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Everything posted by Xoza

  1. Xoza

    Name release

    I was looking for something for you .. and saw a Mattress advertisement.. Both Tempur-Pedic and Tempurpedic are available and .. could be kind of entertaining. "Hot or cold, I'll put you into a slumber!"
  2. Xoza

    Name release

    Was looking for a name for a fire based character and ran through this list to see what was available, https://nameberry.com/list/639/baby-names-that-mean-fire/all . Akosua Bhaskara Branton Brent Brenton Britt Cemre Clytemnestra Conleth Finlo Heulfryn Ishaan Kwasi Liekki Mashal Savita Sulien
  3. Yep, character is already made, around 30 or so.
  4. Can you do a DP/Bio? Cool thing about these power sets are the 6 options, 3 Primary, 3 Secondary. If debuffing is lacking, you can toss in some toxic, if control is lacking, some cold. Damage may not be amazing with DP, but could adapt a little.
  5. Always happy to see more... Kheldian energy in support of our Archetype.
  6. I agree there are some of us who didn't originate on earth! But.. I don't care either, earth is humanities home and if some feel that way, its okay... doesn't hurt me any! I wouldn't say... Rikti aren't human though, or alien of sorts...😉
  7. Okay, actually pretty hard, since we don't have a lot of dress/long robe options. Reference. In Order - Sarah (attempt attached), Winifred “Winnie” Sanderson, Mary Sanderson You can probably just use the one I attached and change the colors, weights and hair to get the rest. Movie-HocusPocus Sarah.costume
  8. Hah! This'll be fun!
  9. Concept attached. REQ504875-captainstar-Female.costume
  10. Introducing V.A.D.M.A.C. Volatile Ability Dampening Mutant Air Conditioner (idk) Do you know someone who's powers have grown out of their control, enough they suffer or are at risk of just exploding? Put on this suit and see it cool to a livable temperature! Guaranteed to not limit your daily activities of the fire kind. WARNING: Do not harness the ice crystal power or puncture tanks. Unexpected results may occur. Vadmac.costume
  11. Thank you all for your input! Apology for the request then disappearance. I'll be looking these over soon.
  12. Being able to add a 'glow layer' would be amazing, even moving glowing items glow, to this position could allow the wearing of non-glowing, without multiple parts. Ex: ( Chest ) < Base Shape > < Color Layer > < Glow Layer > Hmm not sure how coloring the glow would work though could be a 3rd selector? Most glow layers would have to be a little conservatives as not to detract from Aura's. They'll glow in the dark, but not be bright shiny like Aura's or powers. The idea would be to allow better, natural active/feel to an outfit, instead of counting on Aura's, especially tech. Could even make them increase in intensity a little, when in combat.
  13. Yes, I did it on one of my first characters... Once you hit 50 though, it's not over, There is still a ton more to do, and you spend more time doing it, than leveling.
  14. Thanks for the input. (that link doesn't seem to work for me) I'm thinking of a combination of both, leaning toward, recharge, damage and defense in that order.
  15. Amazing! Yep, I still play. These are great ideas I'll have to impliment. I've updated her page here.
  16. Greetings, I'm looking for a set build for my Grav/Kin Controller. I don't have a ton of knowledge of what people are looking for and what the best sets are for controllers. The focus will be (in this order) 'absolute control' success and permanence, teleportation, team benefit. movement and shifting. I have the powers I feel like I'll be sticking with (I may change some, depending on what's proposed), and I have no issue moving slots around to get the best statistics, I'll have to start small or with the less expensive sets first, but eventually want to max as I really enjoy the character as it's a combination of two of my favorites from live. Thanks for the assistance!
  17. +1 Please yes, or allow us to export/save scales in a text friendly format, where we could adjust there, then reload. Also, +1 on Hexcodes. There's SO much you could do with hex colors!
  18. Thanks @biostem! I have spent a few hours yesterday working on two of the 8, mostly the colony/civilian outfits. Will share them later.
  19. Okay, I've got a bit of a project! I've got a 50 character (Novae ) and I want to put a bit more time into her outfits and have various stages to those outfits. A bit of backstory... She's a cosmonaut from a different world/dimension/future on a deep space science vessel who took part in witnessing the celestial event in some part to do with a nova and star (unrefined details right now). The event impacted the ship, infused her with abilities and threw her through space/time, finding herself in Paragon. A fire/fire blaster (colored blues/whites to look more energy) and similar to Captain Marvel in chaos, uncontrolled power when fully released. She wears a combination of mostly white with light blue and some black. Reference images I've been using. Space Girl Shepard & Ashley Outfits I'm looking at creating using these. Casual future/cyber civilian (colony/world) outfit. Political and Science looking Another casual / coat future civilian outfit. Casual space vessel outfit. Space outfit with some protections. Outer space outfit (helmet) Outer space outfit with protection. (helmet) Heavy space outfit (helmet) 'Celestial' unchained power (no helmet)
  20. Hami as in Hamidon? Then Seer like a caster and melee scrapper, brute or stalker? Can definitely come up with something, but, just need to know this to help refine it. Nice Bio! I completely forgot about the ears!
  21. Could use some refinement in color hue maybe but they do compliment the powerset without having to change the color of the powers. Defender - Nature/Water or TechFey.costume Fey.costume
  22. Do you have any other references you'd like to base it off of @MaidenJustice? I was searching around and since I happen to like more the modern-sci fi designs. I found some below that we could base it off of. Thoughts?
  23. Out of random curiosity and since I won't be able to get on to test anytime soon. How does the Defibrillate animation and FX look? Does it need improvement? I haven't seen it, so I'm not criticizing, I only imagined while reading it looking like... a charged jump fist smash into the ground next to/on top of an ally and the ground lighting bolt FX from 'Electrical Melee - Lightning Rod' that would reach other allies.
  24. What about the idea of presetting all possible weapons for classes via a fully open, extended weapons menu with every weapon in the list? Maybe this will help with invisible weapons? If the archetype is capable of wielding it, whether your powerset does or not, you can select a weapon to fill it. "If you have the ability to wield a weapon of this type, this is what it will look like." This could also open up opportunities for temporary power looks as well as fix epic power weapons now and in the future. Blaster for Example ( Weapons ) ---- ( Beam Rifle ) [Selection] ---- ( Dual Pistols ) [Selection] ---- ( Katana ) [Selection] ---- ( Rifle ) [Selection] ---- ( Titan Weapon ) [Selection] ----... and so on. Not only would this give you the option to select these weapons, it would give you the option to see what all other archtypes/powersets have available to them.
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