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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I'm not very hip to Absorbs, but do Defenses and Resists calculate *before* the Absorb Shield takes a hit?
  2. My Ice Tank plays fine for the most part. It's the end game content that sets it behind the others. I mean, look at the stats posted. Warface has some really great stats. However, vs LR or vs some of the tougher end game content, he is a hell of a lot more work to sustain than any of the other Tanks that I play in general. The lack of Energy Resist, the less than maxed out S/L Resist, the lesser Regen, the very poor Psi Resist or Defense really hurts the set. And against LR. Obviously I am not going to say the set is impossible, but I do tend to grow tired of the, "Ah man, an Ice Tank? Can you get another Tank for this TF?" comments. Those comments are not just made for no reason. Furthermore an Ice Tank is extremely tough to build...and this build is Min/Maxed to its fullest potential. You need to keep in mind that most people simply are not going to be min/maxing the way I have mine....and I still feel the gaping holes in the build. If nothing changes, I will live, but I sure as hell won't complain if the set is re-balanced.
  3. Here you go, I don't like making statements without backing them up with some type of evidence. Here are my stats from Mids since they mimic what I see in game. I am using Mids to show evidence because it's a lot cleaner and easier to see. However, I can assure you they mimic my stats in game. Take a look at these Min/Maxed builds for Ice, Invuln and WP. You may or may ot still feel Ice is fine as is which is perfectly okay, I just wanted to give the stats to you so that you could see for yourself.
  4. I can tell you this much. Out of all my Tanks who are fully geared and have been min maxed to Death, my Ice Tank has the weakest stats of all of them. My WP Tank out classes the Ice Tank in almost every way. My Elec Tank does the same as well as my Invuln Tank. This is the only reason I am in favor of giving some love to Ice Tanks. I won't argue in favor too much, I just wanted to get that out there though in response to your question.
  5. Original post has been updated to reflect on what has transpired in this thread.
  6. The main hole in Ice (even as a Tank) is the Energy/Negative Energy and Psionic Resistances. Because the set is primarily a Defensive Set that covers damage types rather than distance types. So you end up spending more focus on building defense to your lacking defense or you end up trying to split it up to bring up your resistance to compensate for the severe lack of resistance in the set. The set could use some love...much needed love.
  7. And even worse, some people are so hell bent on nothing changing, they will even go to lengths to use character assassination attempts instead of logically discussing the idea. Suggestion forums has a way of bringing out the worst in people...and I believe it's because people feel personally attacked if you request to change something they don't want changed. The suggestion forums can be very tricky sometimes.
  8. His position on what exactly? Surely not the part where Omega thinks I am being dishonest and deceiving?
  9. To the OP This is my Stalker's Stats. His stats are about as good as you are going to get on a Stalker. Capped Resist to all but Psi, Negative and Toxic, Psi is near cap missing the mark by less than 1%, Negative is 15% from Cap. Defense is soft capped to Melee and Regen is at 441% and that is without Melee Core which brings it up to 713% Regen. I stood Zero chance.
  10. Ah yes, I covered that in my OP, so I thought maybe he was talking about something else.
  11. I was unaware of an issue with that. @The Philotic Knight, is this something you are aware of?
  12. This is a video tutorial on how to install the CoH Modder Tool and how to install all the mods on that tool. Great tutorial if you are interested in new Sound Effects or new visuals or QoL additions to the game. Video tutorial below. If you are using the new Launcher for Homecoming, then the destination folder for your mods will be in the homecoming folder instead of the City of Heroes folder and you will need to update the CoH Modder Tool to its latest version. For any questions, please post here.
  13. To add to this, +4/8 and Solo. And trust me when I say, most Tank's can't even pull this off.
  14. Sorry OP, but that is not even close to Tank Stats. Also, what @Bill Z Bubba said. Good luck.
  15. That is difficult due to the restrictions that the Developers have placed on us here on Homecoming. Videos are not allowed. Once that restriction is lifted, I plan to make videos for all SFX Mods. Also, I just did a once0over on the badge mod and there it says to use a /popupmenu command. The command is "/popmenu BadgeList" As far as the Lightsaber Mod, I edited the last post, that edit should help answer that question.
  16. Some of those Mods date back to live days. So the original author of those mods are no longer there to write read me texts. This is why the description is available to help with that. If you go to your Modder Tool and read the description, if instructions are available, they will be there. All Mods are global. What I do for the Lightsaber Mod, is I only load it when I am playing my Lightsaber character, and then I unload it when I am not playing him. There is a tutorial on how to use the Modder tool that even covers the Lightsaber Mod and how I use it on my Solarverse's Consolidated List of Mods thread.
  17. Well, unless people are willing to at least attempt a change, I think it's just mostly speculation as to what would happen. I think I know how players would adjust, but...that is also based on speculation. The only way to find out is to actually make the change and see. I just REALLY hate mobs standing around doing nothing while my team is beating down their friends....that drives me absolutely insane to see and is my #1 gripe about this game. It will probably never change, people get used to things being one way and change is something people do not welcome very often. I remember before the aggro cap was changed, people did not want that change either. It was always the very loud voices of the few who demanded nerfs in those days. People wanting change are always facing an uphill battle on this suggestion forum...especially if that request threatens to change a mechanic of the game. So I honestly don't expect to see this request see light of day, but...it would be nice if we could at very least put it to the test.
  18. I see that as just giving Healers something to actually heal. 😉 It might actually encourage me to create a Healer. I have yet to create one because I personally see no need or them, but...give us a challenge, you also give us a reason to request healers on our teams. I may actually be tempted to create a Healer given those circumstances.
  19. I do not base any suggestions off Farming. Farming is going to happen no matter what changes in this game. Players have proven time and again over the years that if they are persistent about one thing, it's finding ways to exploit the game's mechanics and farm. I also do not suggest changes based on PvP as well, since I am primarily a PvE player who also only farms to make cash, not to power level. When I make suggestion, I am attempting to create ways to make PvE not only more challenging, but also more realistic and hopefully more fun.
  20. The taunt limit does not change. So higher number of NPC's means greater risk to other players. But it also means no more unrealistic non-responsive NPC's...they actually do something about it rather than just stand there doing nothing at all.
  21. Nobody said the Tank would be able to hold their aggro. The limit to how many a Tank can aggro would still be there. Over aggro and guess what, the aggro is on you. So no, this is not what would happen...which using this logic, you should be all for the idea. 😉
  22. Then you know that Blazing Aura will indeed aggro mobs just the same as a nuke. It triggers aggro either way, especially since nobody else was there for them to share an aggro table with. I am going to try and do this with you without attacking you the way you have clearly done with me. I have been known to lose my cool easily when attacked, but this time I am going to answer your accusations and questions logically here. Yes, aggro was revamped. I never insinuated otherwise, in fact I covered that in the OP of this thread. I also mentioned that mobs have a limited timer on their aggro response. If mobs are not continuously reapplied with something that triggers aggro, they eventually stop following you and return to their designated positions. This does not change with what power rolls the dice to hit...regardless if that hit misses or hits, they aggro for the same amount of time, for the same distance. My point of the video shows that even if we raised the aggro cap, the other mechanics of the game would continue to make herding in this game pointless, as it would still be much more efficient to go mob to mob. My video shows strong evidence of this since herding mobs takes almost twice as long to herd them in to one place than it would if a team simply went mob to mob wiping them out together as a unit, rather than waiting for the Tank to bring a large herd back to the team. Also, there is no way a Tank could herd an entire map with today's mechanics. Those days are over even if we completely lifted the aggro limit...which is not even being suggested here. Also, I am unsure what your evidence is that I am not trying to have a good faith discussion, as there is absolutely zero proof of this. And yes, on an aggro table, 1 offensive toggle suffices just as much as anything else. Let's not pretend that changes the aggro timers. The ONLY thing that changes aggro timers is a Taunt Enhancement slotted in your toggle. However, I have tested that as well before making this video and it made no noticeable difference. Your attack on me is based on nothing at all where as my post is proposed base on facts and attacks nobody. And even if you somehow manage to find statements that are false, you have simply found a whole in my knowledge, not some proof that I came here with an agenda to trick everyone in to taking sides with me. Believe it or not, this is not some Nemesis Plot. Your attack on me is unwarranted. This is untrue. I challenge you to go to WeHaveCake server an show evidence that anything you can do will be any better than what I have done. I have shown evidence to back up my post. The burden of proof is on you to show evidence to back up your claim. You will have to go back to reaggro mobs just the same as I did or your mobs will run away while you are still trying to gather up mobs. You will have fewer mobs in your dumpster than what I had if that is what you think will prove me wrong. I'm not "being genuine." That is an easy claim to make when you are on the attack and your accusation comes with zero evidence to back it up.
  23. Clearly you weren't here in the old days of herding since you did not see my AoE hitting the mobs, even a miss counts as an aggro. A Tank NEVER needed to taunt to herd...not ever...and if they did, they were doing it wrong. And yes, Tanks were herding using Blazing Aura all by itself.
  24. If Bill, Will, Bob, Rob, Joe, Ted, Frank, Curtis, Bart, Burt, Fred, Jack, Dave, James, Rick, Sam, and John can't stop the Hulk...why just stand there and wait your turn to get stomped by the Hulk instead of giving yourself a fighting chance by adding the numbers against Hulk...or hell...run? Countered.
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