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KC4800 last won the day on April 15 2022

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  1. You know, my brother loved cottage cheese, but he hated sour cream. I could never figure that out about him. What do you put on your tacos, Joe?
  2. Remember to use Brawl liberally on April 1.
  3. I just created a new character on Victory myself. His name is Jacob Deyer, a dark/dark stalker. He is currently lvl 15 and roaming the streets of Skyway. I will team if and when you see me. Back when the game was live, Jacob Deyer was my main villain on the Victory Server. I see I still need to edit my sig.
  4. I look at vet levels as a sign that the character and powersets are actually fun to play. If it wasn't fun, you'd retire the character.
  5. I was always told resistance was the color of braunschweiger. And defense was liverwurst. So...the same color, actually.
  6. I sneak around and just clear mind of people who don't need it.
  7. Let's ask the Hawk Tsooey Girl, she'll know.
  8. When the waters freeze over in Atlas Park, the Winter event has started.
  9. Menu-Options-Window-Set Player Name to hidden from show always Apply Changes Now button blinks, but clicking it does nothing, just keeps blinking. Even logging out and logging back in doesn't reset anything.
  10. I installed the NVIDIA app and did as you suggested, turning off all unnecessary features, like automatically setting optimal variables for my video card. I will say the first thing it did was uninstall GFORCE Experience, which was getting extremely buggy as of late. (It would require you to sign in before allowing you to download the latest driver. Why? - And then the login window would not appear to work anyway unless I logged in as Administrator ) The NVIDIA Control Panel is still installed, but most of the setting you can change there you can change in the NVIDIA app as well. ANyway, it works. It's not buggy. I am ok with it.
  11. It hasn't been said yet, but with the winter event coming up soon, it is particularly well suited to an Ice tank. You can really farm some of those Father Time, Baby New Year and Lord and Lady Winter missions and make good coin.
  12. Anyone using the new NVIDIA app yet? Apparently NVIDIA will no longer be updating GFORCE Experience (no more having to login), so if you want the latest drivers you will need the app. The NVIDIA Control Panel features are also slowly being included in the app as well, so I would assume that will be going away too - eventually. I know this old title doesn't require the latest drivers to play, but, we're all computer gamers and still need to update our drivers when they come out. Any opinions? https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/software/nvidia-app/
  13. Okay, smart guy.....
  14. Alma Alma Mater
  15. Certainly. And I'd use it. When it would help me. But fly doesn't do anything to your henchmen, so why call them out? Pew-pew-pew! Yep the gun works. 🙂
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