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Black Zot

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  1. You'd have to start by getting people to tag things AT ALL. Tagging systems only work when they're mandatory/enforced.
  2. Then shut up and let the rest of us do the same. Hypocrite.
  3. Something that generic shouldn't be trademarkable in the first place.
  4. Which is almost a shame when you think about it. An AE mission where you mow down a horde of "real" historical villains would see quite a bit of play.
  5. *sniffle* Darned allergies.
  6. Plus it would entail building yet another Villain-Sue enemy group to throw at players with minimal justification, just so we could have a few Incarnate tiers' worth of arc fatigue dealing with them before going back to the usual grind of listening to nerfherders whining about how everything is too easy and how all these shinies people worked to earn should be taken away.
  7. I always make a 50 build in Mids and work towards that as I level. The respec interface in this game makes me want to vomit.
  8. Tell that to the old lady who swallowed a fly.
  9. Yeah, well proper weapon handling has never been a concern when it comes to powerset design in this game.
  10. This is an issue in FF14 as well. Doesn't matter how many times community leaders tell folks to let sprouts watch their cutscenes (there's a lot of important story stuff in there), there's always that one jackoff who insists on pulling the boss immediately. Granted, FF14 has a lot more folks who will simply stand back and let those jackoffs get splattered by said boss, but there's still enough folks who don't learn the lesson for the dev team to flag some cutscenes as unskippable to stop it happening in major story dungeons.
  11. For the most part if I don't like something, I don't run it (PVP, Eden and Sewer Trials). That said, I echo the bit about the rather obnoxious patron arcs; doing them for the 99th time doesn't make them any less annoying. Accolade buffs are something I usually pick up organically as I happen to stumble across groups doing the relevant content or not at all, with only the Atlas Medallion being worth going out of my way for. Wouldn't be onerous at all if it weren't for that damn escort mission. There's no such thing as a fun or rewarding escort mission.
  12. Given the OP's posting pattern seems bent on picking up where Diantane left off with the blockheaded delusions and misinformation, I doubt it.
  13. That would be a hard no. Speaking from experience, maxed resists do very little against buffed Recluse.
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