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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. So another thread popped up on the suggestion forums to lengthen the amount of words we can use for character bios. Of course like many other ideas posted on that forum, it kind of got debated from multiple angles to a point that it was starting to look like another idea was going to be shot down. However, then come along this guy ( @Hyperstrike ) that I quoted with a brilliant idea... After reading his idea in my quote on this topic, I absolutely believe this to be one of the greatest ideas put forth on this subject that I have ever seen. Unless somebody else can find a negative to this, I honestly think this is the ultimate solution to anyone wanting more room for character bios. Thoughts?
  2. I remembered you saying this on my thread as well on this subject, and I responded to that logic with a bit of logic of my own. However, I will not argue this logic today, as I think the poster above us has the best idea to date to solve this once and for all.
  3. That's actually not a bad idea! The ONLY problem is that, is that the game does not allow external links. So anyone who is not familiar how to copy and paste in game would be unable to view the post without typing it letter for letter. However, if the UI were changed to give instructions how to copy and paste (Ctrl+C Ctrl+V) that could fix that issue. But all in all, I really like this idea right here. It's nice, simple, and gives all the space in the world for a Bio...and...people can leave comments on it as well. @Jimmy? You seeing this? Best idea to hit this game since sliced bread was introduced to the civilized world!
  4. Since you left me a confused face but did not care to elaborate as to why my post confused you so, allow me to back my post up with the evidence that supports it. Hopefully this will help to alleviate any further confusion.
  5. The Dog_Howl_01 and Dog_Howl_02 are actually two of the sounds that I have modified in the Dark Control Slight Alterations Mod. Here are the sound bites to those two... Dog_Howl_01.ogg Dog_Howl_02.ogg If you delete your silenced version of those files and then delete the Dark Mod completely, then reinstall the mod, your Dark Beast will then have these two sounds above instead. The Boo noise are these 3 sound files: DC_Haunt_Scare_01 DC_Haunt_Scare_02 DC_Haunt_Scare_03
  6. Pretty sure the last time this was requested is when I requested it. I made some pretty strong arguments in favor of the change and still didn't win anyone over. I don't see it winning anyone over this time either, heh. If @UltraAlt could explain what they find confusing I would be more than happy to elaborate.
  7. It wasn't my own thread, apparently it was on another thread similar though.
  8. Wow, this escalated fast. I just came back to check up on this thread and it went....to the Outer Limits, lol.
  9. ScreamPBAOE.ogg That could be Dog_TerrifyingRoar_01 My mod covers that, but if you already had that in your Data file that is silenced, then I am fairly certain the Mod tool will not overwrite that one. What you can do is locate it, double click it to see what sound it plays. If the sound is silent, then you can remove it from your Data file, uninstall the Dark Control Slight Alteration Mod, delete it completely, then redownload it again. If you do that, the sound you will end up with will sound like this... Dog_TerrifyingRoar_01.ogg The original sounds like this... Dog_TerrifyingRoar_01.ogg If that is not the one you are referring to, let me know. Boo noise? Not familiar with that. Is this the sound you mean? DC_Haunt_Scare_03.ogg Or was it something else?
  10. When you get this finished, PLEASE put this on the CoH Modder Tool. This will be great when finished.
  11. I would also on top of this suggestion, like to see Dimension Shift have a 5 second delay to the Phase portion on it. That way players who fire off attacks at the exact same time won't waste their attacks, and it gives them enough time to switch targets before the Phase activates. I was on a TF a while back and had a Blaster go nuts and actually ignored me in game because he decided to skip the mob in front of us and jump to the mob in the back. Little did he know I had plans on phasing that mob out with Dimension Shift so that they would not aggro before we were ready to tackle them. Well, he lost his cool, ended up calling the power a "shit" power, asked me why I would even take that crap power, told me I should have taken Wormhole and grouped them together instead, then placed me on ignore. Little did he know, I was not high enough level to pick up Wormhole yet at the time, it was kind of his own fault for skipping a mob and trying to AoE some other mob than the one we were fighting. However, you can't fix stupid. Since you can't fix stupid, I think it would be a good idea to stick a 5 second timer on Dimension Shift before the Phase kicks in. I think that would fix a lot of issues with one player's Dimension Shift power conflicting with another player's AoE powers. At least if it has a 5 second delay on the phase portion of the power, it would be the other player's own stupid fault if he kept attacking after his initial strike. I actually had a suggestion on this at some point, however, I don't think it was al that popular because it's long buried right now. And lastly. I support this thread. Yes, please fix this issue. Wormhole leaves a lot of NPC's behind because of this issue and I rather miss the days when it barely left anything behind. It feels borderline useless as it stands now.
  12. Have you tried the minimal effects? It makes Bio Armor look wicked. Almost like dark hell energy seeping out of your body.
  13. As long as it gets attached to a toggle, that would be my main thing.
  14. That is why the Modder Tool was created, it does it for you. Just check out the tutorial video a couple posts up and it walks you through step by step.
  15. I'm going to think outside the box for a moment and all I ask is just think on it. What if Rage was changed to be a toggle, and we turned it in to a Fury Mini-me? I mean, Rage is something straight from the pages of The Hulk...the more angry Hulk gets, the more strength he gains. If we changed Rage to be a toggle and gave it the same (with numbers tweaked) function that Fury has, I personally think not only would it fit much better for theme, but functionality as well. If need be, give it a Defense crash every so often, but the toggle stays up. This solves two issues, it fixes the crash everyone always takes issue with and the "fury" effect from it can be tweaked for balance at any time fairly easily.
  16. Yes, thank you, and it looks like my assumption was correct. It's one of the least played secondaries for Blasters in game; losing to Ninja Training by 10 points with Dark being 157, Ninja Training being 147, with Elec bringing up 3rd place for least played at 282. So yeah, according to that data sheet, it is second to last in the list, only missing being dead last by 10. I think personally (at least it would sway me enough) just making the suggested change above would be enough to get people to play /Dark more often.
  17. Yeah, it drives me insane for those exact same reasons. Ice, Fire and Rad got a lot of love there whereas the other sets just kinda got the tail scraps that were left over, lol.
  18. Okay, I have searched and searched but for some reason those Spread Sheets (I think the Devs might have tossed them out on a thread somewhere) that show what powers are played most to least are eluding me. Any idea where I can find those?
  19. What is preventing us from swapping Death Shroud with Touch of the Beyond, removing the +Regen and +Recovery from TotB and add it instead to Death Shroud? Much like Ice did with Frigid Protection and much like Fire did with Cauterizing Aura and the same with Metabolic Acceleration? I don't know about the rest of you, but that is the third time I have tried rolling a Dark/Dark/Dark Blaster (I'm big on theme) and then stopped when I couldn't get passed constantly casting Touch of the Beyond over and over just to get the Regen and Recovery buff. It really turns me off from the secondary completely. Are there any real reasons why this is not a good idea? At the moment I simply can't think of any. I have no idea what the actual numbers are in game, but there must be a good reason I almost never see any Blasters running around with Dark as the secondary set. Where is the spread sheet on that, @Vanden? You had the spread sheets on those did you not? According to the Data, Darkness Manipulation is the second least played set in game, and I am convinced making this change would be enough to sway more people to play the set. Darkness Manipulation is only 10 points away from the actual least played set, in which Ninja Training takes the lead by 10. The numbers look like this... Ninja Training: 147 Darkness Manipulation: 157 Electric Manipulation: 282 Ice Manipulation: 329 Mental Manipulation: 386 Plant Manipulation: 469 Martial Combat: 511 Devices: 572 Tactical Arrow: 585 Atomic Manipulation: 586 Fire Manipulation: 733 Temporal Manipulation: 750 Energy Manipulation: 976 So clearly we can see that Darkness comes very close to a tie with the very top of the least played chart. For me (maybe others have other opinions) the only thing that would need to change is the suggested idea here. That alone would grab my attention enough to sway me.
  20. If memory serves, the Devs are working on their own tool for this very thing. However, with the tool we currently have, I would not be surprised if they didn't just get with @The Philotic Knight and make his the official tool for this. His has been up long enough that he has had the time to make adjustments and work out some of the bugs that it once had.
  21. Man, that damn story right there was almost a fricken tear jerker. That right there is absolutely beautiful and that is what this CoH Community is all about. And to think I on occasion se threads that claim our community is "toxic"...this right here is why I call such BS on the claims of our community being Toxic. That is one damn good touching story and a great memory you two share together. This right here is the spirit of City of Heroes. The both of you rock!
  22. Yes, I have over 40 Mods for all sorts of different powers, game function sounds and even music for Atlas Park, the login screen and Pocket D. There are way more than that though brought to you by other members as well. If you go to http://www.cityofplayers.com/coh-community-tools-mods/ , you can find the CoH Modder Tool, download it, and it has all the available mods in game right on the program and it downloads and installs them for you. In fact, I have a tutorial video on how to access the program and how to use the program below. Enjoy!
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