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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. Odd, I have successfully made well over 30 mods for this game. Why am I having so much issue with this one? Let's take this to PM's not to derail the thread.
  2. No, it would be in the piggs folder with the sound files. or at least they *should* be. The files used to be Chargeup_1.ogg (located in the V_Powers folder) and PunchHit2.ogg located in the Powers folder. However, manipulating those files changes nothing. So they have at some point been retired. I just need to know the name and location of the new files for Energy Transfer and I can do the rest.
  3. Because as long as I have a way to avoid the nerfed animation and I can get back to original animation, I'm happy as a pig in mud. The sound effects is something that I can fix on my end, but before I can fix that, I have to know what files they are using and the location they have placed them. It's possible this move was done on live before Homecoming though. What I can say is that the files are not where they used to be according to the Rosetta Stone. However, I don't really have a dog in that fight, because as long as I have the original animation available to me, I don't care what happens to the set, heh. Anybody can get what they want...just don't take away my original animation!
  4. I think once he/she plays around with it, he/she will enjoy it much more than they realize. The ONLY problem I have with it at this point is that they have changed something with the sound files. I am trying to make a mod for it to give it the original sound effects, but am unable to locate the files. They are not in their normal place.
  5. Okay, @Jimmy? I am trying to make a mod to bring the original sound effects back for Energy Transfer (Now that we have a way to get the original animation back...THANK YOU!) however, it seems you guys aren't using the same files/location anymore for it. I don't know if you are using new files to reference the sound effects, or if the location for those files have changed. Mind tossing me a bone here?
  6. Trust me, I will NEVER be using ET before TF...I hate that animation that damn much. I have however noticed that the quick animation version is not timing right. The damage hits long after the thrust forward. It misses the mark by about .75 seconds.
  7. way ahead of you...look up. Still prefer the original sound effect, but I can fix that myself. 🙂 Yeah, I took back everything I said.
  8. Corrected. Had to change the version since version 3 never uploaded, but it is now Frozen Foot Stomp (v5) Thanks for catching that!
  9. Fault does no damage. It's target required AoE, slightly ranged and adds a stun. Whether or not it does damage wouldn't matter to me personally either way. Just wanted to clear that up a tad.
  10. NEW IMPROVEMENTS NOW AVAILABLE Updated Mods listed with current versions If your version does not match, please update to the latest version If you are happy with what you have, ignore and keep what you have. Aggressive Savage Melee (v10) Banshee Sonic Blast Custom SFX (v11) Dark Control Slight Alteration (v6) Energy Transfer Original SFX (v6) Fireblast Screaming from Hell (v7) Flight Realistic SFX Mod (v4) Foot Stomp Fault Mod (v5) Frozen Foot Stomp SFX Mod (v5) Hasten Optional SFX (v2) Heartbeat Energy and Endurance Crash Mod (v2) Ice OG SFX Mod (v6) Jacobs Ladder SFX Boost Mod (v4) Kinetic Melee Soul Mage Mod (v3) Lightning Improved SFX Mod (v11) Merc Terminator SFX Mod (v10) No Fade Orbiting Death SFX Mod (v3) OG Male Taunt (v2) Original Thermal Radiation (v11) Power Rad Blast (v32) Psionic Blast Movie SFX Mod (v9) Slight Claws Adjustments Mod (v4) Soul Mage Energy Aura (v6) Staff Mastery Hard Hitting SFX (v2) Stalker OG Sound Effects (v2) Star Wars Blaster SFX Mod (v3) Teleport SFX Mod (v8) Terminator Plasma Rifle SFX for Beam Rifle (v6) The Matrix Rave Pocket D Music Mod (v4) All other Mods are still (v1) with no updates.
  11. Unless my memory is fading in my old age, I am fairly certain that at least at one point, they were going to turn Soul Drain or Dark Consumption into the teleport AoE.
  12. NOOOOOooooooooo!!! Were they not going to change one o the powers in to a teleport AoE power similar to Lightning Rod?
  13. I prefer the farm method. Hate PLing, but love making that moolah!
  14. Wait till they finish the changes to Dark Melee. I am in the process of rolling a Dark/Dark now (level 26 so far) in anticipation of the changes to Dark Melee. Sadly, Stalkers will not see these changes and will be left behind with that powerset. 😉
  15. The main difference is that a link would be set up for players to click on rather than copy and paste. Not everyone is familiar with a keyboard enough to know to hit Ctrl+C and then paste it to their browser to read a bio. With a link, they could just click it and it take them directly to the bio. And even if that part would be difficult to implement, this would be on a more official level with a Website they are more familiar with. We have a tool for mods that allows players to download any mod for the game they wish because the mod does the job for them. It's a great tool, but even though the tool works perfectly, there are still those who want something more official. Official makes people feel all warm and squishy inside, hehe.
  16. Yeah, I don't roleplay, but I do create themed characters will creative backgrounds. I guess it's a form of Roleplay, I just don't roleplay with others, heh.
  17. That is what happened to the Sedona swimming holes in Arizona. That used to be the best place ever for the locals. Once word spread it became a tourist attraction, which brought in people wanting to capitalize. They tore out the natural stairs for Slide Rock and replaced them with concrete stairs...by time they were finished, they were charging fees and they have ruined the natural beauty of Sedona swimming holes. Truly sad and because of it, I have not been back in over 15 years when me and my family used to go at least once a year.
  18. I could pretty easily replace the Dual Blades SFX for the Katana SFX if you would like.
  19. I personally find the *confused* face to be a tool for trolls. Especially when they hit the confused react button yet fail to give a reason why they are just so confused by it. Adding a face palm react emoji would probably put the nail in the coffin for me when it comes to using these forums. I would rather keep these forums as clean and positive as possible. I would personally even like to see the *confused* emoji be trashed if it were up to me. So this will be a hard no from me.
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