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  1. I'm just......despondent. Five attempts in my lifetime so far (that includes this movie) and STILL can't get it right. I foresee this one flopping harder than a goldfish out of its bowl. Harder than an epileptic at a rave. Harder than one of those Praetorian ghouls. JUST ONCE before I pass away, I'd like to see a decent interpretation of the FF, and SKIP DOOM. Negative Zone/Annhilus. Mole Man. Fin Fang Foom would be better than what they've come out with so far. First iteration: (not actually released) Second attempt, admittedly better but still so wrong. Third attempt, Silver Surfer good, Galactus and Doom so very bad. And then THIS travesty. And now we have this fifth attempt, which insofar as casting goes, looks so. very. bad. Sigh.
  2. Still relevant after all this time.
  3. I'm personally incredibly disappointed with the casting so far. It might end up being a good movie regardless, but I'm on the side of the fence that wants new actors, fresh faces to play these characters. Seems short sighted to cast an actor/actress that can play the role maybe twice tops.
  4. Peacebringers Solar Flare power used to animate to a foot stomp (at least I think it was Solar Flare) but that was an animation bug, and got "fixed" to its intended hand clap animation. I was a very sad old man when that happened. I much preferred the foot stomp to the hand clap, and wish the devs could add in the option to animate either way in character design.
  5. Krea of my newest character, Father Mourning.
  6. In keeping with the Donald Sutherland salute, I give you this little known gem: Also, I've been watching foreign horror lately and have these two newer movies that are actually rather good: and this: Warning: do not watch if afraid of spiders!!
  7. Spandex is form fitting. One would need to actually HAVE muscles in order for them to show through spandex. Rubber suits can be molded.
  8. I thoroughly enjoyed both movies. The only real beef I have with them is actually the ending of the second one.
  9. And my female Drow mace/shield brute, Qil.
  10. Did a great job with my deaf sonic/em blaster, Crimson Cacophony.
  11. Very satisfied with how Krea toned up my earth/thorn dom, Richter Force.
  12. Given the huge amount of material to draw from (i.e. movies, books, comics) I'm surprised there aren't more characters than I currently see. I confess, I'm just audacious enough to have made a tribute to the Devil himself, given all the source material to draw from. Mr. Frost, Constantine, Exorcist, The Prophecy, End of Days, Devil(M. Night movie) Devil and Daniel Webster, Mephisto from Marvel comics, Malebolgia from Image, Lucifer Morningstar from DC comics, not to mention all the cornucopia of demons and devils that aren't "main characters" or by lore, rulers of various and sundry Hells.
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