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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. It only happens if you click though. If you drag the order does not change. But yes, it would be lovely to fix it.
  2. This is what I had a long long long time ago when I still played Sentinels. Some choices are dubious (FF proc in KO blow, 6 slot Crosspunch for the fire/cold defense) but I had the usual 40%-defense-goal-and-then-Barrier-does-the-last-5% ergo KO Blow and Crosspunch as mules. I don't even remember what the rotation was but vaguely recall Disintegrate was only used every two rotations? I think the DoT did not stack? Or was it too low damage? It's been so very long -_- Edit: Horee crap, it's actually one of my posts so I'm just reposting the build 😄 Well, with some tiny changes when I glanced at it.
  3. Everything that had to be said has been said already, but I'll just chime in to reinforce something: WHY ARE PEOPLE ARGUING BACK!? It's not like we are going to change people's mind over the internet! Especially petty people who come prepared to argue and cause drama! As a RPer I've had my hands full with people over the years. Either they dislike the RP, or they did not think it was done 'right', or they hated something about it, or if I was a friend of someone they hated then I was a bad person too. This does not include people who just say stupid things to cause reactions (then a wide eyed innocent injured dignity 'but it was just a joke :)'), people who mistake a joke for the real thing, people who acts very 2020 and take offense at jokes because not politically correct. CoH is my most calm game ever. I believe I have something three or four on gignore and most I don't even remember why anymore. But in other games I never argue with people and just throw them wholesale into the bin. Heck, sometimes (even on Everlasting) I may be playing and someone whispers 'oof, I heard what X said. That was really rude' and I'm just 'wut? I have them on ignore so I'm not even aware that they exist'. And that is my advice as well. Someone is throwing ultra offensive 'jokes' on a general chat and basking in the angry retorts? Will that someone who is doing it stop because people are angrily demanding it? BUT THAT IS WHY THEY ARE DOING IT! Someone has an hard-on about something that we had said or done in the past? They bring it up over and over trying to belittle, or shame, or whatever? Ignore list, ignore list to them all. Don't argue back. They will not change their mind. Part are loving the attention, part is just bored and wants something to happen, part is just dumb and petty.
  4. I don't really have much to say because I don't play a Controller. But I do play other roles. Nowadays mostly tanks. It is all going to boil down to a few important things: - Most AVs are inconsequential. They don't hit hard and they go down in 30 seconds. Less if Lores are used. So the premise of a solution to help CCing an AV still bears no fruit because they are simply not difficult to handle. Sorry man, I know this is your baby and you put thought into it, but the premise is flawed. Even Reishman in Khan is just one big blob of HP and does not hit hard. Recluse when buffed by the towers is the biggest contender, but can be easily defeated simply by hovering and using taunt or ranged attacks to keep agro (protection against endurance drain is a must though). While leveling TFs are usually done at +1 and AVs can be soloed even without full slots and IO bonuses, and at 50 we have incarnates. - Most packs of enemies are composed half by minions, then the other half are lieutenants and bosses. Neither lieutenants nor bosses tend to be difficult to deal with, and all the minions die in the first volley of AoE (not even nukes or Judgements). CCing those few lieutenants and bosses tends to bring no particular reward. If an AV is not difficult then it's not an half dead boss VS eight players that slows things any. Because of this even the 'hard' TF such as the ITF where meleers can and do hug the pavement due to the huge defense debuffs (which also mess with resistance based sets) tend to be easily passed by because, again, we kill half the pack of enemies in the first volley. Where it is dangerous is where we do -not- kill half the enemies in the first volley. Unsurprisingly deaths tend to happen at the top of the hill in the first mission and the huge number of enemies that ambush during the climb towards the computer in the third mission. This is where we could say a Controller would come in handy, but lets be honest: CC the enemies or kill them? The same problem applies to Controllers there as it does everywhere else in the game: press a button to stun enemies and then kill them, or press a button and kill them? While your proposal tries to shore the AT the truth is that Controllers are too powerful. In the comics this is a reason why we don't see binary super-heroes. A comic book hero whose power is to mind-control enemies either immediately wins because their opponent is mind controlled, or the enemy is not mind controlled and then the hero is useless because that's their thing. The same works here. A Controller before the nerfs (a long long long long time ago) would keep a full pack of enemies CCed until they died. This neutered the game to a huge degree. So they were nerfed to only CC a group for part of the time and not at every group. This eventually was worked around as IOs and power creep happened. But the rest of the game did not stop in time either and the power creep happened to all. I'm going to say what I said in other threads: for a Controller to be important they need to face important enemies. - Those enemies need to survive longer and be dangerous so that an initial AoE volley does not kill half of them. Without those foundations there is no amount of spackling over that will help. - Once we have a 'every enemy spawns as a boss' then a Controller will be valuable. Once we have 'tanks can only hold agro on five enemies (just a random number) and a pack of enemies is composed of ten enemies' then extra crowd control will come in handy since boss level enemies will not die in a volley of AoEs and the Blaster who tries to go into melee to unleash their nuke will be turned to paste. - All factions need to have NPCs that do something that makes it important to shut them down. Vengeance stacking with Nemesis lieutenants is not very fun, but if they had a full set of Leadership powers then each one killed would drop damage, accuracy, and defense from all the others. While this is not particularly a Controller's thing (since a Blaster could blast those) it might work better with the following suggestion that is... - Controllers being able to bypass T9s in PvE would make them valued. Imagine not having to wait until a Paragon Protector's Moment (hour? 😛 ) of Glory ends? Or a Minotaur/Cyclop's T9? Now lets add more of these speckled through factions and Controllers can shut them down so the team can do with the smacking? What if they are the ones with a full set of Leadership toggles? -And- a T9? Do we want to whittle through the T9ed Minotaur while they are buffing everyone, or whittle through the whole pack as they benefit from... dunno.. a pulsing absorb shield? What if a Controller stunned the T9ed Minotaur while the team were now free to 'arrest' the rest?
  5. Check my signature as well for lots of info.
  6. Yep, yep. Too much XP to skip. Plus the chaos yeah.
  7. I was thinking about my reply and decided to add to it. I really really feel that I am super-hero with this. I'm sturdy, I stab faces, I wade first into a room full of enemies and break them with none of the 'tanks are meant to do low damage' from other games. Looking at other things I've tried in the past I consider how far my Controllers were from this fantasy. Even a powerful multiplier like a Plant/Kin does not make me feel like a super-hero. Things like running around during Numina to kill greys and be slowly whittling them is pretty anti-heroic-feeling. Or wanting to AoE and not having it
  8. Well... Unslotting seems like the correct choice. Though perhaps baby steps and no clickies first so the mobs are still +3? But if we are going no incarnates then it makes sense to go with no half measures. I think before no incarnates (because Incarnates are here anyway) there is still debuffed player and buffed enemies put together.
  9. I've gone on for too long about Fire/Claws to start about it once more, but having decided to level another one for my actual account it feels so nice. Even while leveling but already chock full of attuned IOs and ATOs it's all about killing minions with one use of Burn, seeing the sudden melting of things with Follow-up, Spin, Burn. And it starting doing so early. But it's squishy. It's fine while we level and do easy content but the defense debuffs mess it badly and it needs Incarnates to survive well. The opposite is Invulnerability that just ignores everything and plows through things without a sweat but then we are whittling enemies nice slow and steady. I prefer the Fire Armor approach -because- we have Incarnates and can build for damage and then use a clicky for the tough moments, but most of the time the tough moments are well spaced apart so for me it's about the 90% of the content, not the 10%.
  10. If an 'X5' something sees this sorry for the rudeness in not replying to the mail. I hit return instead of reply.
  11. 😛 That -was- my usual build. But in the end, yeah, 'game is really easy' should be more like 'incarnates make everything easy'. Gosh, powers that were meant to make players feel ultra powerful make players ultra powerful o_o;
  12. It was a KM/Bio Stalker. No -res procs anywhere unfortunately. If I'm not mistaken they don't even get the -res aura. That said they were pretty fun with the fast animations that flowed like water one into the other.
  13. Extra tiny character with the up and down dance is hilarious.
  14. No, those just hate you in particular. It is personal.
  15. People lolling at what is being said towards Controller/Dominator pets being a liability is really odd to me. Are they even playing the game or is it more of 'Brutes are the best AT and Scrappers are really weak' we had earlier this week? Because my experience with Controllers (more so than Doms, but Doms too) is that the pet is nice, yeah, sure, but also crumples like paper if mobs escape the tank or are not CCed. In a spreadsheet scenario, yeah, useful. In the usual chaos it's common to see a +4 boss off to the side wailing on a pet and the pet having chunks of HP ripped off. I basically stopped summoning mine and Dom players who min max have said they stopped bothering with theirs as well. Now Dominators don't really mind this a lot since they can do muuuuuch damage on their own (pretty much rivaling Brutes at farming with certain builds) but a Controller needs the pets for the damage.
  16. *fills out the GM form* No spawning of enemies needed, just cuddles.
  17. From my (shallow) experience with (non buffed) ITF on an Invul then Invuln would breeze through it. It has DDR. It has extra defenses when more enemies are around (which is precisely when defenses are needed). It has high resists. It does not buff damage, but TW pre-balancing nerf would carry it. Hmm... Invuln does not have endurance recovery though. Though if we want extra challenge there's an option no one has mentioned yet: player is debuffed.
  18. Sounds about right since the natural state of things is mobs missing us 50% of the time, so, yeah, you've nailed it. At -50% they just hit 95% which not even 90% resists helps against.
  19. No, resistance is at a shiny 90%. Not debuffed. Unless debuffed but not showing in the monitor but I monitor it. It's not a case of cascading failures.
  20. You have mentioned this a few times but I can't say that I felt it. I played a Stalker using only the the first three attacks for ST plus AS. Slotted to have near max damage in order to maximize crits, and then each attack (minus AS that needed the recharge) had no recharge and a minimum of three damage procs, with one of the attacks having four. It still only gave me 2:30 ish pylon times.
  21. Same here. Barrier simply pulled me through all the way to the end and it was not uncommon for me to take too much damage and fly up and wait 30-40 seconds for Barrier to finish recharging then dive back in. I might try Ageless with DDR someday. A stupendous buffer of defense or 40% that won't move should be about equal, but for the rest of the game Barrier is still better against psi and toxic and whatever else. It would have been simply impossible without it. As much as we say that a resistance set can ignore defense debuff the truth is that I don't know how the mechanic works, but once we are at 40+% in the negatives the damage received seems to ignore those 90% resistances. An honorary mention to Judgement. 1:30 CD was good enough to have at every cyst pack and it was a chunk of HP done that sped things a lot and by that stint made it safer since things dead don't hit back. That said the bots that animate as we break the computer did not debuff, so I just ignored them and they did not hurt even when my screen was a mess of bots jumping around and shooting.
  22. Sovera

    New to Tanker

    You're all 'best tankiest is X' and I'm just back from (near) soloing the ITF with buffed enemies at +4x8 on a squishy Fire Armor 😄
  23. No, Romulus' ressurection stun takes Clarion at its height to suppress (I think, I rarely tested it due to normal strat avoiding it altogether but once in a while someone pulls the Clarion card). I'm not sure how much the fluffy death stun has, but it was enough to get through tanker mez defenses so I'm kinda assuming it is on the same magnitude. If I hadn't tried to be smart I would have just followed the regular strat of breaking LoS when Romulus dies in order to avoid the stun.
  24. Right. I'm bowing out of this challenge just because it takes too long. If it wasn't a Master Of I would just hit respawn, but once dead the whole point is gone and I'm not starting from scratch for another two hour slog. So I took it all the way to the last boss and decided to try aiming for the fluffies. I didn't think they would stun on death (I hardly ever do that approach) but turns out that they do! At the first one dead I was stunned and with all toggles down Romulus one-shoted me. I'll just headcannon it as having completed the thing since, welp, after all that was left behind Romulus with the fluffies wasn't hurting me and I just had to kill him four times instead of aiming for the fluffies. Did it with no insps, no temp powers (RECOVERY SERUM, I MISSED YOU LOTS!), no amplifiers.
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