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  1. I thought this was going to be about the Dethklok song! I command you to rise, rise, rise, rice!
  2. I am not sure if I should have read it somewhere, but is there a mission line where you can fight the new warriors at level 50? On blue side, that is?
  3. Not at all important, but I would like it too!
  4. Yes, that was always my understanding of the mechanic as well. So it was always easier to do the standard count down (like you already do, Oklahoma, because I have been on many of your Itrial raids) to get the full benefit. That said, I have never tested it, either...
  5. My first and main toon here on Homecoming is a SJ/WP scrapper, the Black Owl. It is a fantastic combination. Very tough! On Live, my first and main toon was a Dark Melee / Rejuv scrapper, which I have recreated on here also, and the SJ/WP is preferred. The simple reason is that with Dark Melee, and several other sets, enemies run all over. With SJ, enemies stay planted and never run. The down side, however, is the lack of AOE.
  6. I used to really like the instanced rikti raids on Indom led by Mrs. back 1 to 2 years ago. Those were fun. Like 2 groups total of people, sometimes 20 people if we were lucky, especially at the end, before I transferred. I am not sure what happened why he / she stopped running them. There was something that happened there and I do not know what it was, but after Indom became even more of a ghost town. And that is when I began transferring all my toons to Excel... As for Excel, there was an instanced one run today (3/12/24) by Goddess Laucianna (sp?) during the standard 3pm EST raid. I always have a 50 in a raid (I have not leveled a toon in several years now) and so it seemed the same to me. Vet xp was good, merits were good, but not much different than normal. I have no real opinion on either, unfortunately. I only have 8 more rikti raids left to run EVER! And then all my 47 of my toons have the full badges for the master-at-arms and the bombs.
  7. That one has been there for years, but I am pretty sure it came about with Homecoming. I remember seeing it for the first time in maybe early 2020 and wondering the same thing. It is possible though that it came out before sunset, as I was not playing much back in 2011 and 2012. But I am pretty sure I have an old screenshot of that billboard in the 2005 to 2008 range and it was different.
  8. Well, it is a good idea anyway!
  9. I believe that I ran a bunch of Lady Grey task forces with you doing the very same thing a week or two ago and it worked out very well! As I was switching toons every run, it was an easy identifier!
  10. Love the idea and thought that went into that! My only critique would be renaming the Nuclear Disaster pet. Perhaps something like Atomic Avenger (Toxic Avenger!) or swap the name with Mutate, and rename Mutate to something different. I would suggest cancer something or other, although that might touch on people's feelings about cancer so I am unsure about. As someone who has cancer, I am quite open and glib about my own but understand others are not, so... But otherwise, excellent ideas!
  11. If you are on Excel, the MSR is everyday at 3pm (1500) EST. Leaders vary between 3 or 4 people, but you will see everyone start gathering at 2:30 ish. If you're there by 2:50, you're pretty safe to get a spot. Weekends are a little busier obviously. There is usually another MSR on Friday nights around midnight. On Indom, the MSR used to be run by Mrs every night, but that was like a year ago, so I have lost track of how it is now.
  12. I am very confident of my builds. One way I test them is to run missions solo at +2 +8. If everything goes smoothly, I feel like it is well slotted. I detest down time so I make sure my end recovery and such are high. Most toons can run +4+8 against most enemy groups (some can be problematic), but +2+8 or even +1+8 when I'm feeling lazy is my test.
  13. Absofreakinglutely! This is an amazing suggestion that seems to fit the lore much better. For real, make this happen right now. I am voting this comment for best suggestion EVER!
  14. As an aside, I would make the Taunt power the lesser version like scrappers have.
  15. Dark Age of Camelot had a Warden class (for Hibernians) that was nearly exactly this. Melee / support. Depending on how you specialized, it tipped the scale one way or another from melee heavy to support heavy. It was a great class, lots of functionality. I almost feel like some of the ideas for this came from there. In any case, I think it would be alright also.
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