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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Why doesn't it? Content 1-49, let's say (just a random number) there are 10 missions per level. That would be 490 missions. Now you have skipped all those missions and now you are level 50, playing the same 10 level 50 missions over and over and over and over. That's how I look at it and that is to me how it adds up. Now of course there are way more than 10 missions per level in this game, but that puts it in perspective.
  2. I know, we have established that a page or two ago. So I have considered this during the course of he discussion.
  3. It's done, @GM ColdSpark I think everything said that is positive has already been said and anything further will only be attacks, insults or strawman arguments from here on out. If you wouldn't mind, go ahead and lock this one down, thanks in advanced.
  4. Yeah, I knew it was something along those lines. That's why we have @Lines! (haha, I made a funny!) As far as the thread goes, I consider it over. There were some really good points and really good discussions, and for the most part, everyone kept it clean. I'm going to say everyone walked away with something to think about, including myself. 🙂
  5. Actually, come to think of it, you might be right. I don't think the XP gain today is faster, however we need to include the 2x XP, the extreme Debt in those days, and if memory serves, it requires less XP to level today than it did back then? So there are many variables to take in to consideration.
  6. I can see your point. I wish we could go back in time and test it out. I recall my SG mates in those days sitting on my farms and leveling to 50 in a day though, I just can't remember how many hours it took.
  7. You had me at Cyberpunk, you won my finger with Vamp The Masquerade Bloodlines 2.
  8. We didn't have Double XP back then either though. Remember having the +7 (I think it was) mentor? How crazy fast did somebody get to level 50 back then. Add in the double xp that we get now (which skews the actual xp numbers today) and your leveling would have been considerably faster IMO. Also, we you padding your teams to get +8 mobs back then? Remember, we had to pad our teams back in those days too in order to get the max number of NPCs.
  9. I myself use this quite often, especially when teams I am on have shown a tendency to split two or even three ways...my ass is going where the Tank goes so I mark the Tank with a waypoint and I stay safe, heh.
  10. Well yes, of course. It is very easy for readers to mistake your own opinion as you trying to state it as a fact. So I have learned over the course of the many years I have been posting forums that it is best to be very clear in stating "I" as many times as you can...because even after all those "I"'s, there will still be people who respond as if I was trying to state things as facts and tell me that it is only my opinion....even though I clearly said it was only my opinion.
  11. I would just to protest here and say that farming today is nowhere near as efficient as it was pre i5. Today is a joke compared to those days. Just saying. 😄
  12. You break the mold on almost everything you do though! 😄
  13. Well, there is a huge difference between pestering and making a one time suggestion. But I hear ya.
  14. Perhaps, but only if the reason they are leaving is due to the way they play. For an example, if I was getting bored of the game and was thinking about leaving, would it be so bad if one of my SG mates tried to influence the way I play and talk me in to Power Leveling to see i that helps me retain my interest in the game? I don't think so, I think that would be a positive thing. They weren't telling me my way was the wrong way, they simply suggested that maybe the reason I am leaving the game is due to how I currently play the game and suggest try playing the game in a different way. The thing that I saw, is that they were PLing to 50, then playing the same end game content every night. The same limited Task Forces over and over and over. That is REALLY limiting your options and yes, for me, the same missions over and over would get old really fast. However, if I can convince people to play the early level content as they level, they may find a whole new reason to stay. Even the old missions that they have done a billion times during live can be nostalgic if you play them now. Just look at Frostfire. I have zero issues building teams for Frostfire...and I know we have ALL played that mission a billion times, lol...yet people still love running it. Kind of the same logic if you get what I'm saying.
  15. Maybe it is the Mandela Effect after all! Or a Nemesis Plot! 😄
  16. Well there seems to be a fine line between making an opinionated observation and telling people how to play. If you take a look at my post, I never once told people how to play. I didn't even say it was the wrong way to play. I simply said by my personal observations that PLing is having a negative impact on the population of the game and why I felt the original Devs fought so hard to prevent it. I guess it's almost impossible to say one without others perceiving it as meaning the other, since the observation in itself automatically implies the other, even if you don't mean for it to. However, let me be clear that I am not here to tell everyone how to play. If anything, I am hoping my thread gets people who power level to at least think about it and ask themselves, "Is the reason I got bored due to power leveling past low level content?" Maybe...just maybe, a few will say yes and decide on their own to play low level content for a while to see if it retains their interest longer. The others will say no and continue to do what they always have done. But in no way am I saying that Power Leveling is the wrong way to play and in no way am I trying to tell people to stop. Also, as said earlier, I believe that even if the Devs decided to stop it all together, it would result in the same end result of players not sticking around. So instead, I am just giving my opinion based observation and hoping people think about it before leaving the game due to it...if that is indeed why they are leaving the game.
  17. I am dependent on other players though. I get 50% of my enjoyment from the game from playing with random players and interacting with them as I play. The most fun I have ever had in this game is from complete strangers that I have never met, pugging some random TF. Chances are I have teamed with 75% of you before and you had no idea it was me, and chances are we had a fricken blast....either that or you rolled your eyes at 90% of my bad jokes and laughed at 10% of them, lol.
  18. About the exit button, I have went through the first 9 issues and their patch notes, I could not find ANYWHERE where the exit button was added. Was it added pre issue 1 as a quick fix or something? I remember specifically not having the exit button, so it would have had to be sometime between launch and issue 1?
  19. And you are most likely correct. There may not be anything that can be done to change population in between new content or powers being released. So there may be no solution. It could very well be Pandora's Box. Opening that box has at least in my opinion played a part in the decline of population, however, closing that box may very well have the same affect. Kind of a catch 22, right?
  20. Exactly. I was never trying to say it was the only reason that I noticed, I am simply saying based on my personal observations that it is a contributing factor. If I were to give all the reasons that I believe are contributing factors, the OP would have been twice as long.
  21. As I said above, this is my observation. I do not dictate the blame, I am simply relaying what I have seen and the commonalities I have seen with it. I won't feel bad for expressing that.
  22. Well, keep in mind I do not believe it to be the only reason. I am just saying it is a large contributing factor. There is a reason that people are getting bored fast while others are not. That is just my observation as to why they are getting bored faster than people like me who prefer to play differently from them.
  23. Here, I'll fix that title...that should make it all better. 😄
  24. Again? I'm pretty sure this is my first time expressing my personal observations to Power Leveling. I mean, I might have said something before in somebody's thread at some point...but it's not like I sit around and just dump on PLing all of the time. But yes, like it or not, this is simply my opinion based on my observations.
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