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Bionic_Flea last won the day on August 30 2024

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About Bionic_Flea

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. Hew, are only human, born to make mistaaaakes.
  2. Obligatory: Can I have your stuff. Also: Welcome back!
  3. Some like large servers, others prefer larger ones. Some people want to team with you, some don't.
  4. Is it possible? Yes. Is it effective? No. Is it crazy? Yes. Can it be done? Yes. Should it be done? *shrug* As an experiment, sure. Has it been done? Not sure, but I bet someone has.
  5. Great job in putting all this together and sharing your thoughts. While I agree with you that having a large sample size can minimize noise and randomness, when you have sooooo many different variables I'd expect you'd need a sample size in the thousands to do so. But hey, you do you!
  6. I've also been playing and enjoying it. I have found if you play against bots or in quick matches with people there is either zero talk or positive talk. It's only when you go into competitive that you get into the PvP smack talk, and usually from your own team. So I just avoid competitive. Like many of you, I've been a Marvel fan decades before it became cool and find great enjoyment playing as those characters. And I have never played Overwatch or Fortnight. I'm sure I'd probably be better if I had. Friend me there as Bionic_Flea if you'd like to team up or want to chat over there.
  7. It's a Crumpet Christmas miracle!
  8. Merry Christmas to you and all you crazy folks on these forums that keep me entertained and (in)sane.
  9. You say this like it's a bad thing.
  10. I can't speak to anyone's intentions but my own, but I have nothing against any particular player being included as a tribute, but I also realize that we can't (and probably shouldn't) memorialize every player. So if we do it for some and not others, there should be some way of deciding that.
  11. It's OK Snarky. All vampires and fleas suck . . . blood.
  12. I agree with both of Greycat's suggestions. We should have a "Tomb of the Unknown Soldier" type of memorial that can serve as a tribute to all players who have passed away and we should also have some sort of criteria for who gets put into the game as a character. We already have several (https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Category:Memorial_NPCs) I have an additional suggestion: I would like to have a new base item called a "holo emitter" or something similar that could display a designated character's image, like the one we see at the end of Number Six's arc. Not sure how hard it would be to do that, but I assume it's possible because of that mission and how we can copy character costumes in the AE. That way, players can create tributes to any and all of their friends, and I assume someone would eventually take it upon themselves to create a Hall of Heroes remembering everyone in the Fallen but not Forgotten thread. PS - Here's the Holo-Statue of Bionic Flea from that mission:
  13. As this graphic clearly shows, to properly kill skuls while being strong and pretty, you MUST properly slot . . . and eat nachos.
  14. Obviously you are not trying hard enough. Turn yourself off harder!
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