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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. All barking and howls have been removed and the howling attack has been replaced with a new sound effect. If you don't like the new sound effect, let me know. It's listed on the CoH Modder Tool under Mute Umbra Beast
  2. Guess I should have read this first, heh. I'll quote you and post here when the mod is ready.
  3. Do you want to keep the attack SFX but just lose the constant barking when idle? Just a head's up in case you are interested, the mod I have for Dark Control actually makes that sound worth listening to. He doesn't bark anymore, but rather sounds like a demon hound. However, if that is not your thing I can roll out a mod that just silences the idle barking if you prefer.
  4. All I know, is that I could sit in Atlas Park and shove these guys for days...that is just too damn funny!
  5. I used to get migraines, and still can on occasion. However, I would NEVER be offended by a power or ability named Migraine. It just feels to me that it would be a wee bit overly sensitive of me if I were to take offense to such a thing. There are SOOOOOOOO many things in this world that are bad. There are people in this world, maybe even who play this game who has been struck by a lightning bolt. Maybe somebody in the game had a family member who was killed by one. I personally know somebody who was a close friend of mine who was electrocuted to death while he was at work. Does this mean we need to change the name of Lightning Bolt or Zapp because they can be associated with electrocution or a blot of lightning in order to make sure we don't offend them? I have a character in game named Drown. Do I need to change my name out of fear that somebody in game knew somebody who drowned? Do you see where I am going with this? I mean, we should really consider drawing the line somewhere. IMO that line should have been drawn in the sand when we changed the name of Shock Therapy to Electrical Affinity. We really do need to draw a line somewhere. We can't keep being overly cautious when it comes to naming powers or characters or even the name of movies or games. It gets to a point where we start crossing the line between being respectful of others and it turning in to just being ridiculous.
  6. Also, the only reason I am nice to you is because I am in love with the person in your avatar. 😄
  7. I'm going to keep an eye on the numbers to see how many people level to 50 after the change goes live and then compare the new statistics. However, I will not be included in those statistics since for me personally, it's still not worth it.
  8. Man, that would be awesome! That right there is exactly what I had in mind, however I did not think about the Cape pins. Just a slight alteration in size, but not much and they would fit perfectly.
  9. Exactly. Downsized and placed in the place of the first screenshot above would be completely beautiful. the opportunities with this could be near limitless.
  10. Touch of the Beyond change: Why? I mean, the biggest complain about Dark secondary for blasters is that Touch of the Beyond being a click power that requires a target just to get the boost for Endurance is just simply too much to even play the set. I made a post on the suggestion forums about this, switching Death Shroud for Touch of the Beyond and then giving Death Shroud the Endurance Boost instead. That would put it in line with the other Blaster Secondaries and wouldn't require the power to be such a nuisance. Further info on this thread... My point is, that Dark Secondary is the second least played set in game for blasters, only missing the mark for being the least played set by 11 players....11. I would really like to play a themed Dark/Dark Blaster, but even with these proposed changes, I just can't and won't. I don't expect to see those numbers go up any. Sure, you may get some players to roll one with Dark as secondary just to try it out, which will falsify the numbers, but I am willing to bet they will not be leveling to 50 once they realize that the changes just aren't worth it. Just asking that you Devs please consider this and please read the thread listed above. At the end of the day, it's your baby...but I would like to play a Dark/Dark Blaster, but even with these current changes...? I just can't.
  11. Yeah but...but....my Energy Blaster can't shove them back that far! Thrust has nothing on this, lol! I mean seriously, when I knocked that NPC for the first time I about busted out laughing, it was too funny to contain myself, hahaha
  12. Article and Analysis by Kal Trail, writer for the Paragon Times Journal Superheroes in this city began taking advantage of this mysterious technological transporter that seemingly came out of nowhere in the Spring of 2019. Heroes such as Atomic Level, Heavy Metal, Nebula, United States and even the assigned protector of our very existence in the universe, Solarverse, have all taken advantage of this new technology; but at what cost? Gone are the days when you would see the occasional glimpse of Solarverse flying through the skies in Atlas Park, flying overhead to remind us that he is still here...watching, protecting, giving a show of presence that scatters the criminal element of the city back to the holes in which they came. Gone are the days when you would see Heavy Metal leaping through the air and over the tallest of buildings, always rushing off to prevent a major city disaster under the Task Force of Positron. Gone are the days when United States would come from the skies in the north for the occasional stance and salute to the United States flag at City Hall. We even miss the days when Atomic Level would fly in from time to time and request people keep 20 feet away from him for fear of civilians getting radiation sickness in his proximity, while he attempts to update the press on the tasks that he and the others are working on to keep us all safe. Gone are the days when you would see a trail of dark nebula energy warping any given space or time where Nebula had just teleported to and fro before flying off in to the distance. In fact, the skies have been empty, the roads are no longer being used by the speedsters, there are no longer any warped areas of ground nor space from the use of Teleportation, no longer any cracks in the cement from the landings of heroes who leap...there is simply...nothing. To an outsider, you would even think there were no heroes in this city at all if you were attempting to find evidence visually through signs of travel. Over the past year we have began noticing that due to the use of this instant travel technology, that heroes are growing out of shape. They are no longer moving, but rather instant traveling anywhere they need to go. People have been talking, they have been noticing that heroes are being winded more easily when combating foes from afar. People have been even posting memes online of overweight and out of shape superheroes who were once fit and strong, but are now slow, sluggish and weak. A meme such as the one below began circulating and has gone viral with hundreds of thousands of people chiming in to add to the joke. Have heroes lost the respect of the citizens of Paragon City? It would seem as though they have. They have lost the respect of the people, but one thing that they have not lost, is weight. Perhaps technology has even made the greatest of heroes fall from grace, all so that they can go from one place to the next with little effort nor energy required. In a world where threats from other worlds and threats from the criminal underground and threats from minions of Lord Recluse are constantly a reality that we all must live under, perhaps heroes would do well to get back to their roots and get back to being the respected heroes they once were. Considering we have no idea where this new technology came from, it has been theorized by the greatest minds of our world that this technology may have been intentionally planted in an attempt to make our heroes too weak and too out of shape to defend us against the coming threat. We can only hope the theories are incorrect. We can only hope that the most brilliant minds are incorrect because if they are indeed right, no hero will be fit enough to save us. They will no longer be Super Heroes. They will be Supersized Heroes.
  13. I second this. I have yet to see anyone use Sonic Cage. I don't even think I have ever seen anyone use it on live.
  14. Hey, man. As long as ET has the original animation and I have a way to access that original ET animation I honestly couldn't care less what they do to Energy Melee. So honestly I don't have much of a dog in this fight. However, my point being in my quoted post above is this; the combo's happen so often with the way the set is, you don't even have to think about it. I don't. I barely pay it any of attention. The only thing I pay any attention at all to is in that I do not click ET unless my powers light up....that's it. And they are constantly lighting up, so every time ET recharges, it's ready to go for the Quick Fire ET. This is why I said, I think you might actually like it. As far as the cone power, to be honest I may not even pick it up, at least not on my Tank. The set is just fine without it since I have Whirling Hands. My Stalker on the other hand may like it and it might be good for the Stalker. My Scrapper, absolutely will take it, especially since he doesn't have Assassin's Strike. But for my Tank? Nah, I don't need it for my Tank. The new Energy Melee does not even require you to take the new Cone, which is the same animation as Stun. So my Tank doesn't even miss it and I did not have to change my playstyle or how I played the set in the slightest. The ONLY difference now, is that I can use Total Focus AND ET in less time it took to use the two of them with the ugly animation it used to have. Trust me, man. Energy (both melee and ranged) has been my main for my Blaster and my Tank since day 1 of this game. If energy means to you what it means to me, I honestly think you would love the changes if you just give it an honest try and play the set like it doesn't even have the mechanic. I think you will find it plays the same. You can ignore the mechanic and the set works just fine. Seriously...I'm asking you to trust me on this one, man. From one Energy Melee lover to the next.
  15. @Jimmy "All versions of the following powers have been converted from old pseudopet mechanics to new execute power mechanics " Does this mean the stacking hit effects are now back and working and can be manipulated as sound mods?
  16. Why is the word Migraine so undesirable exactly? Other than that, is Sonic Thrust bugged? I mean, I know I am level 50 and everything, but when I shove an NPC in Atlas, they fly so far back I literally lose sight of them. It's like when Superman throws a ball out and into space...literally. It's funny as hell, but that can't be working as intended?
  17. Not to mention (or rather I am mentioning) that Wormhole also comes with a Stun. So you don't pay the price for taking the alpha after the teleport. Teleport a mob without the stun and I think players will quickly be popping greens, lol.
  18. Soul Mage Energy Aura Mod! A new mod for Energy Aura that was designed to pair with the Kinetic Melee Soul Mage Mod! It's creepy, spooky and terrifying! Just as it should be! Utilize the souls of your victims to generate the power needed for your shields and you use your powers to devour more souls to fuel your soul powers with this new and fun mod! Exclusively on the CoH Modder Tool! @Myrmidon I think you would love this. 😉
  19. There is a way to silence it. Is there a specific sound that you want silenced? The Umbra Beast has quite a few sound bites he uses. Like over 10 or 12 if memory serves.
  20. @Luminara is correct. I have over 30 (lost count) sound mods for all sorts of powers. You can find a list of the mods, information and a tutorial on how to download and use the CoH Modder Tool that @The Philotic Knight has put together for modders to upload their mods to and several videos on what the mods sound like. If you check out my youtube channel which shouldn't be hard to find, I even have a video that shows the Radiation Blast mod in live action. However, due to the restrictions currently on posting videos of CoH footage (even if not footage of this server) to these forums, you'll have to find the video on your own...which again, should not be difficult. Trust me, you have TONS of choices. The link to the page is in my Sig. Enjoy! 🙂
  21. Well, after doing some testing today I can say that I am absolutely loving the changes to EM so far. The only issue I have with it at this point is the bad timing on the *Hit* for Quick Energy Transfer. I have not found any bugs with it other than that. Really hoping this is here to stay. Maybe give ET its original sound effects, but either way I am fine with that because I have already made a mod that brings that back anyway, sooooo....happy. Thank you Homecoming Dev Team!
  22. @Jimmy Please scratch the initial request. We got to the bottom of the cause. It wasn't you guys...well, sort of. It's the new launcher and how it works, but not the files themselves. Since the new launcher works outside of the City of Heroes folder and not within it, it does not access the Data Folder within the City of Heroes folder and requires its own Data Folder. Just a small technicality that I think can be worked around.
  23. Sort of, me and @Lines figured it out together. Its because of how the Homecoming Launcher works. I just need to get with @The Philotic Knight and let him know that with the new Launcher, the directory for the Data Folder has changed and will need to go in to the homecoming folder instead of the City of Heroes folder, since the Homecoming Folder is not inside the City of Heroes folder like the Tequila launcher is. In other words, it's a small technicality that requires a bit of adjustment.
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