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Everything posted by pawstruck

  1. As much as I know the playstyle of a Fire/Fire blaster would be fun, I just can't bring myself to be so... normal. I admire strange combinations; even more so when a character concept/backstory can thread together what seem like disparate power sets to make a great toon. Do you guys have any odd combinations that you're particularly proud of? Extra ❤️ if you have a cool backstory. Now I'm not the best character creator, but I figure I'd better put up a few of mine to get us started... so don't laugh at me! Deadmarch - Dark/Sonic Defender: A melancholic master organist who inadvertently tapped into the netherworld through music. Rainor Shine - Radiation/Electric Defender: A weather mage who both literally and metaphorically got too close to the sun when he attempted to build a palace in the sky. Extra-Life - Beam Rifle/Ninja Training Blaster: A master programmer who designed the ultimate video game world... and then inserted himself as the main character! Unfortunately he tried out an experimental virtual reality helmet that imprisoned his consciousness in the game, and he found out the hard way that reality is not subjective. He eventually used the game's internet access to partially re-establish himself in the real world, along with many of his video-game powers. (One of my favorites!) Exocell - Psychic Melee/Willpower Scrapper: An alien species of microbe, each of which has incredible psychic abilities. When gathered-together in sufficient numbers, these creatures join themselves together into a single macro-organism with unified consciousness... and super-psychic-powers! Mechapouncer - Savage Melee/Bio Armor Stalker: A covert-ops assassin who was infected with experimental nanobots. These nanobots had been programmed to infect and catalogue data on predatory creatures from across the galaxy. (Character cycles through various forms, serpentine, avian, definitely-not-furry-feline, etc.)
  2. Really cool character. Love the hair color and style, it fits perfectly. Okay, now I'm just getting greedy... taking Doug's suggestion and the name Astroknight, I give you a creation that could only exist in City of Heroes... Now there's just the question of writing something that I'll find reasonable as a backstory for a psychic-astronaut-knight... So I'm not sure I like this better than his previous iteration. More is not always more, I realize. But it's something to think on, anyway... accepting any votes! 😛
  3. I shelved my MM as soon as I hit 50 and realized that no matter how I played, my pets digitally embody the statement, "Life sucks, then you die." I'm gonna be controversial and suggest that corruptors and most blasters overperform simply because of how IO's benefitted them. It might feel cool to spend billions and become a mage-tank, but the concept is self-contradictory and I think it's bad for the game.
  4. This proved quite difficult, even with y'all's advice. In the end, I had this idea of a sort of "psychic astronaut" character. Since there are so many psychics in CoH, it's not unreasonable to think that someone would be needed to fight evil at a mental/spiritual level... I'm thinking by exploring the true final frontier: Man's thoughts, dreams, and etc. Still open to suggestions on this one. What I like about it: 1. It seems like a somewhat unique combination, and I've never seen an astronaut in-game 2. The glows definitely convey psychic-ness 3. The chestpiece is cool and it fits with the helmet ^_^ What I wish it did better: 1. Can't decide on a back detail, if any 2. Every fifth person in Atlas Park is using Spectrum pieces - EDIT - Spectrum also feels very otherworldly, and I'll probably try to make a "more human" costume down the road. 3. Psychic Blast isn't really telepathy, but whatever... 4. I have never played Psychonauts, but I can't get the title out of my head, so I hope I'm not plagiarizing it... and I can't think of a good name for the character. 🙂
  5. Exceptional creative tips; you guys are great. I'll keep working on it and post something here if I'm happy with what I come up with. Also, I'll keep checking the thread, so if anyone has more to add please feel free. This is truly an archetype that I feel is rarely done uniquely... although there are some great ideas here!
  6. Hi everyone, Simply put, if I could pick a superpower IRL, it'd be psychic... but I've never been able to realize this in CoX. I don't think I have a narrow enough idea of what a psychic character could look like. I know I don't want the "literally a brain" type of hero, e.g. the floating-head-in-a-jar thing. One concept I've kicked around is the Dao/Logos/Chain of Being/whatever idea. So the character might have a mutation that allows him to see/interact with the pattern underlying all of reality, allowing him to manifest his thoughts as energy. (Okay, so it's not great. Open to suggestions.) I've also thought of a soul/mind that wouldn't quite stick in its body all the way for whatever reason, allowing it to project itself. Anyway, I've always wanted a psychic character but can't get anything flavorful enough costume-wise. Help?? :)
  7. The question is what the hell are we gonna do if Homecoming ever sunsets lol
  8. My 2inf: Try to remember that this is a game, and that its purpose is to amuse the player. If I stop having fun, I immediately do something else. (I mean, if I was going to work, I'd rather do it in real life!) Costume/character making is at least 50% of the game for me. I'd argue that it's what makes CoH the king of superhero RPG's. I have zero 50's, and I have a blast playing. To each his own. :)
  9. You guys are gonna think I'm making this up, but... I had always liked animal-themed superheroes as a kid. Animorphs was my jam. When I first got CoH in '05, I made this ice/ice blaster named PolarCatt. (Creative, eh?) Back then, only female characters could wear cat ears, so... female it was. At this time I had never heard the word "furry" in my life. I soon "met" a """girl""" in-game who lead a guild called <Kitty of Heroes>. I had no idea what I was getting into. Needless to say, my life became weirder and weirder as this guild full of furries RP'd their characters and tried to suck me in. I'm also a bit of a troll, so I loved to get them going. Especially with the cat puns. "Right meow," "telepurrt," rofl. Still, they PL'd me and my two friends practically all the way to 50, so..? Where u at, Purramedic?
  10. Last I played, there was only the Hami raid. Are there things to do that progress your character at 50 besides that? Thanks! :)
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