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The Peacock

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The Peacock last won the day on May 26 2022

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  1. /e forgive Superheroes always come back from the dead.
  2. Possible oversight, but didn't see it listed here. The "plague doctor" hood (detail 2) is not available for the huge gender.
  3. You're correct. The hyperlinked time, when clicked, will convert the time of day to your personal time zone. You'll need to adjust for the proper day (which for us on Pacific Time, is 12pm and 2pm on Sunday). Given that 2pm has already passed, I'm certain you didn't need this response. But I replied just in case someone else is worried that they may have missed it. Edit: the OP says 11am PST, but I highly suspect it'll be noon in that time. But I don't know.
  4. Have you tried the Cosmic Council? They run nightly events, including weekly Master of Incarnate Trials. While they have an SG proper, they are more of a community of gamers across a wide swath of the player base. I've had nothing but positive experiences with them, and their leadership is extremely inclusive of all players and play styles. You can request content and they'll put it on their schedule and make sure you have a good team to succeed. You want to bring your petless mastermind to endgame content? Bring it!! You want to show how quick you can clear an ITF? They'll celebrate with you. Check out their discord if you'd like or if you have questions. https://discord.gg/DVksJ4N Their schedule is a bit sparse this week due to the patch, but scroll through their Event Schedule to see if they run the type of things you're interested in.
  5. I was just admiring you at Miss Liberty working on this!
  6. Good point. And the renegade hat was probably to offset a lot of female options that were given during the same patch. But damn, having a Carmen Sandiego-style fedora could be useful for a number of my costumes.
  7. This being a male-specific helmet is one of the unsolved mysteries of City of Heroes, along with the renegade hat. I understand gender norming, but who was like: "That helmet is clearly a boy helmet".
  8. My head canon is now that Trike has about 22 variations of any given concept ready to dish out at a moment's notice.
  9. That seems to be the source of the confusion. Here's where it was introduced. As I mentioned earlier, the Cosmic Council is honored to continue to provide this resource.
  10. It is absolutely a good reminder that SG bases are still practical. I knew a lot of people were very upset after the patch and they didn't see how the SG base macro still had a lot of practicality. 🙂
  11. So, what I'm hearing is, if I go to other shards and build a base with the a base code matching those you war dial, I can totally mess up your bindfile. Like, make bases that are just insulting to, like, you personally, and have no actual portals anywhere. Just kidding, your bindfile is genius.
  12. I think the main point here is that SG bases are still practical for transportation uses. You can use the Long Range Teleporter to go to a base you have a code for every nine minutes. After activating the LRT, you can plug in the code manually or just use a macro that you have handy. In between that recharge timer, you can: Use Rapid Response portal (earned from Monitor Duty day job) Use the Base Transporter (from P2W) Run to a nearby base portal on a map Take a lovely stroll through the zones as though your were a lowbie in the early issues on Live. The unofficial Homecoming Wiki has a list of publicly offered SG bases that can be used for both transportation and the sharing of art. You can find the list by server here: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Supergroup_Base In the meantime, the Cosmic Council is proud to continue providing services to our peers on Excelsior and are honored at its continued use.
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