extricate him. Clearly a bug.
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