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Everything posted by Meknomancer

  1. You could really bump the recharge with a force feedback proc in heavy mallet/fissure/carrion creepers. Swap the shield wall pieces for the reactive ones in weave to get some s/l res, thats better than regen. Defence numbers look great til you turn off powerboost and realise theres over 20 seconds downtime with hasten on and hasten isn't perma unless you go with the force feedbacks. Without perma hasten you lose perma mind link and defence numbers will drop drastically. Do you need vigour alpha? Swapping 3 enhances doesn't seem like a drastic loss in dps; PLANT EARTH - Dominator (Plant Control - Earth Assault).mbd
  2. I wasn't implying you needed dominate as a procced out dps hold, i was just curious as to why a sleep. Dominate can easily be used as a mule for apoc/unbreakable sets and if your running the damage aura will the sleep really be that useful? I guess you'll find out after playing it, i'd be interested to know.
  3. When i get stuck i go here: Unofficial Homecoming Wiki - A City of Heroes Community Wiki It answers 99% of my questions. And stuff i didn't even know to ask.
  4. Just out of curiosity why mesmerize over dominate?
  5. Mind/Fire (or Mind/Dark cos it gets a self heal), my first domi on live and its still one of the most team friendly/easy to solo through radio's and tips, can be bullt as expensively or cheaply as you want and requires 0 previous experience with either domi/troller or their power sets. 3 controls by lvl 4 and when your stuck soloing thats all you need. Sleep 1, hold 1, toss 1 up in the air then use the secondary to 'arrest' them. Higher levels you get tons of mob control to help out teams and domi's get some great epic/patron power picks. Really hard to go wrong. Nothing wrong with grav although it does render a lot of your single target attacks in secondary irrelevant when you have lift/grav distortion/propel but this can be a good thing allowing you to make all sorts of interesting power picks. The pet can be mildly annoying on teams as it flings mobs around and unless you have a knockback-knockdown slotted in wormhole nobodys is going to thanks you for scattering mobs. But neither of these is a good reason not to enjoy playing the set. Its still tons of fun its just not as control friendly as the other sets unless you love chaos. And a lot of us do.
  6. Domi builds will be high recharge dps with no def/res or high recharge ranged defence with a resist epic or high recharge smashing and lethal defense builds running ice/mace epic. So if you were looking at a build with 0 def/res it was probably built for high recharge/damage, probably proc heavy. You don't have high recharge. So- Hasten, you want that as your no.1 power pool pick unless you specifically have to skip it for thematic reasons and have another way to get perma dom from set bonuses. You don't have high defence either, your s/l defence is kind of sitting in the middle of the 32.5% luck insp needed or t4 40% barrier build or the straight 45% softcapped. You have fighting/leadership/stealth, 1 of those should go for speed pool and hasten. Toss the resistance uniques in tough , steadfast and gladiators will give you an extra 6% defence. If you toss a blessing of the zephyr in superjump you'll get 4 points kb protection, domis don't usually need much, you could drop acrobatics. Gaussian proc is best slotted in build up. Carrion Creepers slots a force feedback+recharge which could help but it won't be enough on its own. You have 6 places to slot the luck of the gambler 7.5% but only placed 4 in the build. Creepers doesn't need lyo piece. Its really late here so all i did was shuffle a few things, now its 40% s/l def with perma hasten/dom but still needs work. Something to look at: Ouchie Dominator (Plant Control - Thorny Assault).mbd Or this PLANT THORN - Dominator (Plant Control - Thorny Assault).mbd I'd go with something like this and just fold space mobs and melee them, relying on force feedbacks for recharge (turns out this build is a ton of fun....with a tank, solo its extremely squishy as i discovered after trying to solo the phalanx on an itf, may have to do some fiddling to toughen it up) PLANT THORN 2 - Dominator (Plant Control - Thorny Assault).mbd
  7. Looks like a grav/ff build posted. Gave up on mine but i was considering this in the future: GRAV - Controller (Gravity Control - Radiation Emission).mbd
  8. Current build, power picks in no particular order. I like shock for hard single targets, mobs get photon nade so i never bothered with discharge. Maintenance Drone seemed un-needed, Keep insulating circuit on and you don't need rejuvenating circuit. As long as your out of melee range and group flight is on there's not a lot to worry about when your soloing. Teams dislike it when you leave group fly running as most forget to go talk to Null the Gull and make themselves immune (you'll get a lot of whining if you go group fly- you want it though, it seriously increases pet movement speed) and you'll want to be closer to everyone anyway to keep them in Faraday. BOTS ELEC - Mastermind (Robotics - Electrical Affinity).mbd
  9. 116 feet on torrent. Way to go thats excellent 🙂
  10. I'm pretty lazy, i just wanna stand and watch stuff melt with minimal clicking. I might go something like this and just cycle through meltdown/unleash potential/demonic aura when things get rough. RAD RAD - Brute (Radiation Melee - Radiation Armor).mbd
  11. You have one with the shield on. Turn it off to see your resists. You also have evasive on, that will chew through your endurance and give false defence numbers. You need more ranged defence - try to hit at least 45%. Turn off fly. Put a force feedback +recharge in thunderstrike instead of the sudden acc kb/kd. Unless the mag of the knockback got increased last issue (which i havent checked) its a very small chance and you'd want the recharge more. Unless you plan to run with a full tray of blue insps/recovery serums/ageless destiny you will have endurance issues. Big ones if you plan to run hover-fly-evasive while fighting. I like to do that too for the manouvreability but it doesnt half chew through the blue bar. You could keep fly, take combat jumping and an extra attack. Phalanx Fighting is good for uniques, its not worth slotting. Thats a lot of slots chasing resistance numbers on a defence set. You may want to take some slots and throw in another attack so you can make a decent attack chain. Jacobs Ladder is ok'ish, Cross Punch is nice. Laser Beam Eyes in a pinch but you wouldn't get that til late in the build. Right now you have a low damage single target punch, a moderate damage chain induction and a (fairly long animating) high damage pbaoe in thunderstrike. Without another attack you may find yourself just twiddling your thumbs and clicking charged brawl. Not sure about the impervious skin piece, it maybe one of those that has to be in an active toggle but don't quote me on that. Either way the regen portion is fairly irrelevant. I'm not saying brutes are in a bad place right now. But their AT sets are. Drop them all and you still get something like this: ELEC SHIELD - Brute (Electrical Melee - Shield Defense).mbd
  12. Numbers look good (except those resists) no way SR has 90% to all, i'd bet your sitting around high 30s to 40'ish.
  13. You could also check out mids discord theres a lot of stuff on there that doesnt make it to the forums. If your interested in a smash everything so fast you don't have to worry about defence or resistance numbers @Bellatorposted a fun build: Brute_Super_Strength_-_Invulnerability.mbd
  14. Dump agility if your going all in on proc damage. Musculature/Intuition for proc builds. From what i remember @Lineaposted the very first time/dp fender build way back on old original forums that soloed the itf. A proper tanky build if thats what your looking for. I run with power build up from energy mastery. Hit that and farsight and i jump to mid 50's defence and then a few seconds later it'll drop to mid 40's and i'm only running mid 30's without it. Proc builds like @Boppermakes are extremely endurance heavy and i know chronoshift won't cover you. Are you running ageless? A powerboosted clarion may make up the difference if your after numbers.
  15. Just as an example i play a psi/bio, made 0 effort (well almost 0) to slot for defence or resists and it plays just fine: Don't give up theres a 1000 ways to slot, you can toss in whatever til you come up with something you like. 90% s/l resists (til you hit offensive adaptation) 45 e/nef/c defence. Just find your own playstyle and make whatever works for you. You could minimax or just pick the powers you like and slot whatever you want in. Bio armour is very forgiving. DB BIO - Brute (Dual Blades - Bio Armor).mbd
  16. I love bio brutes but i'm not a huge fan of db on anything but scrappers. I don't slot my broots to tank, usually skip taunt on it anyway. Hard to hit s/l resists on /bio broots when slotting for slow res and damage and procs so i don't usually bother and just get 80+ where i can and go with the philosophy of 'kill them before they kill me' . DB/Bio, its a tough one, you have to make hard choices. Do you want the def and res numbers? Do you want slow resistance? Do you want procs? You need recharge in vast amounts for the primary (to get a decent attack chain) and the secondary for your clickies (ablative/dna/parasitic) I skip parasitic, can't always fit it in and by the time i get to it all the slots are allocated elsewhere. If i were you i'd go all out dps and recharge and slow resistance, don't bother aiming for 45% f/c/e/ne def, if you go that route it'll look like the build below, horrible. DB does have a couple powers you can toss force feedback +recharge in but the problem is they are the 2 powers i'd be skipping , vengeful and 1000 cuts. I threw something together but i'm looking at it and i already don't think it'll work:
  17. A lot depends on your attack set but generally yes, fenders have better numbers. If your going for fire or ice i'd still run corr just for the scourge with the rain powers although i see a lot of rain of fire skips so it'd be up to you. Can't believe i forgot /cold its always my no. 1 pick too 😛
  18. Nature/Bubs/Poison are pretty popular too. If i could only choose 1 i'd play the kin, its just more fun and a lot easier on fast teams where you don't get a lot of time to apply the double toggle debuffs and lingering.
  19. Looks good but.....Shadow Slip. Where is it?
  20. For the purposes of lazy play and i specialize in this, rad/bio. Irradiated Ground with Genetic Contamination. Standing in the mob and letting irradiated debuff mob defences makes a big difference to how fast they melt when you can't be bothered clicking any other powers, genetic will just tick away. Bio is like having an extra proc of damage when you run offensive (and who doesn't run it in offensive) Atom Smasher when you can be bothered, more - defence. And some epics, mu mastery is old skool aoe's , ball lighnting and fences. Or you could give the new dark epic a whirl and be super lazy and set tar patch up with a /macro TP "powexec-location self Tar Patch" and just drop it on your self with 1 click and watch the mobs slowly vanish. Not much beats stacked debuffs in this game.
  21. I ran it on an arsenal/dark for a while, loved the extra ranged attack and melee but i didn't like the resist toggle. I don't run fighting pool on my /dark trollers and the loss in s/l resists in exchange for f/c resists really hurt when i was stuck in the soul absorb/fade/whatever animation and i faceplanted. Twice. Last 4 years i can't remember the last time i died on a /dark troller. So it went back to soul. Swapped in force of will for the epic attacks (project will/wall of force) and procced out the cone with goodies and never looked back and i get to use them much earlier in the build. I really wanted to love it especially when it gets umbral torrent and a near guaranteed force feedback proc rate but that squishy toggle was too much.
  22. You;ll find a lot of fire/bio builds on the forums and pylon thread. They used to be very popular (probably still are) . You won't find any fliers as far as i'm aware. Pretty much all built to mostly melee with psi epic mind probe and shockwave, darks smite and engulfing darkness, elecs havoc punch and lightning field. You could check out one of those and fiddle the travel power but they usually always skip athletic regulation. Not much has changed, those 4 year old builds will be pretty much the same as used now.
  23. I think my build is this but its been a while since i checked:
  24. Tried to keep it as cheap as possible but i did toss some winters in, i'm not sure what exactly your after - did you want to skip all set bonuses etc and stick to basic io's? I haven't played the combo so its just a cheap'ish 45% ranged defence with 75% s/l resists and basically the same power picks. Except consume- you have Transference at 22 which is a much better power, unless the plan was to use consume as some sort of procced out mini nuke. Pretty late here so its just guesswork
  25. You were asking for a melee set and after playing 3 /martial domi's i do put it bottom. Spinning kick only hits stuff if your extremely precise with it. I'm not saying its awful i had fun with mine. But your original post said you wanted something to play with in melee and all the rest have been better. Thats just my opinion. Doesn't mean its right.
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