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Everything posted by Lyrium

  1. Sounds good, and definitely I would like to do it all in order on one character. Suggestion - Instead of "Arc", please add the name of such arc, since some people may have done it already and need to do it trhough ouro anyway
  2. You can do just one macro ++noparticles To alternate betwee particles and no particles
  3. I wanted to get one, to celebrate the anniversary. The Defender one, since it was my favorite character. I got three. Thank you.
  4. Woah... I know that is impossible to accomodate everyone, so don't take this the wrong day 🙂 ! That time for the CC is criminal (at least for me), midnight on a Sunday 😅 Any chance of NOT having both costume contest exactly at the same hour? That may help some people to participate at least in one of them EDIT. Or maybe, not on the same day of the week (ie: Saturday and Sunday) And of course, thanks a million for all the effort! The above would be just icing the cake 😄
  5. If someone wanted to grab your name, they would have reserved it in all servers, not just 3 and then randomly stop. As other said, I think "Frostbiter" is common enough for someone to create a character with that name, without knowing that you exist
  6. Glad you are giving a second opportunity to the Support role here! As a long time defender lover, you have my full... Support 😉
  7. There is a bit of thread on your offtopic
  8. Great post! About this, the popmenu is an accolade power, as soon as you get it you can find it under accolades in your Powers section, so you can just drag it
  9. Great info! Thanks a lot for the build, I'll tinker around with it 🙂
  10. Hi all, I've never played a dominator before (or, at least, past 25). I want to have at least one at 50 and I think now could be the time to do it. I'm rolling Mind/Psy, but I'm not sure I have any idea of what I'm doing with this build: Data Chunk: Build: Any suggestion? Too much recharge? Too few defense/resist? Too much control? Enough attacks? I guess that before perma-dom I need to worry much more about Endurance
  11. All my heroes are called "Something Lyrium"
  12. You can heal just fine. You can't just heal. You need to do something else. Buff, debuff, blast away... what are you going to do when all the team is topped up?
  13. Being able to be part of several SG would be great. I have my own SG for storage and a cool base, but I would like to join a SG to socialize a bit more. LFG is too wide.
  14. Thanks for this! I didn't know this existed, I will definetely try it. Any chance to add it to the mod installer?
  15. Don't worry about debt, no one can know if you have it or not, and it doesnt affect the rest of teammates. I think you were trolled 😛
  16. As Lemming said, maybe some vendors don't have it. I know for sure PocketD vendor does have it. Can you check there? If it's still missing, a couple of screenshots wouldn't hurt 🙂
  17. Yes, it was a surprise for me too, I think I was too aggressive with expending money at times 😅. Thanks for reading it! I started doing that... did I mention I'm lazy? 😛 I stopped doing it because usually I forgot that I have stuff in the base, and in the end, it took me quite some time to manage everything. Now every character purchases whatever they need. But yes, they get 100/200 million as starting money In this case, some character's never get Incarnated. It happened with this one, I didn't really enjoy Ice Blast. It has damage, lots of it... but I don't know, I didn't like it. So it will be placed with the rest of parked 50s, build finished, but that's all. (On the other hand, I'm in love with a Water/Storm defender which I'm incarnating right now)
  18. Thanks guys for all your answers! You gave me a lot of useful information 😄 I will have to to test stuff and maybe have a look at the build. Question about Soulbound Allegiance proc: does it affect the pet or the caster?
  19. I have no idea how to incarnate this little beast. I'm loving it, it's very fun, but I have little experience with incarnates and zero with stormies. Any suggestion? Of course, endurance is an issue. Using only defense powers let's me survive without too many endurance issues, but if I want to use Tough/Charged... that's another tale. For reference, this is the build
  20. This should be added to in-game loading tips
  21. The usual GM killers are /Rad or /Cold
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