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  1. Hello, From long time now, Spines melee is severly lacking in Single Damage. An easy fix to this could be to reduce the casting time of Impale, like the dominator version from 2.43 to 1.43 sec. It'll make this signature power lots more appealing. Not a huge tweak to do, but a big leap for this historical set. Thanks
  2. Hi, Beside any primary/secondary choice*, think about Sorcery pool : Arcane Bolt with containment is huge. Enflame add a second aura to the brute at lvl 14 which is very potent. Spirit ward add some absorb to the brute.
  3. Hi, you seems to flavor your build for this KD funky theme. Don't you feel Sonic repulsion + Liquify redundant ? I'll say Sonic Repulsion is big part of your end and aggro problems. Victory rush/energize should help manage it, no ? Untoggle Sonic Repulsion when they're down ? To me, spamming KD is not sonic/sonic primary force, but why not. - with the res buffs, you make your team quite tanky, theorically tankier than you -> To them to take aggro/alpha ? - if you're an aggro magnet, it's because of Sonic repulsion + spamming aoe i guess -> maybe, you could remove an aoe (Siren's song ?). Howl's recharging very fast + Shockwave add KD/FF proc if wanted. Fill with Screetch/Shout and it's ok. -Ask yourself if Sonic repulsion is perma mandatory . -i play my Sonic/Sonic -res foccused. Wail/howl for aoe debuff (with -res proc in each) then spam ST -res on hard targets, often targeting trough the boss hitter of the team to be sure i'll amp more its damages on the bosses/elites. -i kind of like the sorcery pool with sonic : Enflame on the Disruption field anchored add a nice damage aura (could fit an annihilation proc tho). Spirit ward absorb could help some squishie. Even with these, I never have end problems.
  4. Power team: All Bio/* with Enflame on each other. Stacking -res and flames, things will melt.
  5. Oh great ! Thanks alot ! 🙂
  6. Hi everyone, I'm looking for a single macro that : 1/select Singularity 2/tp it next to me via Teleport Target This one doesn't work, as Singy isn't selected /macro TPSing "select_Singularity$$powexec_name Teleport Target" Is it even possible ? Sorry if if was said before, i didn't found it with search option. Thanks
  7. Sonic Blast, easy fix for ST damage : Port to others AT the Sentinel' Screech damage scale
  8. Indeed, huge thanks for all ! 🙂
  9. Sonic/sonic + Sorcery pool -> add an absorb shield and Enflame to your beloved anchored tanker/brute/alpha taker.
  10. On live, mine was at 60% s/l and went surprisingly well. Maybe try to reach like 55% numbers ? Don't bother about -rech (imo) : all is about tanking the alpha strike. On high lvl, the golden Soul Mastery got the very welcome Darkest Night (+Gloom and Dark Oblit') : more -dam/-to-hit and another aggro tool as anchor.
  11. Ahaha, no offense but that's elitist request, absolutly no casual friendly. The exact opposite of the way to do. (Coh is not Quake) Just nerf Jaunt /no sign ever
  12. What about upping Warburg to reach lvl 50 range ? (and disabling non-Alpha of course)
  13. I'd consider one where your aura toggle plays a very small role in keeping you alive. Ugh ? Have you pvp once to say that kind of things ? Sorry but there a lot of mistakes in your "analysis". To the Op go in the "Pvp build" part of the forum, you'll have better chance to have pvper answering.
  14. I'll go with a set that increase res like */thermal or */sonic Corruptor or Defender. * could be sonic blast, Ice, DP, Fire ... anything you like in fact. -Thermal shields help rising the res of Rad armor backed with heals if needed (and rez and forge, and some late debuffs). Then you'll be a really good support/finisher. -Sonic/sonic Defender: buff most of the res to 90% cap, big debuff res with Disruption Field anchor + the blast. Sonic resonnance is very passive set and only 5 power to take. So give lots of time to blast : Sonic blast don't shine alone, it mostly helps boosting team damage. Plus it has some utility powers in the sleep cone and the kb cone. Back it with Sorcery pool for the Spirit Ward absorb shield, and Enflame patch (which synergize very well with Disruption Field anchor) and it's a stomping duo.
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