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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. So the biggest argument against a higher aggro cap is that it will lead to Tanks going back in to the herding mentality and people fearing the "Wait here" mentality will once again reign in City of Heroes. It was a valid argument at the time, however, since then I had the chance to actually test out this theory to see for myself...in today's game under today's game mechanics, would it even be worth it for Tanks to herd maps if the aggro cap were to increase? The short answer is no. Absolutely not. So the proposed change to raise the aggro cap has not been a limitless aggro cap. Typically people have been asking for a double or even triple aggro cap. To the best of my knowledge, nobody has requested a limitless aggro. However, even if they did, the tests that I have conducted was pretty conclusive that even if the aggro cap were to be lifted all together, and even if the target cap were lifted all together (meaning your AoEs will hit anything in ranged, not just a limited amount of NPCs) it will still be counter productive to herd maps as a Tank. It would be completely pointless to say, "Wait here while I go aggro the map" and I have evidence that supports this. I went to the We Have Cake server where there is no aggro cap and no limit to how many NPCs your powers will hit. My findings is as such... NPC's still lose aggro over time if they are not periodically damaged or debuffed or affected in some type of way...and they tend to lose aggro quite quickly. So when attempting to herd, a Tank will have to continuously go back and make sure that he/she still has the attention of the mobs following him/her. This was a nerf that was implemented before the aggro cap had been set in to place. Previously, the NPC's would aggro for a VERY long time without a Tank having to constantly regain the aggro. NPCs would follow Tanks regardless of how long ago the Tank would aggro the mob. Secondly, all of the ambush mobs that were once in the game and the missions therein, have since been removed. The days of just running around Chimera and his Guards map and triggering all the ambush mobs is a thing of the past. Those ambush mobs no longer exist. So due to these two changes that would still be in place even if the aggro cap were to be increased, Tanks trying to herd would be a complete waste of time. Now, what would we have to gain from an aggro cap increase double what it is today? I believe and continue to stand by the statement that mobs will simply no longer stand around and pretend like you are not even there. They would aggro and fight you instead of being oblivious to your presence. This IMO alone is reason enough. It just doesn't feel right when mobs clearly see you yet take no action. They don't run away, they don't attack, they just....stand there....waiting their turn like some B-Rate movie. If you care to see the video, I cannot post it here due to the forum rules. However, if you go to my Youtube page which can be found below, you can find a video named City of Heroes Herding which can be found at the bottom of the City of Heroes Related Videos playlist. Once you view this, you will clearly see how much time it takes to herd a large mob even with no aggro limit, and how often I had to turn back and garner the attention of mob in order to keep them aggroed to me. Once it is said and done, you will clearly see that herding just is not worth the effort in today's game and I think the fear of what Tanks would do is clearly unfounded when you add in the other mechanics at play that prevent herding as a power leveling tool or a team strategy. I think this video shows evidence that speaks volumes in that raising the aggro cap by double could do nothing but actually help makes this game more enjoyable. After viewing the video, I ask that you take this in to consideration and then let me know, after the evidence in which has been submitted and after reading what I wrote, why you still believe that doubling the aggro cap would be such a bad idea as opposed to an idea that would actually make the game more enjoyable? Thanks for your time. Looking forward to chatting a bit about this. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEOq5JVVNnjJGlfmGB5YCVQ
  2. This is a tutorial on how to not only create SFX Mods, but this will also teach you how to customize your own unique sounds for your SFX Mods. This is a 3 part video I put together to help people learn how not only to create sound effect mods, but also create customized sounds for your mods. This gives detailed information on what programs to use, what websites you can use and how to edit what you have created and how to change sounds to sound completely different from their original sound. Hope this helps anyone interested in learning how to do this. Without further delay, enjoy! For anyone who wants to learn or has an interest in learning, this will most certainly get you in the direction you are trying to go. Enjoy and hope this helps!
  3. @The Philotic Knight would you agree with this analysis and fix?
  4. I have seen that once happen to me. It was after I had tinkered with the Data folder after installing mods. All of those errors occurred after I had manually deleted a few mods instead of using the Modder Tool to delete them. Okay, so the fix for me was this: Completely remove the Modder Tool from your PC. Delete the Data Folder and any folder the modder tool places in that directory. Particularly the info file named Allmods and the folder named mods along with the Data folder completely. Redownload the modder tool, redownload your preferred mods. After doing that it fixed the issue for me. I'll post a picture below and circle the ones you need to delete.
  5. Take a screen shot of the error please.
  6. YAY!!!! Glad you got it figured out!
  7. I'm referring to the window boxes within the modder tool. The ones on the right side. Yours are scattered about, almost like it's bugged somehow, while ours are uniformed. Also, if you look at the top left where it says CoH Modder you will see that ours is dark, where-as yours is greyed out. Almost like the programmed stopped responding?
  8. The thing we are concerned about, is that yours does not look like everyone else's. Look at the difference between yours and ours.
  9. It works on mine. So if it is not working on yours, that makes me very curious indeed. As you can see, my Data folder is in my homecoming folder and it works perfectly. So if it is not working for you, it makes me wonder why.
  10. Just to reiterate what Knight has said... Modder Tool Download can literally go anywhere accept your CoH Folder or your homecoming folder. The directory for your mods should be (depending on what launcher you use) \CityofHeroes folder or if you are using the new Homcoming Launcher, then you direct your mods to the \homecoming folder.
  11. What is confusing me, is if you look at the bottom of the CoH Modder Tool, it shows that they have 5 Local Mods and 5 Installed Mods. So it recognizes that they have mods, but for some reason they are not rendering in the information screen.
  12. That is just very strange. I have never had that issue before. One last question, you are not placing your homecoming folder in the \CityofHeroes folder, are you?
  13. I think I found your issue. Do not tell it to go to \homeciming\bin64. Instead tell it to go to \homecoming. Your Data folder should be in your homeciming folder like this.
  14. Could you take a screen shot? Sounds like you might have it set up wrong or something.
  15. I think you would have better luck putting this in the suggestion forums. I don't think you are going to find a modder to do that one since modding just a single power can take a very long time. You need an in game option for what you are asking. Asking a modder to do this could take months, if not years...and since we are all doing these mods for free, I don't think any modder would want to invest all that time in to something that would be easier done as a graphics option in game. Try posting this on the Suggestion Forums. You will have a better chance of getting this there than posting it here.
  16. Oh sure, all these wanna-be Energy Melee guys are going to start coming out of the woodwork. That's okay, I always have the bragging rights of, "Energy was my main before it was cool...everyone else are just bandwagon fans..." 😄
  17. Which could also affect your set bonus stats. For an example: You currently have a full set of Damage in Thrust that gives you 3.75% Defense to Ranged. Now that you have to slot for Knock Back to get back your Knock Back, maybe that set only has a 1.25% Defense to Melee instead of Ranged, thus taking you down from the Soft Cap to Ranged and placing you below it instead. Which is the exact same issue I have now with my Energy Blast Blaster, since I have to slot a KB to KD Enhancement in all of my Knock Back Powers, I always miss out on that sixth Bonus stat. This is why I say the ONLY viable solution is to add a toggle to every AT that turns KB to KD and vice versa. That way the people who hate knock back can actually slot correctly instead of gimping our builds by placing KB to KD in half our powers. It's not fair to us...and I for sure would not want to turn that table around to those who currently enjoy the Knock Back, it wouldn't be fair to them either. However, something needs to be done to make it fair for everyone...and the toggle is the only way that fairness can be achieved.
  18. The better option is to have a toggle built in to every character that changes your powers from knock back to knock down and vice versa. That is the only compromise I see playing out well.
  19. I can't be the only one who was hoping to see the +Recovery being removed from Touch of the Beyond to Death Shroud. I really hate that the +Recovery is tied to a power that is a click and requires a target. I really want to play /Dark but for as long as the +Recovery is tied to a click that requires a target, I just can't. That set could REALLY use some love too, since it is the second least played set in game, only being 11 players short of being the absolute least played set in the Blaster Secondaries neck and neck with the least played set which is Ninja Training. I have a thread on it here for reference to the idea and the statistics. For me personally, if we could move the +Recovery from Touch of the Beyond to Death Shroud, that's all the set would need to entice me to actually play the set.
  20. And then there is hat too. 😄
  21. People are that desperate for a Gold Name. I love that the Devs are trying to do an event, but sadly it is the players who ruin the fun of it. That's why I am just doing my own thing. I am not willing to camp in order to get a win...but others are, which puts me and others like me at a huge disadvantage. It's fun to watch though on these forums. So I am getting some enjoyment out of it.
  22. I had an SG mate who was having that SAME exact problem the other night. I have not spoken with him since so I am not sure if he has found a way to fix it yet.
  23. In this thread @Jimmy said... I would just like to give my opinion that other than changing the SFX for the Quick Energy Transfer, I do not believe anything needs to change from what is on test. I am in full support to what we have on Beta Testing and feel nothing needs to change from that. I think the Devs did a damn fine job and even though there seems to be a few people who are not a fan, I keep in mind that no matter what you do with the set, you are ALWAYS going to have people who are not happy with it. However, going forward, for balance and bringing something that everyone has a slice of their pie in this, the way this was implemented was perfect. People who wanted to keep the nerfed version of ET still has that option. People who hates the nerfed version of ET can never have to see it again due to the new mechanic. The Devs did what they had to do to try and give everyone what they wanted by implementing something that gave both. They did a fine job at giving players the option of having more AoE, while not making it required to make the new mechanic work for those of us who did not feel the set needed more AoE. The Devs have clearly thought this through and have clearly taken in to consideration ALL of the discussions that we have had all over the boards since the game has been back. I think at this point we are seeing the biggest issues that people want this set to be the way they want it to be and are unwilling to compromise. What the Des did was compromise and did a little something for EVERYONE. I personally feel the Devs did what needed to be done in a way that attempts to make ALL parties happy. Sorry if it did not go exactly the way you wanted it to...guess what, it did not go exactly the way I wanted it to either...but I for one am happy with the compromise and I believe everyone else should be happy with it too. You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can never please all of the people all of the time. My vote: Leave it just the way it currently is on live and be grateful the Devs went out of their way to try and give the set a little something for all the people....even if it does not match what YOU wanted. Nobody got what they wanted because there were WAY too many voices that all wanted something different. However, we all DID get a voice in it and the Devs implemented as many ideas as they possibly could so that everyone had a piece of the pie. Thank you Devs for going out of your way to make something possible that would have otherwise not been possible, by granting them a viable way to get what they want through the new mechanics. I cannot say thank you enough and although some do not seem to appreciate the great effort you went through to give everyone what they have been asking for, I for one do appreciate and recognize the effort you made to attempt to make EVERYONE happy. Damn good work.
  24. Sorry, I completely forgot to answer this question. Some of my earlier mods you can do this with. However, due to the time it takes to give detail instructions and due to the fact that after playing around with the mods for a while I end up seeing ways to improve the sounds or adjust volumes of sounds, I tend to update the versions often. So the best way is to just use the modder tool. My earlier mods are still listed though, although most of them are out of date by now and are basically the Beta version of my mods. For an example, if you DL the sound bites for my Electric ranged mod, you won't be getting the new hard hitting and super realistic lightning strike sound effects that it now has...nor will you be getting the new Snipe or the new Tesla Cage SFX mods that were added a few weeks back. What you could do, is just download the mods off the modder tool, locate the file that the downloaded mods are saved to and then manually install them. However...that may get difficult over time. For an example, I have a really cool Lightsaber SFX mod for Katana and Duel Wield, however, you will only want to use that mod when you are playing your Katana/Duel Wield toon, because those sound bites also affect some Rikti and some attacks by MM pets. It would really sound out of place if you were not playing a Katan or DW character using the Lightsaber skin that is an option for the skins. So even then, I would still say the best way to keep up with the mods and use them only when you want them is through the Modder Tool. I am like you, I prefer installing uninstalling on my own, but the modder tool makes this sooooo much easier since I do not have to keep up with what sound bite goes with what power.
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