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Everything posted by Meknomancer

  1. What @PyroNuggetsaid. One of my favourite ice melee toons.
  2. I have no idea what to do with StJ, I've only played it 2-3 times, once on live and twice on here about 4-5 years ago and i never could get into it so i have no clue how to slot the attacks or which ones are needed/best. So this is a really rough build. And you didn't specify anything about what you wanted travel or power pool wise. Something to look at: StJ Rad - Brute (Street Justice - Radiation Armor).mbd
  3. I can't remember the exact numbers, pseudo pets like sleet/freezing rain/rain of fire only have a chance to proc once/10 seconds or something like that. Most mobs don't last that long. That posted build was me spending almost no time in mids, if i was to run one now i'd probably skip the patron in it for mu mastery with powersink and energise because i hate being force picked into incarnates like cardiac/vigor/ageless. Not sure how your struggling to nuke stuff. Have you tired kiting? Hit aim with a gaussian proc hop into the mob and fire off the nuke as your hopping out so you land outside of melee as it goes off. If your running hover this isn't possible which is why i always take combat jump. If your set on staying with flight use a corner, tag an enemy with darkest night, move out of line of sight, drop the tar patch so the enemy mob hits the corner all bunched up and slowed down, throw fearsome stare/howling twilight on the mob and hover in to nuke. Having a slotted heal can really help you out if you take a hit.
  4. Little things. Twilight Grasp with a theft of essence proc. Howling Twilight is your av killer. Rain of Fire will rarely Proc anything. Tar Patch with a couple of end/rech/slow pieces. Spirit Drain needs accuracy. Oppressive Gloom doesn't need 5 slots, a single acc/mez hammi will do , very cheap to make a lvl 53. Not sure about 6 slotting tactics but i do hear its working better now on teams with the gaussian proc slotted. Still better to slot it in aim and control when it fires off. Numi piece will help a little in health, not much but with that many toggles it all counts. You can toss winter sets in if your concerned about defences, i wouldn't bother but a full winters bite+frozen blast and avalanche will get you where you want to be especially if you throw in agility. Recovery serums from P2W while levelling. You'll most likely need ageless at 50 unless you take vigor/cardiac. Can't find my original build its 5 years old now and i forgot where i put the toon, it needs a respec since darks soul drain got replaced with spirit drain, 30 seconds in mids i may go something like this (swap combat jump for hover and ss for fly) : FIRE DARK - Corruptor (Fire Blast - Dark Miasma).mbd
  5. My 2nd blaster on HC was my reroll of a dp/mental i played on live, dp can slot a lot of interesting pieces and its ability to take force feedback + rech bits mean getting perma drain psyche is very simple. On live i ran this and a fire/mental, before HC's update to blaster secondaries /mental was the goto no.1 for blasters that liked to take on hard targets solo thanks to the -regen component. You see very few of them now but its still a top secondary if you can get enough recharge in the build.
  6. I look at the sentinel epics and just think, why do they get all the best stuff? And how can i possibly fit any in. I get that some players are going to say why would i take melee attacks on a ranged toon but if you look at sentinels as scrappers with ranged attacks and play them as scrappers those melee powers make more sense. The only problem i see with them is that some are so far superior to others that i always take the same ones, dark/elec/psi. Its a strange feeling, red epics on any other AT are always my preference but the devs have gone out of their way to make the blue ones better on sentinels which i suppose saves you the need to unlock stuff. Having to run a patron arc to unlock powers was supposed to give me better powers to pick from otherwise why didn't they just unlock the same as the junk blueside ones? Last issue did try to smooth out the differences but you just have to compare chain fences from elec to electrifying fences from mu to see the inequalities.
  7. Teamed with you on a moonfire it looked great (some bad timing on my part nuking as you were stuck in GZ animations) I'm with you on the psi epic and started running it on a lot of my brutes/tanks, scraps its not the same that pet does epic kb and theres no psinado, although i've yet to give the new dark epic a runout i'm kind of curious to see how fast a tar patch can be made to recharge its hard to see it beating psi. Theres something about the ridiculous range on psinado i can't get enough of even when i'm running it on a melee. Dominate is just icing on the cake.
  8. The problem with it for me is the bump it got was supposed to help turn it into a minor aoe attack. A damage attack. It rarely if ever does that. And when it does it seems to be only hitting a single target. And i'm guessing from the original question they don't want to waste all those slots just to toss in a stun set if they plan to proc out 1 of the 2 for dps. Fault is nowhere near being classed as a dps attack. Although i can see the benefit of it for damage mitigation. If it hits. Stacking it with something like stone fist would be very useful.
  9. Turned off elude and its still showing 110% + ranged and melee with only 38% aoe. And only 50% slow resists. Pretty sure the old one i posted is at least softcapped to melee/range/aoe and about 75% slow resists.
  10. Tremor, Fault is a joint least accurate attack in the game, if your proccing chances are all you'll see from Fault is a never ending series of misses. Its so bad i've seen it knock stuff back with the kb component while doing 0 damage from the damage component and 0 Stun from the stun component. Its almost as if your rolling 3 times for 1 attack and with a miserable chance of it hitting with any of its effects and the damage was added last when stone melee got a bump. Fault was the bump and if anything its faulty. Anything with a base accuracy of 60% is going to need some serious accuracy to hit enemies and by the time your up against +4's/incarnates there's no slots left for anything useful.
  11. I haven't checked mine in a couple of years and lost my builds but maybe you'd be better off with something like this, with slow resistance and running a t4 barrier at later levels. Maybe. ELEC ELEC - Scrapper (Electrical Melee - Electric Armor).mbd
  12. Just shuffling a few bits and pieces will get you a little more recharge and ranged defence. I like to hit at least 40% that way a team mates manouvres will keep me around 45%. Miracle (Fire Therm).mbd
  13. Wish i could help but my mids is showing all your defences at 115%+ which means its bugged out. I have an old one looks like this: FIRE SR - Sentinel (Fire Blast - Super Reflexes).mbd
  14. My mids figures are all over the place so i don't know what help it'll be. At first glance your going to require destiny ageless/alpha cardiac or vigor, or maybe both, to run all those toggles or you'll have 0 blue after a single attack chain. Don't bother slotting the OF in whirlpool, i don't even think its worth the 2 procs i chucked in they only have a chance to fire off something like once/10 seconds. You didn't put anything in health, you'd want at least the panacea and miracle in there and i'd try to find a slot for the preventetive. You can see how off my mids is, all those toggles running and its only showing 0.5 end drain, which makes me wonder if the def+res+recharge figures are just as off. Corruptor (Water Blast - Dark Miasma).mbd
  15. Agreed, mercs/thermal is one of my favourites but its a lot of work keeping forge on perma, especially when teaming. Only reason i put those 4 secondaries up was the ease of play, theres like 2 clicks/mob and its over and your only watching for serum. And thermals debuffs still don't recharge fast enough to match any of the other 4.
  16. Forgot to mention the exorbitant endurance clicking overgrowth is. Mines slotted with 5 adjusted and when i hit overgrowth and wild growth half my blue bar vanishes, i think it may be the heaviest endurance clicky in the game. With 2 rech io's in i remember it being full endurance to 0 endurance in 2 clicks.
  17. Mercs are all you need. Dark or Time or Cold or Traps. Win.
  18. Brawl and boxing. You don't need those slotted if all your using them for is recharge theres better ways. Chronoshift may look as if it will solve your massive endurance issues. Thats misleading. You'll have a small boost to your end but the recovery part fades fast and won't cover your attack chain with 0 endurance slotted in them-it will work if you plan on running ageless. Drop the slots from brawl and boxing into temporal mending/Times Juncture/Farsight/Distortion Field, 6 preventetives, 4 dark watchers, 6 reactives, 5 unbreakables, the powers will be better slotted and you don't lose any recharge. Find a way to get more end red in your attacks even if it means dropping a proc or 2. Toss a kismet+to hit in hover.
  19. Real quick lookover, i'm not the best for pet slotting , @StrikerFox has done a ton of testing so they can give much better advice. Did some slight shuffling for obvious stuff like you have luck of the gambler in manouvres for 7.5% rech instead of the 6th reactive piece for 8.75%, the preventetive proc that could be tossed in the heal for the same rech bonus. Soul extraction wants recharge its now one of your best powers, don't just use it to mule pieces (although i still do too) theres some stuff further back showing ways to proc it out for max dmg if your prepared to look. It'll pop the same amount of pets as you have nearby and pretty much double your dps for a short time. Procs in the aura holds almost never fire off so i wouldnt waste slots on them. Lockdown maybe will hit 1 target in an entire mob, the damage pieces will do less than nothing, slots are much better elsewhere. Not sure about lifegiving, theres some love it others will tell you its a waste of time. I take it because it looks good and usually just run a performance shifter and a couple heal pieces in for a bonus. Necro pets won't fight in it anyway, they are too busy running after stuff. I wouldn't bother with any melee defence, anything that close will get tagged by the hold, anything that does hit you- you can heal through it. If you are slotting for defence ranged is much better but i wouldn't bother with that either. Forgot to put edict of the master back in my bad. Found my old build, something to look at, its not that different. NecroFlora - Mastermind (Necromancy - Nature Affinity).mbd NECRO NATURE - Mastermind (Necromancy - Nature Affinity).mbd
  20. No purples, no winters, same power picks i dunno. Melt armr and heat exhaustion are your av killers you want acc+rech in those and as much recharge in the build as you can, without purples thats tough. When i play cone toons the shortest cone (in this case tentacles) is my range , there's a couple hammi's in there but they are probably the cheapest enhances in the build that match it to nightfall. Personally torrent would be my first pick and i'd drop dark blast for it purely because its soft control and can slot a force feedback+recharge which would fix a lot of problems, its a 1 click hit a mob and it'll fire off, i can't think of an instance where i've hit 8-9 enemies and it hasn't fired off. So i dumped all the melee defence to come up with this which is 1 luck insp from 45% ranged. If your only in melee for blackstar which will neuter enemies chances of hitting you and then hopping back out to ranged blast there's no reason for melee def when you have a tank. Which is why all the slots got ripped from forge-your only applying it once every 120 seconds to your partner, it doesnt even need the recharge i left in, you could move that or slot something else. I have no idea if this would work, i do have a dark/thermal but i haven't logged it on for a couple years and i took the fighting pool. What i do remember is the endurance issues. And how squishy it was. DT - Corruptor (Dark Blast - Thermal Radiation).mbd
  21. For sure, its a real pita watching build posts get pushed further and further back every time someone asks for a build that we know has already been posted 15 times in the last 4 years and then having to search for a link. Getting a bit tired of seeing 5 players asking for the same combo 1 after another because they cba to do a lil search (not that the search works that well)
  22. I've been playing one of these since day 2 or 3 and ended up with 1 on every server with a farm and content build. I ended up running this after repeated respecs and trying different levels of defence/resistance/recharge etc. Its pretty squishy. And i have no idea how you'd get fly in unless you dropped ss+cj for hover+fly and ran with hover on. It'll melt stuff just about fast enough for you to kill before you get killed but its no +4/8 itf tank thats for sure, i'm still running ageless on it. If your after something tough you may want to consider a fire/rad tanker. Damage wise there's almost no difference but the survivability is much higher. RAD FIRE SLOW RES - Brute (Radiation Melee - Fiery Aura).mbd
  23. Would this work? I have no idea, not a big fan of shield brutes on live and HC hasn't changed my mind. Having never played the combo all i can do is toss on some randomised build. WM SD - Brute (War Mace - Shield Defense).mbd
  24. Mines ancient but i just respecced it dropping a ton of defence for fold space and capped slow res. ELEC ELEC - Brute (Electrical Melee - Electric Armor).mbd
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