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Everything posted by Sovera

  1. Two level 50 +5 recharge puts recharge at ED cap so a third slot adds nothing. Except when exemplaring since the +5 get 'nerfed' to +0 before even the scaling starts.
  2. Sovera

    EM/Fire build.

    Well, fun is subjective. In this case the 'fun' is in throwing big omfg punches which is something Claws does not. EM blooms much later though where Claws is ready to rock and roll by level 8. Even if non-subjectively it needs more levels to get more slots it's still a set that has a strong AoE and a complete ST chain under level 20.
  3. *gentle hypnotic noises for Fault to have the same code of Burn/Footstomp/Tremor (all attacks that roleplay needing the ground) allowing it to be used with Hover*
  4. I understand you are working under certain constraints, Bopper. A certain, shall we say, budget. And that being 'too good' will surpass the budget and not be allowed even if you wanted to. But unfortunately the feedback so far has been clear: this is not useful, and it is expensive in a build's currency which are slots. So investing time in this endeavor is going to be a waste. When things are said like 'it's good to have options' it implies the options are good. And right now this is going the Acid Vial route. I am in no way against you or raging that 'devs don't listen' because I understand the constraints you are working under.
  5. Sovera

    Claws/Fire Brute.

    Crushing Impact for the raw stats. Follow-up is the linchpin of the attack chain and needs as much recharge as it can muster since the attack chain of Follow-up, Slash, Focus, relies on Follow-up being recharged so it can loop. Without the recharge it needs a fourth attack to cover the gap. The damage procs are hurt by the recharge, but I'm still slotting them in for that small extra boost of damage. The reason Brawl is slotted is for the -recharge, and both sprints for the 5% S/L resistance total. There's probably better ways to slot things though, I'm not laying down gospel.
  6. Sovera

    Claws/Fire Brute.

    Made this for someone and so decided to post it: Barrier to finish capping S/L defense and resists. This is the leveling/cheap build. Remember to buy ATTUNED enhancements (/ah - Enhancements - Attuned) with the exception of the generic IOs like recharge in Hasten which is in /ah - Enhancements - Crafted - Other. For a few leveling tips consult the Brunker link in my signature and look at the leveling builds. It gives some ideas on slotting order and how and where to slot in order. Once at 50 the ATOs (Brute's Fury and Unrelenting Fury sets) can be made attuned by buying Catalysts from the /ah.
  7. Positron was the same when I tested my Fire Armor Tanker. Those things could do with fixing though they are not a huge problem in a team with buffs, debuffs, heals and agro sharing.
  8. You have a good point. I have not tried it yet but the knife edge of Fire Armor using Barrier as a panic button may have collapsed at last. It did ok in the ITF with some minimal kitting, but now? Hmm. Well, with all the extra support these runs will have it may still work.
  9. As someone with only one keyboard I have no idea why it lists so many keyboards either, but it just reinstalls them all when I try to 'scan hardware'. Just in case I've removed them all but one and did not 'scan for new hardware'. I've re-installed the OS from scratch two times now. I'm not discarding the idea that one of my re-installed programs could have something in it, but it's difficult to test and nothing my anti-virus done in the interim has caught. Faultline feels it may have to do with my keyboard layout. I'll be testing that.
  10. I'm using a different font than I did at the start of this thread. But I'm not discarding the idea. I'll remove it and see what happens.
  11. No. I am from a country with accents such as à á and etc. But they are not used during RP. I do have some mods. I've replaced my font (I don't like how the native font makes no difference between | 1 ! l i ) and got the usual changing sound for glowies, Hasten and Fly. At some point I thought it might be due to Videots and even removed it but no difference.
  12. Yes, everytime. I can PM you my last ones if you so wish.
  13. @Faultline @Number Six @GM Impervium My apologies for the mass ping but I've been hollering for the past ten days without human interaction (and metals. Due apologies, Impervium) and it's not getting better.
  14. After posting this I rebooted. Started CoH again. Crashed again. That's my fourth crash of the night and I give up for today. I would just like to know -what- I must do since re-installing the OS, buying a new SSD, re-installing the game, nothing has worked. Perhaps delete the cache folder? Do I need a new graphic driver? More RAM? Right click the launcher and main executable and click on the the compatibility options?
  15. Deleted everything, re-installed. Already at I could REALLY do with some help here. It's a new SSD. Game has been re-installed. What is happening? Do I need more RAM? I have 16 gigabytes of it. HALP! Anyone?
  16. To be honest the only thing needed at most would be AVs-to-EBs. We already have a difficulty slider that can turn the game into -1x1. But what the heck is it with the 'no' to making TFs soloable? Which they already handily are? Is this hurting anyone...? Will an AV-to-EB option for that small minority who prefers to solo because of time constraints twist anyone's arm? Nearly all TFs already are soloable so the difficulty option for the no-AVs to extend to TFs will do nothing more than add an option that will not steal from anyone's bowl of kibble. Lower the merit reward, sure, but anyone running at at a low difficulty and solo is already taking a hit compared to running with a team at a faster time with more mobs. It wouldn't bother me to even have the full merit reward. Who cares? In a world with AE and farming and where we can spend five minutes in a farm map and make five million what's with the cringing from someone spending an hour to earn 40 merits?
  17. Short answer: once the changes are out. Long answer: what changes? It's in beta. The numbers will be hammered and tweaked. Things will be removed and added. Last time when we had the Tanker patch it took something like 2 months of hammering before we got a final product.
  18. You can already solo TFs at -1x1 if needed. It takes only a modicum of a build to do a +0 AV. But a TF is still group content so you will need a decent build. Fortunately you can boop @Bill Z Bubba for all things Claws/SR. That said an option to turn an AV into an EB is something that might be bad to have, but, again, Sentinels and Scrappers and Tankers and Bruters, I've soloed my way through the TFs including the AVs. Earning oneself a decent build can -also- be something soloed. I routinely solo all TFs while leveling at +1x8 so it can be done as a fact (and while leveling means I don't have all the IO bells and whistles, plus slots, of a level 50). But again, a decent build, perhaps some Envenomed Daggers (not something I use but it's available). Now to be honest having stopped at the first AV of the Reinshman TFF was just as well because that's one of the few TFs that is definitely group content when you reach the last boss. But heck, if you happen to be on Everlasting I'll play with you 😄). The Lady Grey TF is also one that asks for multiple ATs for Hami (can be soloed, but very hard).
  19. I can only speak for myself here. Your reasoning is sound, but I feel it is going to fall into the same trap as the pool powers and that is where the effort of balancing ends making something which is not touched. Which is a pity considering the time and effort placed into these things. While your reasoning is sound what I feel to be the bottomline remains: people are not going to spare a build's more precious commodity in slots with diluted uses. Which will make the IOs sit gathering dust once out of the testing phase. Much like power pools where we don't go 'well, my build has no AoE until level X so I'll grab an AoE from the power pool (Acid Vial or whatever the name is)' or 'I lack a ST attack so I'll grab a ST power from the power pools' because the effort of balancing the power pools has made all powers bad. Bad enough that after the time and testing done they sit un-picked other than theme or, if the expression can be forgiven, by those who don't know better. This is a game design choice because of not wanting a power pool to compete. Which to me does not make sense. It does not need to be better, it just needs to be alternative for builds who need it. Back to the subject at hand this is my point. It doesn't have to a point of view everyone has or even be the majority, but, in practical terms it's how I feel it. - Traveling is something we do for a short percentage of our gameplay time. - Baseline travel power works fine unlike, for example, an attack that is going to be useless if we don't slot it's accuracy, recharge, damage, and endurance reduction. - Slots are at a premium. Being at a premium something must not be slotted so that the slots be given to a travel power. Are people not going to slot their endurance? Or their attacks? This is the important thing. Which brings me back to a substitute for Kinetic Combat. Or at least the reason why they are slotted. It's just one of the examples that could be used but I mention Kinetic Combat because it's one of those I throw willy nilly on things like Brawl and Punch/Kick. Looking at the broad view on things that's what I'd recommend: what are people slotting the most? What could be a substituted for these new IOs? It does not have to be better than what is available, but if they can put the slots in something just for the bonuses they could put them in the travel power to obtain the same as an alternative. It does not need to replace it, because people can still place those slots in the original, but now they can choose and put them in travel powers. Also, at some point consider DDR. We have -recharge already, but DDR eats resistance tanks. I would be making some tough decisions if DDR were available in the form of bonuses.
  20. To be honest the -dmg of Granite makes little sense. We turn into a giant who swings fists the size of boulders. If anything the -recharge could say but instead it's a PLUS 30% damage... which overall may be moot because of the -recharge.
  21. It was. You'll get addicted to it for the next two years.
  22. Lets try and accept anything works with the current, even squishy Fire Armor. Trying to brag about how tough our current builds are falls flat with the lack of challenging content. Page three will fix that. THEN we can brag 😄 I'll probably be sticking to the Fire/Ice but it might be the death of it as a main tank depending on how it all works out.
  23. Sovera

    A new challenge.

    Tried that earlier and it did nothing. But I'll try one more time with the 'hitting their heads while hovering' just to see how that works out.
  24. Travel power IO sets seem like an odd choice. Not a BAD choice. It's never bad to have more choices. But most builds struggle with slots to begin with and with so many better candidates a travel power is really down the list. We spend 10% of our time moving from one mission to the next and then 90% of the time fighting with travel powers turned off. As others have said the sets need to be -really- good. Right now my travel power gets the -20% slow resist and I have a hard time thinking I'd remove that. On the other hand I've 4 slotted Brawl and boxing more than once to get the 3.75% S/L defense and I'll be honest I use those absolutely never compared to travel powers who at least get the 10% use time.
  25. In an effort to reach greater heights I tried using Greater Ice Sword. Mids shows a slight improvement with GIS doing 418 damage opposed to Frost only doing 300. But unfortunately it made no difference. Three pylon runs ended with 3:24, 3:24 and 3:30. Ergo same results at the expense of an extra attack picked and slotted. I'll leave the build here anyway. Overall the Ice Melee/Fire is the best all rounder still, but it will only shine once we have the new difficulty settings in. Right now the Energy Melee/Fire is a ST and AoE powerhouse crumbling ignominiously only to the Shepherd challenge meaning the extra defense from Ice Melee is not required, and not being required we might as well go full oomph. It's not that Ice Melee/Fire is -bad- but it's true that 3:20+ times does not truly fit someone looking for damage. But it is a good all-rounder. Still tougher than most Brute builds while more offensive than a tanker (4:20+ for a pylon test).
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