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Everything posted by Waypoint

  1. @Flamethrower Hot Dogger. Ice/Regen Sentinel
  2. Just a quick rundown: - The requirements are Level 40 to 50 - A team of 6 to 8 is recommended (but with the changes in I25, any Task Force/Strike Force can be soloed). - The contact (Ada Wellington) is located in Kallisti Wharf about 105 yards northwest from Fusionette. When you start, you will have to go to the far southeast corner of the map near the broken tunnel. That first mission is clearing out a bunch of freakshow from the tunnels and collecting things. (Edit: Highly recommend your team gathers there first and someone Assembles the Team. It's a pretty far run, haha!) The second mission will be a short distance away in a warehouse where you clear freakshow mixed with some sky raiders. After, you'll have to book it to the nearest transport (ouroboros doesn't work currently for some reason) and you will take out the Freakshow and Sky Raiders, culminating in a fight against the Crimson Prototype (aka a giant assault jump bot). If it's your first time completing the Market Crash Task Force on a character, you'll receive a free purple recipe! You'll also get 20 merits for successful completion of the task force. It should take maximum, I don't know, maybe an hour if your team is struggling? Minimum is like, 30 minutes easy. Hope that helps!
  3. we're all a bunch of bananas, if you think about it. stay strong, banana man.
  4. While yes, that is a great idea, but the game wasn't programmed that way and it would take a great deal of code rewriting to change it. It is not in the scope currently of what can currently can be done. The policy isn't overboard and fairly reasonable considering the current situation of things. Not saying you're wrong, but I'd let a GM/CR/Coding Team Member answer that. I think what Marshal Valor suggested is what is in place on Champions Online, if I'm not mistaken. I will say that I do think the window is a little too short, but it's not impossible to get to level 21 to ensure your name for a year, but otherwise it's a good policy to have in place. But for players who do like to take their time getting to Incarnates before they work on someone else, it does suck, especially if the name has sentimental value to them to some degree.
  5. People enjoy the game differently than others. There was already an AE experience nerf. Just let people play how they want.
  6. I would opt for T4 Alpha Incarnate only. Anything more than that gets annoying (read: Destiny / Barrier).
  7. You'll have lower damage on the Controller, but the debuffs from radiation emission will make up for it. If you take Gravity Distortion, along with Lift/Propel, you'll do Impact damage (a mechanic they added near end of live). Dominator does the same, but I feel like Gravity benefits off of Domination (Lift, Propel, Dimension Shift do not factor in with Domination as far as I know. I haven't checked Wormhole in a long time).
  8. Great suggestion, Dan Petro!
  9. I can ask ransim, but I believe there was a coding issue that was sorted which made VirtueVerse down for quite some time. I know issues were fixed, so the image uploading may just be another bug to check out.
  10. Alternatively, keep the DXP on or increase it even further for the first month or two, just to get people 50's.
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