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Everything posted by Solarverse

  1. I suggested this very reason myself and was almost put on trial and tortured for suggesting that was the possible psychological reason behind the hate. Careful... lol Found it!
  2. I tried to make a suggestion to bring him back once...but I think the community grabbed their pitch forks and torches and thumped me over the head for it. I had never realized how much the community hated him until then...and I fought tooth and nail arguing in favor of his return. I still have the bruises and war scars from the forum battles that day, lol. Honestly, if it were not for Statesman, United States would most likely never have existed.
  3. The problem with your ideas and suggested changes is that it would only be fun for the player playing the set. You need to remember this game has a team component to it and with all that suggested knock back, you are not only making things more difficult for yourself (IE keeping mobs stacked on you so that your team can make best use of AoE) but you would also be driving your DPS on your team insane. Yes, it would be wicked cool to knock opponents all over the room and watch them smash in to walls, but your Blasters would probably put you on ignore and never team with you again, hehe.
  4. incoming "lol, pvp" in 5...4...3... I would not complain if Ice's original visual effects (VFX) were brought back as an option. That might help a bit.
  5. Exactly. Remember when Tankers took nothing but Boxing and their AoEs? Tanks have it made today compared to when they first came out. I always felt that if somebody wants those powers quicker, that is what Brutes are for. Sure, get your attack powers quicker, but be squishy longer. I feel like that system is working as intended.
  6. You mean like this? What is so bad about that? That's like saying we made a mistake giving people the option to have green skin, or red skin, or any other color Hulk has had. That's like saying it's okay to have capes, so long as they aren't red. I see nothing wrong with Stars on Metal Shields. You know, it is possible to do a Star on a Shield without copyright infringement. His name is Starsman by the way. I just can't see setting limitations on things for fear that somebody will use that option for copyright infringement. That's what we have the report function for.
  7. Most of the shields do not have Metal Shield variants. You can get plated or riveted, but not solid steel with that shiny steel look. Any chance of adding a Steel Skin to the Standard Shields?
  8. That is a strange looking trumpet you have for an avatar. 😄
  9. She can't stop me from dreaming about it...
  10. Right you are, thanks for that. 🙂
  11. If Ghost Widow were real, I would sooo date her. Just sayin.
  12. Yeah, noticed the same thing with Ice Mistral as well.
  13. Okay, maybe not an event. Skies have clear, Luminary is still Nightsar but Citadel has not changed to Siege.
  14. I know it must be some type of event due to the sky being dark grey with no stars, I just don't know which event this is. Clearly something to do with Praetoria.
  15. Yes it does, thank you very much for the info!
  16. Not able to figure it if it's even possible, but I am having no luck. Anyone else able to figure out a way?
  17. That's a completely different subject. He's talking about Granite Armor specifically. As to the topic, I would suggest getting rid of the -Speed as said above, but also give it a minimal effects option to just get rid of the look all together and replace it with some type of rocky crumble aura instead.
  18. I seen it, I thought it looked great. Different strokes for different folks I suppose. 😉
  19. As long as we are requesting an OPTION here and not requesting for anything that is going to get visual effects nerfed or removed, I am all for this. However, too many powers in game have been visually nerfed already and I don't want to see any of them ever nerfed again. Ice Armor used to have such a brilliant and fantastic visual effects...and now they are just gone. That really left me feeling kicked while down when they did that. So please, no more nerfs. However, more options are always welcomed.
  20. Fairly certain wind control is already in the game coding, it's just not in game yet. If you take a look over on WeHaveCake, they have it there. If memory serves me correctly, the head Dev over there told me that it was already in game, it simply was not implemented yet. Soooo...he implemented it. That's *if* memory serves me correctly when we were talking about it. So until we know for fact, take that with a grain of salt.
  21. Ugh, Sonic Manipulation. Just more sound mods I will have to make. I mean, did you hear the ones on test server for the melee? Yuuuuk.... lol
  22. I suggest taking a look at the tutorial video on the front page. It shows you how to get the tool and shows you how to operate it. It makes life a hell of a lot easier.
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